To those neglected. She is a physician specializing in internal medicine and an advocate for health and environmental issues. From the National Press club this is 30 minutes. [applause] thank you, dennis. Thank you, to head rock and anita for saying so well what it is we are here for and what it is we are dedicated, too, and working for and towards. And this is such a wonderful time to be doing that. And thank you, actually to you all for being here today because this is an amazing historic moment. There is a movement for democracy and justice that is sweeping the planet. And people are rising up and calling for an america and a world that works for all of us. We are told that we are in a recovery but in fact we are in an emergency and the Political Parties that got us into this mess are completely uncapable of getting us out so the American People are leading the way forward. And the demand for deep change has grown to a fevered pitch. Young people are leading the black lives movement
Africa. So, i think we are seeing a perhaps unplanned, but none the less, an expansion of the chinese ability to deploy ships far beyond regional wars. But not necessarily to the indian ocean or persian gulf. No, they are doing some of that. Since december 2008 of course, theyve had to Counter Piracy formations in the gulf of aden. They are slowly beginning to deploy more and more ships into the indian ocean. The fact that earlier i guess last year, they sent a conventionally powered submarine, certainly has gotten the indian navys attention. The indian navy tends to take an exaggerated view but none the less we are seeing increased distance deployment by the chinese navy. On mikes question, if i remember my World History correctly, there actually arent too many cases of a continental power becoming maritime power. Soviet yoon ontried, failed. Were the only one. So, what china is setting for itself is not a small goal. On allens question, i agree that once you have the capabilities, th
House and in the senate, there is also 108 women in congress, including the first africanamerican republican in the house. Keep track of members of congress using congressional chronicle at www. Cspan. Org. There is a lot of information there, including statistics about each session of congress. Earlier today the Cato Institute held a discussion on the 114th congress and libertarian policy priorities. Scholars analyzed pending trade agreements. This is an hour. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for coming today to hear catos third annual state of the union. President obama laid out his plans for his final two years of office. We have heard plenty of that over the last few years and so where does that leave us . What does that mean for liberty and how will that affect Economic Growth . What can policymakers do towe have address ths issues . Address the state of the union with respect to financial regulation, tax policy international trait and intelligence surveillance, i have four
Media. Mr. Forbes discusses his book, freedom manifesto, a followup to his book how capitalism will save us. Now joining us on booktv is magazine publisher, politician and frequent author, steve forbes, whose newest book is coming out in august of 2012 and its called freedom manifesto why free markets are moral and Big Government isnt. We are at freedom fest in las vegas, where mr. Forbes is speaking. Mr. Forbes, why is that free markets are moreover, but that government isnt. With an example of that . Remake the emphasis of Big Government. Going back to it James Madison defined. But in terms of Big Government not being moral, it is the opposite of what it purports to do and creates an environment we have less ability to get ahead increased dependency and not a sense of independence. It plessis crony capitalism, which hurts oil entrepreneurship and creativity. All the things the government says it does hopes the poor to make sure the markets the right direction. They do the opposite. T
Ohio having received a majority of thevo votes cast is duly elected the speaker of the representatives for the 113th congress. All right, good evening, everyone. Im larry kudlow. This is the kudlow report. The new sizzle, the republican john boehner. Hung on to his speakership despite some challenges and some tense moments on the floor of the house. And he keeps his job as speaker. But where does he go from here . Has the battle over the debt ceiling and a possible Government Shutdown are all around the corner. But the gop has nothing but fiscal problems ahead of itself. Nothing but problems. A few moments ago, new texas senator ted cruise told me that a Government Shutdown should be on the negotiating table thats what cruise said. Plus, we go out to san francisco, the middle east backed News Network Al Jazeera is buying al gores current tv for a whopping 500 million bucks. Many believe al jazeera is nothing but proterrorist and antiamerican and should not have a foot hold in the usa.