Thank you chair, and all. My name is christopher and live commenting on more bad news. Within the last two weeks climate scientists have presented more alarming reports. These are on our southern Antarctic Ice cap and the reports describe once again how the warming climate and oceans are accelerating the ever Faster Movement of ice mass the size of california, averaging over a kilometer in thickness. Into the worlds oceans resulting in multimeter sealevel rise by the end of the century. Once again scientists are lowballing the numbers and once again their predictions will lag reality. My prediction is still 50 by 55, that is 2055. My prediction is that by that time Climate Change will disrupt food production, that Climate Change will bring famine, that Climate Change will provoke war among the nations over vanishing resources. My solution is still using freely Available Energy to desalinate freshwater to irrigate new trees. What can you do to help . And i would move the absence of a qu
Samantha, lorne, juan torres. Maria navarro. Sam yu. Jesus hernandez. Keith gardner. And sman that, i wanted to highlight samanthas story. Samantha started with good life when she was 17 years old. She started bagging groceries. More than a decade later, she is now the store manager and general operator of the store. Good life is very proud of offering true Career Advancement opportunities for its employees, owners, like samantha. And in addition to presenting this honor to good life, im very excited to announce that well be nominating them shortly to be a legacy business and as was noatd earlier, the legacy business registry ensures the protection of Small Businesses that are as part of critical part of San Francisco as any. It would not be vernal heights without the good life and it wouldnt be San Francisco without so many of these businesses. Supporting historic businesses like good life is really what the business legacy business registry is about. The other thing i would say about
Supervisor farrell, farrell not president. Supervisor kim present. Supervisor mar present. Supervisor peskin. Present,. Present. Supervisor tang. Tang present. Supervisor weiner. Present. Supervisor yee. President. Supervisor farrell, prept. Automatic members are present. Can you please join us for the pledge of a geedges. [recitation of the pledge of allegiance] thank you. Are there any chaimgs to the april 19th or the april 20th special budget and finance Meeting Minutes . Seen none. There is a motion . Colleagues can we take that without objection . The Meeting Minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Madam clerk, can you please read the consent agenda. One through four comprise the agenda. An eye tomorrow may be removed and considered separately. Seeing no names on the roster. Madam cleerk, please call the roll. One through four, supervisor weiner. Aye Company Supervisor weiner aye. Supervisor avalos, aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Iewp visor breed aye. Iewp visor farrell, aye,
Use rankchoice voting and rank both finalists, which if you are trying to make a choice on who the winner should be . It doesnt really make sense to be running them off against each other and indicates uncertainty about the situation. Having a primary for the mayor also would make candidates forums much easier. When you have just wave and waves of a dozen of candidates, its hard to have a forum and its difficult to support Public Financing because you have a smaller field. You could have two or a handful of candidates. Rankchoice works good with a handful, but up to a dozen, it really starts to fail. Thank you. Any other speakers left to speaker for Public Comment . Madam president. Thank you, seeing no other speakers for Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. [ gavel ]. Madam clerk, lets go back to the item that we skipped over. Item no. 9. Lets go back to item 9. Supervisor avalos, are we ready for that . Absolutely. All right, lets go. Thank you, madam president. And i want t
Present. Supervisor yee. President. Supervisor farrell, prept. Automatic members are present. Can you please join us for the pledge of a geedges. [recitation of the pledge of allegiance] thank you. Are there any chaimgs to the april 19th or the april 20th special budget and finance Meeting Minutes . Seen none. There is a motion . Colleagues can we take that without objection . The Meeting Minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Madam clerk, can you please read the consent agenda. One through four comprise the agenda. An eye tomorrow may be removed and considered separately. Seeing no names on the roster. Madam cleerk, please call the roll. One through four, supervisor weiner. Aye Company Supervisor weiner aye. Supervisor avalos, aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Iewp visor breed aye. Iewp visor farrell, aye, supervisor kim, aye, mar aye. Supervisor peskin, aye, tang aye. There are 11 ayes. Those items are approved unanimously. Madam clerk, please read the next item. Item five is it an