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Sons bed but she was even more alarms to learn what happened next and you will be, to. Swipe right. Going all in on a dating app designed for conservatives. Everything is fair in love and politics. First, more busloads of migrants arriving in Sanctuary Cities causing quite the meltdown among democrats. Today Illegal Immigrants were dropped off outside Vice President Kamala Harris home in washington d. C. An interview with vice news harris land Texas Governor abbott and Florida Governor desantis saying i think its the height of irresponsibility much less just frankly dereliction of duty. Meantime migrants are pouring over the southern border. Fox News Drone Team Capturing Hundreds of them crossing illegally, incredible video. The number of migrants sent to Marthas Vineyard,. 0025 on the total encounters of the border this year. Marthas vineyard quickly shipped them out to cape cod. Instead of scrambling worrying about rich people and having 50 and by the way, they bust them out, they are gone. They said we want everyone, no was illegal and they are gone within 48 hours. Lets take it to the panel, lets lay out the facts first. Fifty immigrants, illegal rents were critically asylumseekers arrived in Marthas Vineyard quickly taken to an air force base, Military Base in cape cod because i guess the island couldnt support the immigrants, they didnt have enough housing but lets be honest, its an island with a plethora of hotels, motels, air b bs, plenty of rooms to play during the year 17000 people live on the island in the summer, that number swells to 200,000. I think there were places really would have stayed. I like to put up right now a list of dates that call themselves in sanctuary. There take a look. You see california, colorado, connecticut, illinois and massachusetts, massachusetts considers itself same tristate, Marthas Vineyard is in massachusetts jason, i know this sounds a little sarcastic but should they have taken the migrants and put them up somewhere rather than send them off in just a day or two . This should never have been in the first place. The Biden Harris Administration made a conscious effort to bring people and attract them with this migrant the says we will release you into the United States america in big states like texas and arizona, california, new mexico but by the millions. A few dozen show up at Marthas Vineyard and of my goodness, theres not enough air b bs to handle this. Governor desantis is doing, what governor doocy is doing is right to share a few, i used to be only Immigration Subcommittee in congress. Democrats are now the white house is trying to blame republican obstructionism and i laugh at that. Wheres the democratic bill if they are so adamant about it . The democrats have the house and set it if they think republicans because this, its only biden and harris causing this. I guess of the end of the day its up to congress to do something about it. The president could lockdown the border, the laws on the book, theres nothing on there that says you have to let them in. Legally and lawfully we bring in about 1 Million People a year. Its only hunter biden and harris they changed Something Like 90 different rules, they are doing catch and release, the white house wont even speak with Border Patrol. Ask a Border Patrol agent what we should do, they are on the front line and we should be asking them. They are in a lot of overtime for sure. In this case we are talking about 50 people but when you look at the border, towns like el paso eagle pass, del rio, thousands of people are pouring in. Talk about the impact healthwise on these cities, these people have to be screened, they made a long trust about the border, they need medical care, how does it impact the Health Infrastructure of the city . I think Governor Desantis was just trying to make points the resources required to care for them coming across the border in droves and 50 were sent to Marthas Vineyard, 300 to 500 everyday come in two eagle pass, texas, a small town, the average income of a household is about 40000. You think they have the infrastructure for this amount of people . Of course not. Ron desantis made points, you already quoted the numbers, i had it written down, Marthas Vineyard, 17000 residents live there all the time. In the summer, somehow they are able to take care of 200,000 people. There are anti homes, if anybody can handle a few more people, i would think it would be Marthas Vineyard but you are right, Health Screenings and people requiring medical care, you need the children in schools in a safe environment and this takes a lot of resources and its not going to work just by shipping them out. Its also not going to work keeping whats happening right now, status quo, we have to stop them from coming to the country and it needs to happen in an orderly process because importantly you will have these people suffering if they come in because we dont have the resources to take care of them but one quick thing, we had Kamala Harris earlier where you said she was essentially incoming was