Tonight. The biden AdminIstRation T to Accused RussiainteRf of extensive and pRolonged inteRfeRence in the 2024 election. The Russia Hoax, its back. That tuRned out to be a hoax. It was all a hoax. So what has got to be oh, heReoi like somebody has got to sit theRe and Really peppeR heR and get heR TopeppeR H get t and aggRavated because thats pRobably what tRumps going to do. Kamala CRammings TRumpill foR goe the debate while tRump goes On Offense. Fense. Rfk jR Is heRe now. I am youR equal. I dont need E Anything FRoma ma a man. A man Is not a plan. A man Is a Companion A. Well, Well, Well. Wh whatsats t thIs LoveR Boy to E Rescue . Plus, You Got a happy meal. A can we get a happy get the good happy Mea L . What would you say if i told you Russia Collusion Is back . E, youd say, jesse, democRats aRe stupid, but theyRe not that stupid. No but one would believe it. Its Well, youd be wRong because its back. BReaking news outws out of washington thIs moRning. SouRces now telling us exclu
All rIght. WelcOme tO hannIty. N N Beaun beautIful harrIsburg pennsylvanIa. HellO, harrIsburl hag. A massIve crOwd. In just a mInute. FOrmer n In a PresIdent Trump wIll jOIn us fOr an hOur. In part, he wIll answer yOur questIOnsl be. ThInk abOut thIs. In just 13 days, early vOtIng3 s OffIcIally get underway acrOss the KeystOne State In a few daysgrOss just maIl In ballOtsl wIll gO Out In Other states. And wewIt In are Only 61 days fm what I belIeve Is an InflectIOn POInt fO dr the cOuntry thats less than twO mOnths away and thats the 2024 electIOn. The race, accOrdIng tO pOlls, I Is clOse In seven states. The latest Trafalgar POll has dOnalde Ins Trump up by twO In E State Of PennsylvanIa And State cOuld very well decIde the entIre race. NatIOnwIde, the Real Clear POlItIcs Average shOws statIstIcally It Is clOse a tIe In thesE States. MeanwhIle, left leanIng StatIstIcIans SIlver Is gIvIng PresIdent Trump a 58 Chancef Wn Of wInnIng the electOral cOllege. That tIn the O a man frOm trump
Tonight. . . The biden a ministration is set to accuse russia of extensive and prolonged interference in the 2024 election. Jesse: the russia hoax, it s back. It turned out to be a hoax. All a hoax. Somebody has to be the [ bleep ] here. Somebody has to sit there and pepper her and get her to get annoyed and aggravated because that s probably what trump will do. Jesse: kamala cramming for the debate while trump goes on offense. Rfk junior is here. [ chanting ] i am your equal. I don t need anything from a man. A man is not a p a man is a companion. Jesse: well, well, well, what s this? loverboy to the rescue. Plus. . . Can we get a happy meal? somebody get the get a happy meal! [ ] [ ] jesse: what would you say if i told you russia collusion is back? you would say jesse, democrats are stupid but not that stupid, no one would believe it. You would be wrong because it s back. Breaking news out of washington this morning, sources now telling us exclusively that the biden administration
What in there l r you were jotting im feeling good my friend this is the original Johnny Carson made for slogans in way in a park this was my dads jacket and when my dad passed he lived in bell for her through his closet and gave us the stuff to goodwill were the same size were both 6 foot 5 to 20 and i kept a couple of these Johnny Carson jackets and neckties. You know its funny john is youre such a handsome guy you can actually wear that look good evil with the Lou Wasserman arc welder glasses and a pink pocket prove you somehow managed to pull this off they will what is it over your shoulder by the way is that you fighting or are you a key grip on jobs i think i see you fighting bruce the shark back or something thats me fighting a shark. The great Billy Ray Cyrus had a t. V. Show called still the king a couple years ago and i guess that on about 5 times and i was this really wacky Kenny Chesney type country entertainer big star whose house was filled with pictures of himself doing