The India Meteorological Department has issued an orange warning for the coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, including Chennai and its neighboring areas, cautioning about upcoming heavy rainfall. The low-pressure area over the Southeast Bay of Bengal and adjoining South Andaman Sea has shifted west-northwestwards and is currently situated over the Southeast Bay of Bengal. It is expected to continue its west-northwestward movement, likely intensifying into a Depression within the next 24 hours and later as a cyclonic storm
low pressure area formed over south-east Bay of Bengal on Monday is expected to intensify into a cyclone and likely to move towards the Bangladesh-Myanmar coast later this week, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said aaa
With heavy rain pounding many parts of Tamil Nadu after Cyclone Mandous touched the land, five people were left dead and 10,000 people were lodged in shelter homes.
IMD has predicted heavy rainfall and localised flooding caused by the oncoming storm because of Cyclone Mandous and warned authorities of traffic disruptions.