going on lets think of this, cnn recently said desantis Approval Ratings over 50 , texas politics newest poll came out showing abbott is about 36 Approval Rating yet New York Times says harris, The Border Czar has about 39 Approval Rating so something tells me americans see immigration is an issue and obviously the Biden Administration is not handling it rectally. Americans definitely think its an issue and there are a lot of people critical about Governor Desantis for pulling this what they call a stunned but i would like to hear from migrants, at least one man who said this was one of the best things that has ever happened to him. [speaking in spanish] he didnt see to upset being shipped to Marthas Vineyard. I want to listen to most of the Mainstream Media viewed this event. Theres greg abbott and doug ducey, we hate immigrants, get the f out and we will help you get out. This tactic by Supposedly Christian Right politics, about as unchristian as it gets. Its so cruel and unnecessary and uncomfortable and brazen, it shocks the conscience of any human being. Some politicians would rather not only have an issue but exacerbated to the extent of literally Human Trafficking as you said. Tyrus, id like your tho thoughts. It is off season, a tough time to go. Im sure the beaches were clean but the republicans didnt start this shipping party, he was not the first one, abbott was not the first one. Who was that guy . Oh yeah, the Biden Administration flying people on red eyes which i could never get to go home to North Carolina and florida flying them out at night so i guess if you do it at night its better but this is first World Problems and individuals who are affected in the first thing they do is its not there to bring them here. Where should we bring them . You talk about Human Trafficking, its not Marthas Vineyard, its the border so the ones not seeking across getting these trips are going to the cartel strap with mental or worse if they are young, 30 young women trying to cross if they are not gang raped or sold into the sex slave industry, those are real problems, not i stepped outside to have my cup of fresh coffee and talk 50 people with smiles on their face taking selfies with their new cell phones given by the United States, thats not a kidnap victim. The Human Trafficking starts when the contract with the drug cartel. They pay them thousands to the coyotes to come north and bring them across the border they want to get caught because they know they will be released and its a magnet from biden and harris. If joe biden cared, then go to the border and meet with Border Patrol but hes never done that. The coyotes get arrested for the trafficking of humans but what happens . They are deported and sent across the border and then they walked back in because we have no way of stopping them. We could spend the whole shelf talking about this problem but we have to move on. The president sits down on camera interview with the media after more than 200 days. We got a sneak peek. Where the tough questions . Quite the opposite. Thats next. Welcome back to the Big Saturday Show. President Biden First Date and all the white house promised his administration would bring transparency truth little did we know it would take seven months to 19 days avoiding on camera interviews with the media, biden sat down with 60 minutes. So much too talk about from book border to inflation to recession, plenty of to talk about so what did he ask . The first clip, there was this question. You averted a nationwide Railroad Strike that would have been crippling to the economy. How did you do that . What was the last hours like in negotiations . Look, we brought business and labor together. Bonita. [laughter] sorry. The truth is, the railway, avoiding the strike is a big deal because it would cause disruption in the supply chain so we are glad that was avoided so that was important but a cbs hard hitter and been there a long time, what else am a finally getting the president to sit down with american journalist, what you see want out of this interview . So much but im happy the Railroad Strike was averted, im constantly on amtrak Trains Philadelphia to new york and d. C. And that would be a nightmare in the Companies Across United States would have suffered so good news but hes got to ask about the things you talk about, inflation, crime, the border, gas prices, the economy in general. Did i say the border . Not just Illegal Immigrants but fentanyl. I have high hopes because hes a real journalist, the anchor of cbs news, a longtime correspondent, we havent heard the rest of the interview yet so i am hopeful. About 300 americans die every day from fentanyl, coming over the southwest border so the traditional media into news to give biden a pass with these questions. This time during the presidency if you compare resident trump to president biden, President Trump has done 36 Press Conferences or News Interviews were biden has done about 17 taking live questions, why does the media let biden off . Is an embarrassment. What happened to 60 minutes . Let me try this with