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Impossible to receive International Protection without being in the country and then the only way that people can actually seek asylum here in europe is to undertake a dangerous journey so to accuse to accuse humanitarian workers being the pull factor is is completely wrong it is the legal basis underpinning that you can security right anaemic he said a major case is on the stream if not in court thank you so much. And lisa for being with us mini cab ameena here with the last words politicians have been stoking fear and scapegoating refugees from time immemorial this pattern a cyclical and like time immemorial they brandish their legal swords to threaten those that protect human life this conversation will continue online at thanks for watching and you can i was seen exide. The term precrime comes from this movie minority report in which he predicts. About something. An individual has not yet done but is going to do and a preemptive arrest is made of someone before they perform that act if you would have asked me 37 years ago if we would have gunshot detection or video cameras in neighborhoods or be able to predict what crimes occur i would have said youre crazy precrime coming soon on aljazeera every week a new cycle brings a series of breaking stories is maximum jail term has jumped from 5 years to 175 years joined the listening post as we tend the cameras on the media donald trump should be the one deciding who is a journalist and who isnt and focus on how they would call it on the stories that matter the most they move closer and closer to the end of the tire shut down both international and domestic News Coverage on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. One of the last remaining ancient forests in Southeast Asia is a lifeline to hundreds of lumberjacks and drive as. We follow that treacherous journey as they walk through extreme conditions. Together and transport this dangerous but precious cargo risking it all. On aljazeera. The u. S. Says its working to form a military coalition to protect shipping waters off the coast of iran and yemen. And jordan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a diplomatic route between the u. K. And the u. S. Continues President Trump called the u. K. Prime minister foolish and labeled ambassador stupid. The internet finally gets switched back on in a month after the military crackdown that killed more than 100. 00 people. In the sport of hits new heights as part of an attempt to boost tourism in northern pakistan. The u. S. Says its attempting to form military coalition to protect shipping off the coast of iran and yemen Trump Administration as being terror and its proxies for several attacks on those in the gulf in the past few months a 5th of the worlds oil is traded through the. Commander and around the revolutionary guard issued a new threat against u. S. Assets stationed in the region saying theyd be destroyed if they made a mistake but iraqs Prime Minister says any disruption to shipping in the strait of hormuz could hurt the countrys economy the strait provides the only sea route from the gulf to the rest of the world oil makes up 95 percent of iraqs exports most of it a ship through the gulf baghdad has been investigating alternative routes in case tensions between the u. S. And iran lead to destruction john hendren has more now from washington d. C. The United States is developing a military coalition to police the strait of hormuz general Joseph Dunford the highest ranking u. S. Military official is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says the u. S. Is working with a number of nations to identify who has in his words the political will to join in this coalition and offer military forces for that operation President Donald Trump says the United States should not pay for this that it should be an International Military force but that does present the potential for conflict with iran after all it was only weeks ago when the United States almost launched an air strike on iran thats according to President Trump who says we were within 10 minutes of a conflict in that region meanwhile brian hook the u. S. Special representative for iran policy spoke to al jazeera this is what he had to say about sanctions we have taken iran to new lows in revenue and theyre feeling it and theyre hurting and their proxies are hurting and we want to deny this regime the revenue that it needs to export revolution to run an expansionist Foreign Policy that drives a lot of the sectarian violence we see in the middle east so the United States position has not softened meanwhile iran has announced it is violating the Nuclear Enrichment levels that it agreed to and that multinational agreement from which the u. S. Has pulled out so that standoff intensifies and the potential for conflict only increases. The french president emanuel microns top diplomatic adviser is in tehran e. U. Countries that signed the 10. 00 to 15. 00 Nuclear Agreement have called for a meeting at the terrence decision to breach the uranium enrichment limit allowed in the deal of call and tehran to fully comply with the agreement on the whole has more from vienna where the International Atomic Energy Agency is due to hold a meeting on iran on wednesday. In issuing this communique the european signatories to the j c p a the Iran Nuclear Deal france germany and the United Kingdom the a 3 collectively theyre known as along with the e. U. Of course here issuing their response to irans latest rein him in richmond moves the communique expressing deep concern over irans pursuit of activities not in line with its commitments calling for iran if it wants to stay in the deal as it professes to want to do to come back in line immediately without delay and calling on all the parties in terms of a joint commission to act responsibly to deescalate tensions now broadly speaking 2 points to make about this the 1st is that this is not and this is important i think eve 3 triggering the formal dispute resolution mechanisms contained in the j c p