Acknowledge your sovereignty over all events and times. Renew america in confident faith and deepen our commitment to seek peace. Help us to work sovereignty over all events and times. Together when whom we find se it difficult to trust, but with a m we must try to forge Common Future of security and prosperity. This peoples house with your that all might seek to find first areas of agreement and openness to Honest Exchange where it is not. May all that is done within the peoples house be for your honor and glory, amen. E speaker pro tempore the the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from. Llinois, i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore the up
Free them. The restaurant is not far from the u. S. Embassy. And that they are accounted for. And i can tell you that as of now, just before i came out here, that they were accounted for 100 . They industrial working on accountability, everyone under their authority, right now we know that we have accounted for all americans that will be working on the authorities. A number of the foreigners are believed to be among the hostages, but again, we dont know how many or what their conditions are, the white house official says that president obama was briefed on the situation and asked to be kept informed as it unfolds. Here is a look at the map of the region. And their authority that have seen the surge in violence, nearly two for them. That the eight workers have been showing you 2013. In the meantime they have identified as the master mind of the attack on the istanbul airport that killed 44 people on tuesday. And the u. S. Congressman will be cheering on the Homeland Security meeting tod
Allow teleconferencing for Public Meetings during a state emergency. Provided commissions such as ours make findings. To comply, item 5 and 6 on this agenda is the request to considering whether continued use of teleupon conference minimize health risk and whether we can use it in a matter of using public transparency. Members may lefsh this meeting via sfgov. Org and channel 78 and may offer comment calling the comment phone initial i like to welcome the members of the public and staff watching live on sfgovtv. The Commission Asks and thanks you for patience during the times. We ask the public to have patience and expect delay and gaps during the meeting during Public Comment itch the to welcome and thank james and cooley from tif department for assisting today. And i wanted to thank justin who has been doing double duty on das who is now able to focus on his real duties and have to help with the meetings but wanted to say how much we appreciated justin the last couple of years helpin
Amendment to the brown act to allow teleconferencing for Public Meetings during a state emergency. Provided commissions such as ours make findings. To comply, item 5 and 6 on this agenda is the request to considering whether continued use of teleupon conference minimize health risk and whether we can use it in a matter of using public transparency. Members may lefsh this meeting via sfgov. Org and channel 78 and may offer comment calling the comment phone initial i like to welcome the members of the public and staff watching live on sfgovtv. The Commission Asks and thanks you for patience during the times. We ask the public to have patience and expect delay and gaps during the meeting during Public Comment itch the to welcome and thank james and cooley from tif department for assisting today. And i wanted to thank justin who has been doing double duty on das who is now able to focus on his real duties and have to help with the meetings but wanted to say how much we appreciated justin t
Facilitate teleconferences to reduce the risk of covid19 transmission. The brown act has strict rowels the governor signed a new amendment to the brown act to allow teleconferencing for Public Meetings during a state emergency. Provided commissions such as ours make findings. To comply, item 5 and 6 on this agenda is the request to considering whether continued use of teleupon conference minimize health risk and whether we can use it in a matter of using public transparency. Members may lefsh this meeting via sfgov. Org and channel 78 and may offer comment calling the comment phone initial i like to welcome the members of the public and staff watching live on sfgovtv. The Commission Asks and thanks you for patience during the times. We ask the public to have patience and expect delay and gaps during the meeting during Public Comment itch the to welcome and thank james and cooley from tif department for assisting today. And i wanted to thank justin who has been doing double duty on das