Hello there good to have your Company Police in india have detained hundreds across several cities for defying a ban on protests the government is trying to stop mass demonstrations against this new citizenship law about a 1000 people have been rounded up in the capital well the legislation has provoked anger because it offers a path to citizenship for persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries but it scoots muslims will phone Companies Say theyve suspended internet and mobile services in parts of new delhi following a Government Order many trade and metro stations are also close but opponents of the all called for a day of action and there have been large rallies and additional arrests in multiple cities across the country also they were aman is in new delhi and joins us live hi there so so weve seen a day of action people still taking to the streets and then being arrested a couple of questions for you what happens then and is this going to be the Government Strategy Going Fo
Impossible to receive International Protection without being in the country and then the only way that people can actually seek asylum here in europe is to undertake a dangerous journey so to accuse to accuse humanitarian workers being the pull factor is is completely wrong it is the legal basis underpinning that you can security right anaemic he said a major case is on the stream if not in court thank you so much. And lisa for being with us mini cab ameena here with the last words politicians have been stoking fear and scapegoating refugees from time immemorial this pattern a cyclical and like time immemorial they brandish their legal swords to threaten those that protect human life this conversation will continue online at thanks for watching and you can i was seen exide. The term precrime comes from this movie minority report in which he predicts. About something. An individual has not yet done but is going to do and a preemptive arrest is made of someone before they perform that ac
The money will go a lot its really thought went on to take for granted nice to see that specific goodness of biofuel its always the ordinary people that pay and companies should take more responsibility for the state of the promise climate campaigners say that the Aviation Industry is responsible for nearly 5 percent of Global Carbon emissions the french government says of the new eco tax will raise grow 200000000. 00 a year money they say that they will spend on less polluting modes of transport such as rail the eco tax has already proved unpopular with some investors shares an air france fell after the announcement last year fridge present demand or mark or scrapped plans for a similar eco tax on diesel fuel that sparked months of yellow face protests but some activists welcomed the move by france governments historically have seen aviation as a bit of a no go area intensive taxation or other measures that could help tackle emissions lets hope that at the moment theres that theres a
Anything else here in keeping the pressure on iran the French Military has admitted that antitank missiles found during a raid in libya belonged to the french army the u. S. Made javelin missiles were recovered from the warlord holy for half time space on the outskirts of tripoli French Military saying the missiles were intended for the self protection of a French Military unit deployed for Counter Terror operations in libya but documents found with the ammunitions suggest they belonged to the u. A. E. When they know these are the u. S. Made weapons and these are the chinese made weapons the contract written on them comes from the United Arab Emirates the last one we have found modern weapons while libya is under embargoed these weapons were imported from certain countries these countries should use them to defend themselves but instead they became involved in the conflict and the libyan bloodbath. Natasha butler has more now from paris. A of p. And voices News Agencies say that they h
Thousands of refugees in europe rely on aid workers for essential help but a growing number of volunteers are facing arrest and prosecution as country still scarred people seeking asylum i feel me ok imo it could be allowed to they will hear about the impact of legal action against humanitarians and how aid groups are fighting to keep protecting the vulnerable when youre thoughts through twitter and you tube. The recent arrest of a german boat captain who brought 40 shipwrecked refugees into an italian port has highlighted the legal risks humanitarians a question at face of providing help to people fleeing war and persecution carol a record today was held after her bessel sea watch 3 collided with a Border Patrol boat while disregarding orders not to dock at do so she was put under house arrest but a judge later ruled she should be freed ending further investigation but the watch organization welcomed the ruling. Son is sick or cinematic to view a humanitarian ship carrying people resc