a its apparently thought that these breaches are not sufficient to warrant a move like that a move that could in itself escalate tensions and have the effect of shutting down small room for maneuver there remains a 3 of course remember trying to keep the Nuclear Deal Alive delicately here playing the middle ground on the one hand theyve got to express some concern on the other hand of course they retain some faint optimism that iran can be talked around that some bridge can be found between washington and tehran faint hope indeed perhaps but that leads to the 2nd point which is that france effectively now taking the lead in the ether manual macron the president sending an envoy to tehran for meetings on wednesday with the intention to urge the iranians to take a backward step. But i think ambition very limited according to a french Government Official theyre hoping at the very least for gestures simple gestures that iran is serious about its intention of remaining within the j. C. The us president has ramped up his twitter attacks on the bridges and as well as outgoing Prime Minister tourism made on tuesday trunk called mays handling of braggs it foolish and said the british and boy is a very stupid guy but the u. K. s foreign secretary hit back calling trumps comments disrespectful all this was triggered by a leaked memo from britains ambassador referring to Trumps Administration as inept isnt in session president friends it was a high profile jennifer qatars amir she brought together political and Business Leaders as well as washingtons top diplomats press missing the uki ambassador disinvited by the white house after the publication of leaked memos sharply critical of President Donald Trump a career diplomat has been the u. K. s man in washington says 2016 part of his job is to file reports back to london its been revealed he described the Trump White House as uniquely dysfunctional clumsy and inept he described u. S. Policy on iran as incoherent chaotic and his summary we dont really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal less dysfunctional less unpredictable i work for the state department for many years and we were always encouraged to be direct and frank with our superiors here in washington about our interactions with host Government Officials with no doubt so technically he did not do anything wrong but politically it probably would have been wise to be extremely cautious donald trump has said he will no longer deal with the ambassador and in a series of tweets on tuesday said the wacky ambassador that the u. K. Forced it upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with a very stupid guy i dont know the amber. But have been told he is a pompous fool came down and could have expected to move on from his position in the near future and its unlikely hes the only foreign diplomat sending back stock assessments of the Us Administration but if a new u. K. Prime minister was to decide he had to go now because of Donald Trumps anger theres a what that would create a dangerous precedent of foreign leaders being able to veto countries ambassadors theres a lot of history here theres a lot of shared interests and values. There is this is a relationship that can withstand you know an awkward period of time over these cables. Just last month donald trump enjoyed a state visit to the u. K. And talked of the historic and deep links between the 2 countries this diplomatic spat has undoubtedly damaged there was links alan fischer washington the un special rapporteur who conducted an independent probe into the murder of the saudi journalist. Is edging the u. S. To act on her findings column on made the comments at a conference in london last month she released a report of sound credible evidence linking the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin salma on to the murder and an attempt to cover up the bucket has more now from london. Head of a major conference here in london on press freedom Jamal Khashoggi name has featured very highly indeed attending this discussion with those who knew him very closely indeed including his fiance and these former editor of the Washington Post not to mention the un special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions agnes kalama she presented her findings in june and concluded that his murder was a state act and that there was credible evidence linking senior figures within the saudi leadership including the crown prince himself well earlier i guess colum are told me that because it was an international killing it should be dealt with in an International Way and the more pressure should be put on all members of the un to the Security Council including the saudi kingdoms closest western ally the United States to find out exactly what happened to Jamal Khashoggi i am alarmed by the fact that the 5 observers on each of the Security Council countries are avid loud themself to to be silent and therefore in my view what twee our weakness seen here is saudi arabia possibly very as strategy key and very. Smartly trying to make the Security Council complicit in a possible miscarriage of justice will saudi arabia continues to refute the claims saying that the murder happened as a result of rogue agents who panic during a botched interrogation we know that a number of individuals are on trial behind closed doors in saudi some of them facing the Death Penalty but i guess kalamata is worried that whatever is happening there for significantly short of International Judicial standards she has recommended that the International Community puts more pressure. On the saudi leadership shes also suggested that the un creates its own investigation that would lead to individual liability for his killing but that requires momentum the moment she believes is somewhat lacking so dam has begun to restore Internet Access to mobile phones services with more than 100. 