2023. Raise your hand had Public Comment is called for theium are interested in. Call 4156550001 and access code 2664 775 7889 enter star 3 to raise your hand you will hearted prompt you raised your hand. Wait to speak until the host calls on you. Had you hear your when you hear you are unmuted that is your indication to speak. Call from a quiet location and mute your television and computer. For those in person lineup on the screen side or to your right. Speak clearly and slowly and state your name for the record. I will ask we silence mobile device. Immediate matsuda. Here commissioner nageswaran. Here commissioner vergara. Commissioners first is general Public Comment at this time members may address the commission on items of interest to the public in the subject jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items agenda items your opportunity will be when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member may address the commission for up to 3 minutes if you are here come forward. Rem
To sacramento and born and raised in San Francisco and i grew up got married and started a family here i know that San Francisco is the greatest city in the world my wife owns a Small Business and we all share a lot for the city. Ive dedicated too dictates in public gave me and working with the chineseamerican program and conduct voter outreach and caucus to the bayview and for 15 year been a civil rights education and work in the college support he esl and many oil with api and my goal to empower. Hundred years ago people who look like me and now you look at the Assembly Many of the most powerful voices identify and we had such great legislators and many come from the api community im running as a long term api member and educator and if leblth fight to make tuition in California Community colleges 100 percent free and cost of living is difficult for students to comfortably attend colonel in the richmond have belittle nefarious and were failing san franciscans and the next Julie Chris
Raise your hundred to speak press star 3. Unless you are speaking under the general Public Comment note you must limit comments to the topic of the agenda item being discussed. If commenters dont stay on topic the chair may ask to you limit to the item at hand. We ask this Public Comment med in a civil and respectful american and refrain from profanity. Address your remarks to the commission as a whole not individual commissioners or staff. The public is welcome to submit comment in writing via e mail address public works. Commission sfgov. Org on behalf of the commission we extend thifrngs to sfgovtv Building Management and Media Service for help make sure this meeting is possible. Thank you. Before calling the next item of are there requests from the commission to amend the order of todays agenda in hearing none we gallon to the next item my announcements i have several. Prize. I of course, as i always do we are into yell. I would like to call the publics attention to the june issue
Good afternoon my pleasure to present this resolution to you today. You have before you a resolution for your approval that allows laguna honda hospital to apply for recertification as a cms provider. You know the u. S. D. Health and Human Services and medicaid and medicare this year agreed to fund necessary medicaid and Medicare Services to all residents requiring nursing through march 19 of 24. The transfer of laguna honda residents was only extended until september 19 of 2023. We are and do everything we can to prepare our hospital and team for successful recertification. Our goal is to apply for and secure recertification before the september 19th date. We continue to make strides in making the nez changes in cms program. The 90 day cms survey number 3 took place in june of this year and resulted in 33 findings of noncompliance this is significant improvement from the first survey in November December of last year had 124 findings of insufficient operations. Our goal is to have all
Quorum for sanitation and streets commission. Just for your notes, the remote participation has changed and the streets and Sanitation Commission will continue to take remote Public Comment. Commissioners may participate remotely but only under specific circumstances. For members of the public wishing to comment outside of the Commission Chamber, please dial 4156550001, use the meeting access code of 26643200793, pound, pound and then to raise your hand to be recognized please press star 3. Please note that when speaking during Public Comment, you must limit your comments to the topic of the agenda item being discussed, unless youre speaking under general Public Comment. To remind, if you do not stay on topic the chair may interrupt you and ask to limit your comment to the agenda item. We ask the Public Comments be made in a civil and respectful manner and that you refrain from the use of profanity. Please address your remarks to the commission as a whole, not commissioners or staff in