is a wononder offeriring up some of ththe best prorodue inin the worldld, frfrom exquisisite white t trufs to rice e for risotttto and d the finestst wines. - - it s increredible how,, reallyly, barolo, , um, you put itit in a glasass and in tenen minutes,, it s chahanged complpletely. - the e people herere are fud by p passion andnd ambitio. - - [speaks ititalian] - ththey just dodon t like to shoutut it up. oh, my g god. i i m stanley y tucci. i m italalian on bototh sid, and i i m travelining across y to discovever how the e fod in each ofof this coununtrys 20 regionsns is as uninique as the peoeople and ththeir . - - [speaking italian] - itit resurrectcts a dead p p. piedmontnt s a placece thatat s always s innovative. - - you have t to be a a little bitit crazy. yes.s. - - here, you u have to exet the unexpepected. [peoplple screamining] and cocome at thinings a a little dififferently to unearthth its real l treas. - [s[speaking ititalian] - [s[speaking ititalian] - [lau
- we re rurunning agaiainst a n who s s potentialllly gonna e the firsrst black mamayor ofof new york.k. - - democrat d david dinkiks has s defeated rerepublican r rudolph giuiul. [tenense music]] - - in city hahall, ththere was a a space inin the bowelels of thahat ancient t building that camee to be known as the lair. that s where the cigars would be smoked. and that s where giuliani s inner r circle would watch thehe godfatherer over a and over... [chuckles]s] and overer again. - godfatheher. - rudydy is famoususly obsessd withth the godfdfather. - rudy giuiuliani is a a littlet of e everybody i in that fil. one e night, he e had a showog ofof the godfdfather. and d he sits bebehind me, and duriring the entntire mov, he e explains why the lilife of polilitics is exaxactly the l life ofof the godfafather. and, of cocourse, inin the one s story wherere sonny cocomplains to the gododfather ththat they shshould be selling g drugs, and yoyou see thisis battle within t the
russia continues to send waves of troops into the eastern ukrainian city of bakhmut. so, there is a lot of incoming and outgoing here. margaret: the acting head of the faa in the hot seat. can you just, right now, assure the american people that flying aircraft in the united states of america is still the safest way to travel? yes, sir. margaret: court documents show that fox news chairman rupert murdoch was worried his k went too far with 2020 election denial claims. margaret: and on this international women s day. toni morrison, nobel laureate, acclaimed novelist, former professor, immortalized on a new forever stamp. margaret: good evening, and thank you for joining us. i am margaret brennan in for norah. tonight, what the fda is saying about a nationwide shortage of adderall and how it is impacting patients. plus, ahead of march madness, meet the rutgers player who traveled halfway around the world to live the american dream. but firs
this all comes after the tornadoes ripped through mississippi and alabama. officials say so far at least 26 people have been killed. a pastor in hard-hit rolling fork, mississippi says nearly the entire town is completely destroyed. exodus total devastation. it is a wreckage like i have never seen. it s only a miracle of god there are not hundreds of fatalities in our town and in our area. houses leveled, houses completely destroyed. businesses like the majority of the businesses in our small town are completely destroyed. it is just terrible wreckage. alicia: and fortune of the severe weather threat for the region is not over urologist adam s life in the forecast said with the latest pickwick snowstorms continue to push across the south easily continued to the sunday. maybe even a lingering a little bit into monday. here s what we are currently looking at. some of the green polygons on your screen flooding and portions of north-central georgia. you see a severe thunderstor
live there actually think and it is shocking. and charlie. big saturday flop of them all. involves a john fetterman, american flags, and the winds. they all come together to make the biggest feel of the week. first of the midterms. president biden is taking up his campaign schedule in the final stretch. he stopped in the chicago area earlier today and tonight he is in philadelphia campaigning for john fetterman with former president obama. earlier today he gave this ominous warning. we ve got to make sure we protect the american people. basic fundamental rights. they are in jeopardy. and right now we have three more days? three more days. biden democrats, they made are all pushing is not necessarily issues that matter most of the american people. but democracy itself that s on the ballot. make no mistake, democracy is on the ballot for quick summaries got to tell voters what they need to hear his democracy is on the ballot. democracy is on the ballot. democrac