While Telegram's Stories may look similar to Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and WhatsApp at first sight, the app offers granular privacy options and more control compared to other platforms.
Popular messaging platform Telegram has announced that it will allow users to register on its platform using blockchain-based anonymous numbers. Here’s how it will work.
Telegram working on feature that will allow users to move chat history from WhatsApp and other apps
Telegram might soon let users move their chats from WhatsApp or other messaging apps with a tool that lets users move their message history.
Yasmin Ahmed | January 28, 2021 | Updated 12:06 IST
(Picture: Reuters)
The feature was spotted on the 7.04 version for iOS users.
WhatsApp users can find the option from the More menu and the Export Chat.
Telegram has gained immense popularity in the past few months after WhatsApp introduced its new terms of service that stated WhatsApp would change how it processes user data, with business chats. Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging (IM) app that goes big on privacy and has over 500 million active subscribers as of January 2021. Telegram is now working on a feature that will allow users to import chats from other messaging apps like WhatsApp. This will save on users time and also give them the benefit of holding on to