00 people were killed by Government Forces during a peaceful sit in last month disturbing images of the military crackdown and now surfacing on social media. As more. For the 1st time in more than a month these type of images are be shared through mobile phone. They show the aftermath of sudans military crackdown on protesters during a peaceful sit in in khartoum more than 100 people were killed by sudans military joint on june 3rd without. Much of the violence was recorded on so far videos Internet Services were caught shortly after on the orders of sudans transitional military council. Lawyer adela seem hazan filed a lawsuit requesting the internet be restored the court agreed services were brought back 1st to fix landlines on tuesday the ruling was extended to mobile phones he along with several human Rights Groups believe the shutdown was an attempt to hide evidence of crimes committed against civilians but that you probably know the argument was that interrupting Internet Services would protect the general public but in fact it was the opposite it was for the protection of private into taste and for people that have committed crimes. Social media platforms like facebook and twitter were widely used to organize protests that ultimately toppled longtime leader Omar Al Bashir in april once the military to control for weeks protesters took to the streets demanding the formation of a civilian led government. Since the military crackdown trust between the military and civilians has been damaged but last week progress was made generals and protesters agree to form a joint civilian military ruling body together they plan to install a new government for a transitional period of 3 years oh despite recent violence many civilians say they will keep pushing for change but these pictures that can now be shared on mobile phones prove the path forward could be challenging katia lopez with a gun aljazeera thought the short break here aljazeera when we come back the uns come out with its report card on the state of education in the developing world more on that stay with us. Ally would a day or twos time i think this isnt pretty. Big showers in turkey in the caucasus but for now theres not an awful lot going on as you say which is to be expected around the northern shores of the caspian it could well be sherry but for virtually all of iran and back down the plains of iraq is just sunny breezy and therefore dusty and of course if you know the game quite humid thats not the case in iraq its dry as dry breeze there hence the 46. 00 or more from baghdad south is down towards kuwait could on the coast of course not so much cooler on the coast of the gulf this is where the breeze might well bring you more he would rather still be for crossing 45. 00 by day which is just slightly warmer than in mecca 45. 00 inland in oman but north coast of the mountain slower to cuba the breeze that looks to be rather more permanently from the southwest of the cloud is going to be a more regular feature and obvious lower temperature but its much more humid now you expect to see nothing much in Southern Africa at this time of the year a good deal of sunshine occasional breaks of cold disappointing weather from the western cape east with well thats the picture for wednesday 23 in harare could be warm and 80 in cape town obviously cold nice as for rain precious little if any. In the 7188. 00 on the italian merchant set out on an extraordinary journey marco polo followed the crowd. Retracing his steps our modern day explorer discovers the distant. Echo the last words and the reminder of what and who survives history. Marco. Aljazeera. Welcome back to the top stories here on aljazeera the u. S. Says its trying to form a military coalition to protect shipping off the coasts of iran and yemen commander in irans revolutionary guard issued new threats against u. S. Military assets in the region. U. S. President donald trump has once again used twitter to attack the u. K. s ambassador in washington and the british Prime Minister it comes days after diplomatic cables were leaked critical of Trumps Administration. And Internet Access is being restored in sudan following the Ruling Military Council cut the internet more than a month ago saying its to protect the transition to deal with the opposition the protest leaders said the military was trying to hide evidence of a violent crackdown that killed more than 100 people. Now venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has met with a European Union representatives as efforts to end the countrys political crisis increases the e. U. Is hoping that it special envoy can help convince medoro to allow a free and Fair Election the Opposition Leader one why do who has declared himself acting president have already agreed to resume crisis talks the 2 sides have been engaged in a bit of trouble since january. Donald trumps comments about the u. K. s ambassador in washington and the Outgoing British Prime Minister came up in the final t. V. Debate between both men happen to place to resume a bias johnson and jeremy hunt also clashed over briggs it is largely. Given the seriousness of the situation it is genuinely extraordinary that this is the very 1st time these 2 faced questions from the public they havent seen in advance as to what the next Prime Minister should do to get through the maze of bricks hit and yet again the same false promises Boris Johnson arguing that the u. K. Would leave with no deal in october and then implement a trade deal with the European Union even though one wouldnt exist so the problems of the irish border where they properly belong in the context of the Free Trade Agreement that we will do after we come out on october 31st jeremy hunt try to attack johnson on this kind of thing he presented himself as a details man despite that not by his opponents being Prime Minister is about telling people what they need to hear not just what they want to hear and the difference between you and me is you are peddling optimism and im saying we can make a tremendous. We. Thank. The diplomatic war thats broken out between the u. S. And u. K. Came up of course once again demonstrating that gap hunts insisted he would stand up to trump and support his ambassador in washington sometimes