Telegram introduces auto-delete messages feature; check out details
The features have been rolled out to Android and iOS versions of the Telegram app
BusinessToday.In | February 24, 2021 | Updated 20:46 IST
Telegram Messenger announced on Wednesday, February 24 that it has added a couple of new features, including an auto-delete feature for messages, home screen widgets, expiring invite links with the latest update.
The instant messaging app has become the most downloaded app on the Google Play store and is the fourth most downloaded app on Apple s App Store.
The auto-delete feature of the app will allow users to set an auto-delete timer for messages they send in any chat (presently this feature is available on Telegram for its secret messages option). The home screen widget option allows users to access their chats faster and the expiring invite links system lets them make a created link inactive after a certain time.