The $9.4 million, two-year levy goes to votes on May 16. The levy, which would replace the existing levy, must pass with 51% of the vote and would generate $4.7 million per year.
There are no surprises in the West Bonner County School District's upcoming levy on May 16.
The proposed levy is $4.7 million per year for two years roughly 33% of the district's annual operating budget. It heads to voters on May 16 and would replace the current two-year levy, which expires June 30.
The West Bonner County School District will be running a replacement supplemental levy.
The measure, which will be on the ballot on Tuesday, May 16, must pass with a 51% voter approval. The proposed levy amount is $4.7 million per year for two years which is roughly 33% of our annual operating budget. This will replace the current levy ending June 30, 2023, Susie Luckey, interim WBCSD superintendent, said.