Ordinance created procedures for additional review and slopes stability for Properties Within a certain area and established a structural advisory commithy for review oof permit application in the area. In summary, the appellate hasnt submitted substantial evident that support the conclusion there are unusual circumstances that justify removing the project from a class 1 categorical exemption. Further more, the appellate hasnt presented stelsh evident there is a reasonable possibility of significant Environmental Impact due to unusual circumstances. The categorical exemption determination compalestines with the requirement oof sequa and the project is appropriately exemp from Environmental Review therefore i urge you to auphold the exemption and deny the epeal. Thank you very mump. At this time we will hear from the project sponsor. You will have up to 10 minutes. Good afternoon jody knight from [inaudible] on behalf of project sponsor. The staff did a great job giving the basics of th
Return after the writ was granted the city then issued a initial study and gave it a mitigated [inaudible] the courts ruling is directly on point and says that if you are on the cower taizy list it does want mandate a eir. With the same breath the court says the sites on the cor taizy list may not be grant adcategorical exemption and speak about a site like this site with 2 closeier letters thrks same closure letters the city is now claiming somehow exemps it from the law and creates annul the court put its opinion that you cannot issue a cad x for that site. The court makes no medication of the closure letter changing the direct and expressed language of the statute. We presented a mountain of authoritythality this site may not be grooanted to cad xx. Thaset what the statute says. None of the multiple application ask is there a closeier letter. If the citys theory was cret that woorb on there. Finally these sites are kept on the list indefinitely for a reason. No one knows exactly wlu
The base within inches to another house on top that is at the edge of a near vertical unstable slope. That is extremely unusual. You see lot of housing with set backs in hill sides, a lot of set backs, but never a house on the top with now set back and the a huz at the base of no set back. That is high challenge and think that is definitely a unusual circumstance. After the notice of violations are real hazards. It isnt speculation or something that might happen. It happened in 2012 and in 2014, i have 8 feet of rocks stack udup, the rocks still continue to fall. It isthere was another lan slide 4 blocks away so this is quite serious. The second test is there reasonable possibility that unusual circumstances will produce a significant effect on the environment. Yes, definitely. All 4 neighbors on the cliff share the cliff and it is unstable so that is just common sense. That is oorth think that is unusual about the case, all 4 neighbors are on a unstable cliff. Even small projicts are
Xx. Thaset what the statute says. None of the multiple application ask is there a closeier letter. If the citys theory was cret that woorb on there. Finally these sites are kept on the list indefinitely for a reason. No one knows exactly wlut is down there. That is the point. The city itself admits this. The city itself says, one of the possible reasons why the sites are emain on the list because remediation techniques may include capping the site, that is qulaut happened at the fire house, the site was capped, subsquents praunlect including excavation can disturb that containment and expose the public to haserdize materials thank you very much. Okay colleagues this hearing has been held and item number 18 is held and closed. Iteal 19, 20 and 21 are in the hands of the board of supervisors. At this time i would like to recognize supervisor farrell thank you for list toong the appeal and all the people that came to speak on this item. This fire house is on grinch street next to [inaudib
Disturb that containment and expose the public to haserdize materials thank you very much. Okay colleagues this hearing has been held and item number 18 is held and closed. Iteal 19, 20 and 21 are in the hands of the board of supervisors. At this time i would like to recognize supervisor farrell thank you for list toong the appeal and all the people that came to speak on this item. This fire house is on grinch street next to [inaudible] 3 dors down from the balboa cafe. It is what we are doing here through the easter phaund rebuilding a entire fire house. I know the Fire Department has gone through many fire houses. This one didnt have that ability to have toit has to be taken down and rebuilt. In terms of the outreach, im very sympathetic to the neighbors. Have met with them a number of times. We had Numerous Community meetings in particular at maus coney Recreation Center a few blocks away firks around the external design, which a number of neighbors didnt like. First was a modern lo