The Delhi High Court called for a report on the sentencing proceedings of Rajiv Khosla who was convicted for assaulting former District and Sessions Judge Sujata Kohli.
The Delhi High Court on Thursday sought a report from the District Judge (Headquarters) on the trial court proceedings sentencing former High Court Bar Association President Rajeev Khosla in connection with a 1994 assault case on a criminal contempt plea filed by retired judge Sujata Kohli.
Sujata Kohli moved a criminal contempt petition against Rajiv Khosla alleging that when the CMM was to pronounce orders on a sentence against him, he and his supporters held the Court to ransom.
A Delhi court on Tuesday let off Delhi High Court Bar Association s former President Rajiv Khosla with a direction to pay a total compensation of Rs 40,000 to the victim and the state in the 1994 assault case amid a lawyers protest in the courtroom.
A Delhi court on Tuesday let off Delhi High Court Bar Association s former President Rajiv Khosla with a direction to pay a total compensation of Rs 40,000 to the victim and the state in the 1994 assault case amid a lawyers protest in the .