things that you have to say to your friends that you rather not say like i said to President Trump today because i think its comments about treason may well unacceptable and i dont think he should have made them. While johnson refused to promise to defend the ambassador and refused to say that he would keep him posts well im not going to be so presumptuous as to thank you im going to go to the program was called britains next Prime Minister much of it was excruciating to watch yes or yes i was i will get me oh yes im sure you know whats the question allow entry. Boris you havent answered any. Question about what it was you dont know both are to raise their hand if they believe the u. K. Will leave the European Union at the end of october well thats a spirit jeremy. Of course the one thing that both johnson and hunt both have in common is an insistence that through sheer force of will they can bounce the European Union into coming up with a new brics it deal before the end of october and when those people in brussels understand that they mean business they will surely capitulates of course those people in brussels watch the television too and know perfectly well that that is the threat they now face and nothing has changed and both are kind of this know as well even though they wont admit it that there is no time whatsoever to come up with a new deal before the end of october. Once come across as the more serious candidates but johnson remains favorites all find out soon enough if hes telling the truth about his intention to say goodbye to the European Union and without the. Aljazeera. Russian president Vladimir Putin says he does not support imposing sanctions on georgia he made the statement in a televised address after russias parliament recommended the sanctions its in response to weeks of mass protests in georgia against russian influence and its government said he did not want to negatively impact relations with georgia. National interest as for sanctions i would rather not do it as respect the georgian people the sake of restoring full ties between russia and georgia i would not impose anything that complicated. Step bason has more now from moscow. Some contradictory statements coming from moscow towards georgia today this day duma had a strong statement and then a miss lee asking for economic sanctions but president putin says he doesnt want any sanctions he sas people who are inciting these anti russian sentiments in georgia they dont know their history and he doesnt want to hurt by lateral relations this all comes after he took protests for a couple of weeks already in georgia it started when a russian a legislator visited to d. C. And he held a speech in the chair of the speaker of Parliament Beer and this of course angered a lot of people in georgia they went to on to the streets and a lot of anti russian slogans will heard then president putin slammed the travel ban on to georgia no flights are allowed to leave moscow heading to georgia starting on monday and then now in this we kind of presenter on Georgian Television insulted president putin very badly and this has angered a lot of people here in russia so thats why this the duma asked for these economic sanctions it would basically basically be wine and water and mineral water and also money transfers going to georgia but the president sat again that he doesnt want these sanctions at this moment the ministry of Foreign Affairs said that its not only about what georgia has been saying in the anti russian sentiment but also the fact that the authorities have not been able to control the situation the french government wants to introduce some eco tugs for all flights taking off from the countrys airports money raised will be invested in public transport within fronts. Flying out of france will become more expensive for air passengers from next year the new eco tax is part of the french governments environment policy ended fighting Climate Change that whole city. Of france is committed toward europe is putting forward on taxing air travel there is increasing awareness and things are beginning to move but this is urgent like other countries we have decided to put in place an acre tax on air transport on all flights departing from france the tax will only apply to Outgoing Flights not to those flying into france or transiting fares will increase by 2. 00 for an Economy Class ticket within the European Union Business Class flights outside the you could cost an extra 20. 00 the paris is all the airport the response to the tax was mixed posable depreciation is good in principle i suppose but how can we be sure where the money will go a lot its really thick and on to take for granted nice to you but specific goodness of biofuel its always the ordinary people that pay and companies should take more responsibility for the state of the promise climate campaigners say that the Aviation Industry is responsible for nearly 5 percent of Global Carbon emissions the french government says a venue eco tax will raise grow 200000000. 00 a year money they say that they will spend on less polluting modes of transport such as rail the eco tax has already proved unpopular with some investors shares in air france fell after the announcement last year french president demand or mark or scrapped plans for similar eco tax on diesel fuel that sparked months of yellow face protests but some activists welcomed the move by france governments historically have seen aviation as a bit of a no go area intensive taxation or other measures that could help tackle emissions lets hope that at the moment theres that theres a bit more consumer readiness to accept that if we go. To tackle a Climate Emergency were going to have to make changes in our lives air passenger numbers are expected to double in the next 2 decades the french government says the situation is urgent and that other evasions should do more to crack down on an industry which is one of the worlds biggest polluters natascha buckler aljazeera paris italys hardline interior minister has shut down a large Migrant Center in sicily