I yes, It appears theres no arbate around my appeal. Happy wednesday, everyone. So people are accusIng last NIghts Debate moderators of teamIng Uy Wednesp Trump whIe lettIng kamalas slIde. Trueator, trump was constantly under attack by the moderators. So much so youd thInk were workIng from a slanted Roofyo Belt lIke an ambush. You knowd than, wIth Kamala Ande moderators jumpIng all over trump. I havent seenlIke three on one. That dIsturbIng sInce I was at that golden gIrls trump afterparty. I just watched It. Its what I lIke to do. Understandably, the moderators were heavIly crItIcIzed for theIr bIas. TheIr DavId MuIr seemed completely crmoved by the crItIquesbI. In a bIased factcheck of trump, muIr claImed crIme Is usIng dIscredIted data from the fbI. Wow. DavId so gullIble, he probably stIll belIeves those photos I took them really were for a charIty calendar act. Jokes on you. MeanwhIle, Kamala HarrIs referred to january sIx as the greatest attack on amerIcan democracy sInce the cI
what it is america, welcome to new year s with tyrus. happy new year s eve we almost made it. we did it. woo. man. it fell like it was 2023 for another year. with inflation, corruption, de funding. my truce, first word oh oppression and white house with a moral compass of a creepy man living in a van down tdown the. river. why the big smile. kennedy will make drinks and solving world problem here s with us. 2024, is right around the corner, new year, new outlook, new opportunities, already looking better. get this. influencers are leaving the country. new american dream is to leave. sold my house in houston, texas to move to bali. bond voyage. less social security should be everyone s new year s resolution. what about 2024. you don t have to be blind but it helps if you are famous blind mystic, who had 7 predications for 2024. including foinclude putin s assassination, a cure for cancers, natural disasters and cyberattacks and more, babas had been dead since 199
welcome to new year s with tyrus. happy new year s eve we almost made it. we did it. woo. man. it fell like it was 2023 for another year. with inflation, corruption, de funding. my truce, first word o oppression and white house with a moral compass of a creepy man living in a van dowdown the. river. why the big smile. kennedy will make drinks and solving world problem here s with us. 2024, is right around the corner, new year, new outlook, new opportunities, already looking better. get this. influencers are leaving the country. new american dream is to leave. sold my house in houston, texas to move to bali. bond voyage. less social security should be everyone s new year s resolution. what about 2024. you don t have to be blind but it helps if you are famous blind mystic, who had 7 predications for 2024. includiinclude putin s assassination, a cure for cancers, natural disasters and cyberattacks and more, babas had been dead since 1996, he predications come true, i
john fetterman is holding a campaign event in perg. his first time on stage since last night s debate and he acknowledged the difficulties he had. we ll play what he said in a moment with just 13 days until the midterm elections. it is one of many developments that continue to shake up races in pivotal states. in pennsylvania, the debate certainly made a mark as fetterman admitted moments ago the aftereffects of his stroke made speaking difficult at times. my doctors, the real doctors that i believe, they all believe that i m ready to serve. i didn t hear you say you would release your full medical records. why not? you have 30 seconds. no. yeah, again, my doctor believes that i m fit to be serving and that s what i believe is where i m standing. republican mehmet oz making headlines as well with this on abortion. i want women, doctors, local political leaders leading the democracy that allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward for states decide
moment, with just 13 days until midterm elections it is one of many developments that continue to shake up races in central states. we will focus on their impact tonight and in pennsylvania the debate certainly made a mark as fetterman admitted just minutes ago the aftereffects of his truck made speaking difficult at times. my doctors, the real doctors and i believe, they all believe that i am ready to be served. i didn t hear you say that you would release your full medical records, why not? you have 30 seconds. again, my doctor believes that i am fit to be serving, and that is what i believe is where i am standing. republican, mehmet oz making headlines as well with this on abortion. i want women, doctors, local, political leaders, leading the democracy that has always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves. the question now, what will pennsylvania voters make of what they saw and heard? we will have real a