Message is legally defensible. It is clearly factual and it is definitely noncontroversial. Climate change is real and co2 is a contributing factor for climate change. My next item that ill be submitting is an in memoriam for ted gulagson who passed away last week, very ~ surprising many people who have been struck by his passing. And i welcome colleagues who also want to make comments during my introduction after i read this introduction. This is an introduction that was written by i believe Bobby Coleman wrote a draft for it and joseph smook who have had longtime relationship with the Tenants Union. Last week we lost a beloved friend, an inspirational organizer of the citys tenants when ted gulacson passed unexpectedly. Ted is survived by his sister sandra gul acson gaol by, stepdaughter, nieces and nephews and former partner sheila and dog who ted took in when he wandered up to his door. Originally from massachusetts ted moved to San Francisco in the 1908s and started working for th
Strategy component of this campaign, its about connecting consumption with the problems. Its not about raising awareness. Consumer, we dont need more awareness. We need to connect consumers personal use of energy to the larger problem of Greenhouse Gases he. So, thats the strategy and using the information at the point of sale is the key component. Thank you. Next speaker. Top of the third, 30, go giants. Thank you for being so patient, supervisors. Eddie [speaker not understood] with defense project. Ill be very brief. Here to speak in support of solar resolutions introduced by president chiu. It hits on three key points, that byline ha always believed in. First, the idea of fighting Climate Change, that is absolutely necessary especially as we put solar in lowincome communities for homes like dr. Espinola jackson. It also puts an aspirational goal of 50 megawatts which is very important to set as a citywide goal to encourage further Solar Development in the future. Second is the idea
Bus advertisements and stand with our San Francisco muslim and arab communities. The rest of my item i will submit ~. Thank you, mr. President. That concludes roll call for the introduction of new business. Why dont we now go to general Public Comment. At this time the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including the policy discussion between the mayor and the board, item on the adoption without reference to committee calendar, and the closed session the subject matter of item 30. Please note Public Comment is not allowed on items which have already been subject to Public Comment at a board committee. Direct your remarks to the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor to the audience. And if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such and remove the document when youd like the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting. Lets hear from our first
Kim aye. Supervisor mar . Mar no. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. Supervisor wiener . Wiener aye. Supervisor yee . Yee no. Supervisor avalos . No. Avalos no. Supervisor breed . Breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos no. There are 7 ayes and 4 noses. This ordinance is finally passed. [gavel] [cheering and applauding] thank you, colleagues. With that, why dont we proceed to item 10. Item 10 is an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code by revising and clarifying common administrative provisions for the Business Registration for the payroll expense and gross receipts tax and deleting obsolete provisions. Roll call vote. On item 10, supervisor chiu . Chiu aye. Supervisor cohen . Cohen aye. Supervisor farrell . Farrell aye. Supervisor kim . Kim aye. Supervisor mar . Mar aye. Supervisor tang . Tang aye. Supervisor wiener . Supervisor wiener . Wiener aye. Supervisor yee . Yee aye. Supervisor avalos . Avalos aye. Supervisor breed . Breed aye. Supervisor campos . Campos aye. There a
My next item that ill be submitting is an in memoriam for ted gulagson who passed away last week, very ~ surprising many people who have been struck by his passing. And i welcome colleagues who also want to make comments during my introduction after i read this introduction. This is an introduction that was written by i believe Bobby Coleman wrote a draft for it and joseph smook who have had longtime relationship with the Tenants Union. Last week we lost a beloved friend, an inspirational organizer of the citys tenants when ted gulacson passed unexpectedly. Ted is survived by his sister sandra gul acson gaol by, stepdaughter, nieces and nephews and former partner sheila and dog who ted took in when he wandered up to his door. Originally from massachusetts ted moved to San Francisco in the 1908s and started working for the Tenants Union in 1988. For 26 years ted gul acson led the San Francisco Tenants Union and was a key figure ~ in the citys Tenant Movement creating a successful legacy