tyrus. Go ahead. I would argue, tell me how great you are. You see when labor and the union come together weight. What was the last few hours, what was that negotiation like when you did a great and wonderful thing . Yes he, the choochoo and the labor guy, whats the conductor but mr. President , you didnt even meet with them some glad i didnt . You didnt but. This is the problem. [laughter] thats why i was laughing. Gave him a home runs like how did you do that . And hes like did did i, who did that . The railroads, the choochoos . Somebody did it, it wasnt him. It will be a 20 minute interview so lets hope its shocking thats the clip they put forth but hopefully there will be more and we will see it soon. Jason brings up good points, isnt it easy if youre interviewed by Friendly Faces . Its supposed to be but that was brutal. In my taking crazy pills . He asked him something great, you singlehandedly stopped the Railroad Strike and made it where we are not living naked and afraid, willing water because we have no chlorine but how did you do it . His answer was, because he didnt do it. I guarantee the 20 minute interview took about 17 hours, there were naps and rewrites and edits. Every time he answers questions on lets its scripted and taken care of, its brutal. That is the one that makes you want to turn on the tv channel . Give him the credit for solving the problem but no family in america are saying im glad that was done, great, wonderful but things like inflation and energy and immigration, if they get through the interview and not have asked or pressed the president of the United States and where we are on these issues than shame on 60 minutes. The railroad workers, they want it wasnt about money for them, is getting two days off most of the workers, the of administration let them cut employees for profit so if guys work nonstop 16 days straight and then finally two days off but during that time they are on call so you could get home and get changed and get a call to go back and so its not about mo money. For four years theyve been fighting for this. The white house spun the thing for they wanted more money because it wasnt about money, it was getting more people to help them and get time off. They had valid concerns and we look forward to seeing the full interview. Sure. Still had, among find a stranger asleep in her sons bedroom. Appropriate song. Welcome back to the big seven show. Imagine this, you walk into your child room and find a Stranger Sleeping Royal in their bed, but havent to another important after homeless woman lunged at the mom with an ottoman, she left and Police Arrested will file charges but the liberal District Attorney released her a day later and dropped charges. They said charges have been dropped and you can leave a message for the d. A. And he can call you back but i havent heard anything, that was two days ago. I dont understand why shes not in jail, shes not harmless, she proved that. That mom is right new york city month after a bodega clerk was forced to kill an attacker in selfdefense, the same bodega was targeted in another robbery and what you think happened to the robber . Set free without bail. It happened time and time again, stacked across the country are rising in the rural cities and then you have cases where people rob something, go sleeping in this in their house, in their bed and then no charges. The childs bed, creepy. This is happening all over the country in california by spent most of but life, its rampant over there, im still on the next door out, are you familiar with it . And monitors things in the neighborhood, just go and you will see because of Home Invasions all the time and they are crazy just like that woman, people are police, they may or may not arrest them but even if they do, they are released a couple of days later. Its not the fault of the police, they are doing the best they can but they are overworked, understaffed and sentencing laws, its another story. Crazy das who wont actually prosecute them. Look at the statistics in new orleans, they are leaving, size of 141 , shootings doubled, carjackings to 10 , crazy high numbers in the city that wasnt safe before. Before we get into that, the thing that standing out to me and for some reason theyre not talking about it, she wasnt taking a nap, she was laying in wait, camouflaging herself, those on the bed and she laid there with a jacket the poor child would have come in but luckily mom came so it wasnt worth a fight but she was laying wait to do harm. She wasnt looking to take a n nap, she was a Praying Mantis Waiting for the child to come in, she knew what she was doing so shes on the streets looking for probably another child to hurt but i live in louisiana its one thing, we demolish, destroy morale, spit in the face of the police department, i dont have the exact number but last i heard from friends, police are down to almost 900 which is impossible, nothing you can do in the ones out there working double and triple sh shifts, they arrest the guy and see him the next day so theres only one answer and you got to vote of the