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Three Stocks To Buy In June

Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead: The Summer Doldrums Approach

Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead: Will Risk Appetite Recover?

Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead: Will Risk Appetite Recover? 2021-05-16 12:00:00 Peter Hanks, Strategist Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead: Neutral The Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 will look to recover from last week’s turbulence Inflationary fears have pressured risk appetite across asset classes and traders will look to the upcoming Fed minutes for further insight Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead The Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 endured considerable volatility last week as the three indices declined roughly -1.1%, -2.3% and -1.4% respectively. White-hot inflation data was largely to blame for the initial wave of selling as investors reassessed the Fed’s policy path given new economic readings. As the week progressed, disappointing retail sales and consumer confidence data helped to soothe hawkish fears and the indices were able to close the week off the lows.

Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead: Reflation Trade Reignited

Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead: Reflation Trade Reignited 2021-05-05 21:00:00 Peter Hanks, Strategist Stock Market Forecast: Recent price action suggests the popular reflation trade may have returned which could spell pain for the Nasdaq 100 Stock Market Forecast for the Week Ahead: Reflation Trade Reignited The Dow Jones and S&P 500 notched modest gains Wednesday as the Nasdaq 100 bled slightly lower. Disjointed price action in recent sessions has sparked a revival in discussion around the reflation trade theme which originally gained popularity in the first quarter when large technology stocks first began to stumble. The reflation trade theme can be roughly measured through a ratio of the Nasdaq 100 to the Dow Jones.

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