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Any and all information provided within the web-site, is for general information purposes only and Market Oracle Ltd do not warrant the accuracy, timeliness or suitability of any information provided on this site. nor is or shall be deemed to constitute, financial or any other advice or recommendation by us. and are also not meant to be investment advice or solicitation or recommendation to establish market positions. We do not give investment advice and our comments are an expression of opinion only and should not be construed in any manner whatsoever as recommendations to enter into a market position either stock, option, futures contract, bonds, commodity or any
Stocks Bear Market / Crash Indicator (CI18) - Current Risk is VERY LOW. The Crash Indicator is one of the neural nets I am working on as my AI takes baby steps into understanding how to interpret the stock market. It s task is to state the current risk of a bear market or crash being imminent i.e. within the next week or so. So an independant indicator that acts as a warning to HEDGE stock portfolios ahead of a high probability declines in the market. Where my preferred hedging tool is to go short stock index futures so as to capitalise on any drop delivering fresh funds to buy more AI stocks at deep discounts just as I did during March 2020. The last time this indicator triggered a warning was late February, so it is not a trading indicator but instead a Hedge your portfolio warning indicator.
Cryptocurrencies are very popular these days. Most people usually use it as an investment but, actually, there are loads of goods and services you can buy with it: from restaurants to clothes, gift cards, even real estate, and lots of other stuff too. So, if you want to know what more you can buy with cryptocurrencies, continue reading this article and let us help you with that. Firstly, you can get crypto currencies with your own debit or credit card and then buy gift cards with it. It is actually very simple: all you have to do is to find the right store, choose card value and add to cart, then go to checkout. Select cryptocurrency and pay the invoice. Then just wait till you receive the gift card. You can even earn cashback for your purchases made with crypto. So, it is a really great choice. Another thing you can buy with it is to travel. Some of the online sites accept bitcoins: all you need to do is find the right one. Also, more and more people are accepting
Confirmed, unconfirmed, verified, and invalidated: breakouts and breakdowns are now ubiquitous. And the implications are bearish for gold. Let’s start today’s analysis with a discussion of the key market that everyone is interested in – gold.
Gold’s Failed Breakout – A Sell Sign In short, gold just invalidated its small breakout above the declining blue resistance line. The previous breakout was small and thus it required a confirmation. It never got one, and instead gold plunged, invalidating the move. This is yet another sell sign that we saw.
It also serves as further proof that ever since the beginning of the year, gold permabulls (many people continue to claim that gold can only go up, even now) were destroying value rather than creating it. On a side note, we have nothing against checking out the work of other analysts, but we encourage you to check if someone was both bullish and bearish on a given market. If they never changed their mind, it seems