people who allow this. The mayor i dont have beef with but the way shes handled this, shes got to go because it falls on you 141 . You got to go or call the national guard, do something extreme. I have a live event november 4, half proceeds will go to security but if you see me, youll be safe. This is not acceptable and it starts with politics, get the police force back together. Is the number one city for crime . Are Police Officers are handcuffed and they are leaving or cant get jobs, theres no funding, pays sucks. Theyre not taking care of the blue and you are taking care of the worst part of society, there excited and take more risks, how bold was that . We have a whole generation of kids growing up in an atmosphere not safe, that they see on television is one thing but when its your own community and neighborhood, whats happening to the kids next. You see the videos think that would never happen to me. The truth is, its happening everywhere right now and when theres exposure to violence, it can affect the psychological and physical development. They seek increase in crime and violence, they are more likely to drop out of school and have Mental Health issues, use drugs and violent criminal behavior as they get older but one of a seeing last few years . Defend police, police lives dont matter, police are retiring and cant recruit anymore. Children need structure and Law And Order and we are doing a terrible job showing them that. When i was a little kid had somebody trying to break in, we called the police and they got there and stayed overnight watching our house, i still get emotional about the support they gave me but these kids, this woman posing as a predator and they are not even charging her, they caught this person and not charging her. Was she caught mom at the table . They have not given a comment to why the charges were dropped and the people demanded an answer. Remember the Police Officers who put their lives in life tonight, think what you bidens look at a red light, a new warning about the struggle for electric car owners. E children. Ruthann and i like to hike. We eat healthy. We exercise. I noticed i wasnt as sharp as i used to be. My wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said yeah, ill try it out. I noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker. And i thought, yeah, it works for me. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Hello grandma. Grandpa. I want to give you a hug. You see that . Thats when i realized we cant let another year go by. I think were good. Okay. Lets go. Mom, do you know where some wrapping paper. Need to wrap something for grandma. Uh, yeah. Ready . Yeah. This is the plan to finally connect with our familys heritage. Grandma start your plan today with a Northwestern Mutual Financial Advisor and spend your life living. No matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. Triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. But no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspireâ„¢ can help. Tezspireâ„¢ is an addon treatment for people 12 and over. That proactively reduces inflammation. Which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. So, you can be you, whoever you are. Tezspireâ„¢ is not a rescue medication. Dont take tezspireâ„¢ if youre allergic to it. Allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. Sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. Avoid live vaccines. By helping control your asthma, tezspireâ„¢ can help you be you. No matter who you are, ask your Asthma Specialist about tezspireâ„¢ today. Welcome back to the exact ratio, Biden Administrations relentless pushing their green dream on you. Choosing to build a better america back america confronted the climate crisis, americas workers rebuilding the economy, clean energy economy. There is a solution to the problem. Electric vehicles cheaper to own and safer for our communities and administration invested dealings of dollars to help our nation go electric. Still who will pay for ford Dealership Showrooms spend 1 million each to become fully certified to sell fully electric cars and support ceo and foxbusiness, theres still a chip shortage. Chips are slightly improving, not resolved yet. Many suppliers who arent Chip Supplies are having problems. Maintenance or absenteeism. We appreciate the fourth ceos candor on that but its more than a chip problem, the cars are expensive, they need charged up for quite a long time, not charging stations and in california they tell you cant charge your car during certain times of the day. The brandnew Inflation Reduction Act is supposed to get everybody a tax of 7500 to buy an electric vehicle. Is that enough for you to buy one . Do you even fit . My electric previous is not happening. [laughter] this is the green hussle, nothing to do all these cars will then have us changing china because thats where the batteries are made. This is about whos going to g get, they want the oil money, the coal money today try to run and said because if youre trying to go electric the right way, youd be working with the oil companies, establishments who know how to massproduce and build things and will have a hybrid for the next ten years. Then in 20 years so realistically 30 years from now will be electric and work together. No, who want to cut them off. I guarantee everybody involved when their time in office is done, they will be on a board of some sort and a Speaking Engagement will pay them 1. 