ourselves we need told the center prior to its closing and underlined the drop in my going to rivals in the country as one of the biggest Reception Center in europe had been due to close for a number of years after prosecutors uncovered what they said were illegal activities. As you know this was a promise i made not only to the sicilians but the italians the biggest Migrant Center in europe a business of dozens and dozens of millions of euros and it had become as proven by the Prosecutors Office a center pace for the nigerian mafia for drug dealing prostitution theft and stolen goods aggression violence rape and homicide in polygon yet i was considered to be crazy when as a minister i promised i would shut it down because it was a Center Housing more than 4000 people in the past we kept reducing those numbers and today its 0 the u. S. Is urging turkey to stop Drilling Operations off the coast of cyprus the warning comes after ankara sent a 2nd ship to drill for oil and gas on monday cyprus is divided between an internationally recognized republic and a turkish controlled part in the north which is considered occupied territory huge gas reserves were recently discovered of the separate coast. A funeral has taken place for the youngest learned victim of the philippines called war on drugs 3 year old michael pina was killed in a Police Operation last week officers say the girl was used by her father an alleged drug dealer as a human shield during a shootout east of manila the girls mother denies this 6000 people have been killed since president rodrigo to charity introduced the crackdown in 2016. Now the u. N. Says World Leaders may not be able to keep their promises to raise Global Education standards by the year 2030 according to a report by unesco one in 6 children in modern role in school and 40 percent of the worlds young people will not finish secondary school while learning rates are expected to stagnate in middle Income Countries in latin america and dropped by almost a 3rd in french speaking african nations by 2030 but the u. N. Says drastic measures are needed to change projections that show one 5th of young people and they only a 3rd of all adults will not be literate by 2030 helen clark is the former Prime Minister of new zealand and is now an Education Advisor for unesco she says investing in education must be a priority. No country ever developed without a mystical nesting in education for its people just doesnt happen so to break the cycle of poverty the whole countrys for communities for families education is ever. Critical it helps us achieve Sustainable Development goals on eradicating poverty hunger on the cheating gender equality everything is good about education for the individual the family the country so it has to be prioritized i think it has probably been a bit of complacency because say with some of the Health Emergencies of people dont get care then in the atlee die ok you dont get a dive you dont get education but you cannot fulfil your potential or your countrys for potential so the moneys never everything but it does help we need donors to step up and support for the most vulnerable and poor countries and countries themselves need to be dedicating more money to the us thats about a quarter of the u. N. Member states are not meeting the benchmarks for for investment in education from their budgets and in terms of Gross Domestic Product then thats going to be a focus also on quality on trying teach is on plasters a lot needs to be done but i think the real value of this report from munich has Global Education monitoring report is wake up call if we carry on as we are now we reach the goals that have been set for 2030. Now pakistan has just hosted one of the worlds most spectacular sporting events played in the altitude of 3700. 00 metres the highest ground on the planet as the venue for the shandor festival correspondent come out there was there to watch the sport of kings against the backdrop of the scenic shanda valley near chitral in northern pakistan although paulo played all around the world no one. Knew. You were running. Around in the words. From the get it done and youre drawn. To kids in. Order to get. And forgave them to treat you. This is also an opportunity for pakistan to. Give you your. Security situation and improve. How people have. One word you and the roof will still work. Or not would really be able to get down to get married were going to do it is your gun and you should feel secure in 3 years. Time for a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera the u. S. Says its trying to form a military coalition to protect shipping off the coast of iran and yemen earlier a commander in irans revolutionary guard issued new threats against u. S. Military assets in the region. The french president ammonium across top diplomatic adviser is in tehran trying to deescalate tensions with iran over the nuclear deal. You countries that signed the 2015 agreement have called for a meeting. U. S. President donald trump has once again used twitter to attack the u. K. s ambassador in washington and the british Prime Minister it comes days after diplomatic cables were linked critical of Trumps Administration. Internet access is being restored instead of falling across Ruling Military Council cut the internet more than a month ago saying a blackout was needed to protect a transitional deal reached with the opposition protest leaders said the military was trying to hide evidence of a violent crackdown that killed more than 100 people. But israel and president Nicolas Maduro has met with the European Union representatives as efforts to end the countrys political crisis increases the e. U. Is hoping that it special envoy can help convince my dear road to allow a free and Fair Election he an Opposition Leader one who has declared himself acting president already agreed to resume crisis talks the 2 sides would engage in a bitter power struggle since january. Russian president Vladimir Putin says he does not support imposing sang

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