5 million to talk about how the ferns are sweating in alaska this time of year, its a straight up hussle and the American People have no interest in this and infrastructure cant handle it. If you live in texas or california or anywhere in the wintertime electric car, you see what happens. By the time we have electric cars we will be dead anyway so we are wasting our time i will keep my chevy truck and drive around in the mud in louisiana. And nobody will mess with y you. The question is, do people really want to spend the money even if they get this tax subsidy . Lets listen to the ceo of fedex on a worldwide recession. The numbers are not looking good. Im not an economist but they just push papers, you actually look at this. I do see the u. S. Is slowing down. Not promising there. I want to listen to treasury secretary janet yellen and what she said about potential savings from Inflation Reduction Act. Sorry. Thank you. I was trying to listen close but she didnt have a lot to say. A direct question, will Inflation Reduction Act cut inflation . She just kind of im not going to say it out loud, she just nods. Part of this, there will be 370 Million Dollars put into this slush fund and who they go to run this slush fund . John podesta, brother of tony podesta who lives owns the biggest lobbying shop d. C. Hillary clintons campaign, Saint John Podesta involved in a lot of things and he will have this 370 billion to hand out to what . His friends and buddies. Its a hussle, 1000 , just a saying. I used to have a tesla and i loved it, i drove it for tesla and then i sold and brought in f1 50. I go back to my truck. When you get a green card, its great but its worse for the environment, the untold secret, in order to build the green car, its worse for the environment and guess where we get electricity. From coal and nuclear, all the things they wont want to do on the far left. Its not just the economy, the ceos, they are worried about rise in crime. Listen to the ceo of mcdonalds. Its difficult for me to recruit a new employee to mcdonalds to join us in chicago and it was in the past, a general sense our city is in crisis. It is sad because teens love to work at mcdonalds for any fast food but we are seeing now is dangerous, teens have been murdered working in fast food and burger king here in new york i think it was. Its sad for the teens. Employees are concerned for their employees wellbeing and thats why you see chains shut down because crime is up but you see like Kamala Harris going out there saying things as though the fact. Less expensive to drive an electric car. No, its not. Not when you have your car paid off and 7500 want to anything. They say we are doing stuff with crime, no, its not. They have repetitive Talking Points but they are not getting to the crux of what americans need, out of touch with the American People. We will see what happens, Hopefully Improvement on the w way. For those of you looking for love, you may be looking at the wrong places. Liberal media taking issue with the dating up. Is anyone surprised . Welcome back to the exact ratio, liberals try to tear down everything designed by conservatives including the newest app to help republicans find love the daily beast not me, i was expose about the new dating app, The Right Stuff women turned off by Billionaire Conservative dating apps, who wouldnt be next the journalists right set of drawing singles, the app has for largely drawn mockery according to the female operatives who spoke to the daily beast. [laughter] this is my moment. Okay. Dating apps, conservative, liberal. Why are you looking at me . Give me something. Are you for this, against this, is it a good idea . Im totally for it but whats funny, there are so many haters in the world. Its not even launched yet and they say everybodys running from it, this is the way the liberal media likes this stuff but its a new age, ive been married 31 years, ive been out of the game, i dont know is anyone active on dating sites . This is the worst panel hands down. [laughter] never done dating apps but i was prepping because this is important. You were on it, i was prepared. The National Marriage product put out a report that showed 67 of married republicans reported being happy where 60 of democrats reported being happy and repugnant more likely to be married and less likely to get divorced so i think maybe democrat should get on the conservative dating app because maybe if they date a republican they will be happy, marriage will stay backs. [laughter] horrible advice, a liberal get on and ruin their plans and dreams of being conservative. A small wedding to a liberal giant and everybody in the world world see i will make somebody commit to me everything for the rest of my life. Come on, we love mary but i dont understand how that works. A lot of what have you. People meet on these apps, nobody introduces someone to someone anymore. It seems the way to me is on an apples to whats wrong with another app . Theres nothing wrong with that but because they said the magic words conservative woke jumped in and said no one likes the out. For you. Conservatives are afraid to say they are conservative and it may mean there moderate republican but you put yourself out there with your political views, you are the target of criticism. Im out the game but guys lie about a lot of stuff and the least of my worries are political affiliation. I cant look at them from a they are judging but sometimes go back to the oldfashioned way, me at church, teachers meetings, best friends wife. Find something tangible in front of you, 1 million Country Songs about it so the real thing. [laughter] you can meet at a bar i met mine at a wrestling event. The ground, big saturday flops our next. Any way you want it thats the way you need it any way you want it any way any way you want it thats the way you need it its back america. Applebees all you can eat boneless wings. Just 12. 99. New astepro allergy. 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Uhh here, ill take that woo hoo ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and now in two new flavors welcome back to the Big Saturday Show it is time for the flop are picks with the biggest fields of the week and ill go first, First Lady Jill Biden is planning to host an event for hispanic heritage month, just three months after she was mocked for comparing latinos to Breakfast Tacos. The diversity of this community as distinct as the bogus of the bronx and beautiful as the blossoms of miami and as unique as the Breakfast Tacos here in san antonio. Bogotas. Banegas. Saia banegas. Cheeks good host the next event at the white house but she hasnt said much about it, lets hope she spends time on her spanish. Sears say that was pretty lame i have to say. She is a doctor of pediatric brain surgery, she is busy. No shes not. My pick, hopefully everybody caught this on tv or the lifestream and not as lame as i am, dr. Fauci had to rely on Fact Checkers of hypocrisy, watch this. I dont reject basic immunology senator, and i have never denied that there is importance of the protection following infection. As a matter of fact reuters fact check looked at that and said dr. Fauci 2000 for comments do not contradict his pandemic. Words dont lie. What is that emojis efface, i cant with this guy, it was so frustrating to see this, very disappointing that you see dr. Fauci the hasid talked about Fact Checkers. I did natural immunity, its frustrating, the best thing to do to regain public trust is say i was wrong with a few things, heres our going to move forward. Or just go away. Is retiring, its happening. Not fast enough. My flop of the week, it was truly his pleasure after one chickfila worker was forced to spring into action to defend the customer from attempting a carjacking. You might as well give capes to those people that work at chickfila we see the chickfila people doing heroic things. A woman is carrying a baby and this guy tries to grab the keys and steal it from her and carjacked the car and what happens chickfila worker with the capon comes out and Saves The Day and tackles the perpetrator. Walk under waffle fries for life. This is the second time he had to do this. Unbelievable. I dont know if this is a flop but is breaking my heart pat sajak revealed the end is near, im assuming that is his thing on wheel of fortune. The popular with the fortune could be coming to the end. Whats not coming to the end until the show is actually over you can see me at the Carolina Theater In Greensboro carolina october 21 at 7 30 p. M. , you get all your tickets at carolina theater. Com, no pat sajak, what will be due. Is been great, would love him, hes good. Is a test of time, family feud fell off, he standing right there, who would fill that spot. You could fill it. Hes too low i have to go down its been and i have back problems. All do this. I dont want to bend down im just under. , the chickfila worker, do you think theyre going to get a raise for the heroism. They make the best product out there my opinion, i like popeyes but i like chickfila and when ordinary people dictionary things, i love it. Its the best, thank you guys, great to be with you this saturday, it was fun and that does it for us we will see you back here tomorrow 530 eastern for a big sunday show, the Fox Report With Jon Scott start right now. Jon were migrant buses from the southern border arriving democrat run cities as republican governors say brings more attention to a crisis that border communities have struggled with for years, getting im jon scott and this is the fox report another group for migrants arrived outside of, but here is his residence in washington early this morning the second busload this week, Officials Say six more buses from el paso, texas

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