I welcome everyone to the subcommittee meeting today to hear testimony in iraq. Your witness appearing today, before recognizing myself for the purpose of making up statement i would like to take the opportunity to recognize and thank the members of our committee who served in iraq for your service and your interest today will be invaluable. Your input. I will now make statement and then turn it over to ricky member news we can make an opening statement. Also, before beginning my time, i like to take a moment to news express my condolences to the soldiers killed in pensacola on friday. Three soldiers will dedicated to our country. They were taken far is it too soon. We want answers about the shooter and how the septet happened. The president was quick to share condolences. And certainly at this. , the president and all of us must require the kingdom, and transparent cooperation with the United States in this issue so we can understand what happened. Identify any problems of the vetting
While serving his country both in the armed forces and in the congress. We do more in his passing and it would be not in keeping with our traditions to proceed without at least giving our condolences to his family and to those who sent him to congress. I would like to recognize mr. Nadler for remarks. Thank you madam chairperson. People are mourning the loss of john conyers but nowhere is his loss felt more deeply than here in the Judiciary Committee where he served for more than 50 years as a member of this committee including more than 20 years as either chairman or Ranking Member. John conyers was a true champion for civil rights and a justice for the oppressed and disenfranchised. Prior to service was on the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement and was in alabama for the freedom day bodine drive in congress endorsed and once in office he hired rosa parks and when her civil rights activism caused other employers to shun her. Throughout his career he was a leader of progressive cau
Keeping with our tradition to without at least giving our condolences to his family and those who served with him and who he represented i will recognize the chairman for remarks on Mister Conyers. Thank you madam chairperson. Americans across the country are mourning the loss of john conyers today that l his loss is not felt more deeply here in the Judiciary Committee serving more than 50 years. Including 20 years as chairman or Ranking Member. He was a true champion for civil rights and justice and on the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement he also holds the distinction to be the only member of congress to be endorsed by Martin Luther king jr. Throughout his career he was a leader of progressive causes he authored universal healthcare legislation and introduced hr 40 with the reparations of jim crow back j in 1989 with a long track record to work across the aisle with partisan legislation such as the violence against women act usa freedom act and the Voting Rights act. As a leader
The law allows programs like this to exist and they were common. World war i, world war ii, vietnam war, korean war, this was Standard Practice of the government and only reversed by the department of defense in internal memos that undermine the intent express of congress with a statute passed by congress more than 100 years ago. You have lawlessness by the deferment of defense that are undermining a statute with internal executive memos. [inaudible] did you mention that . The 1996 act take away judicial discretion . I know mr. Metcalf had a different perspective. Tell me. Yes, that is one the most troubling aspects of the changes made to the Immigration Laws. It removed had an aggravated felony and expanded the definition of aggregated felony. And things that dont classify as aggravated. Im out of time but in Orange County we were the first pioneers creating veterans courts and out these issues are complex. We look forward to working with you on this issue. Id like to recognize mr. Bi
Thank you chair, and all. My name is christopher and live commenting on more bad news. Within the last two weeks climate scientists have presented more alarming reports. These are on our southern Antarctic Ice cap and the reports describe once again how the warming climate and oceans are accelerating the ever Faster Movement of ice mass the size of california, averaging over a kilometer in thickness. Into the worlds oceans resulting in multimeter sealevel rise by the end of the century. Once again scientists are lowballing the numbers and once again their predictions will lag reality. My prediction is still 50 by 55, that is 2055. My prediction is that by that time Climate Change will disrupt food production, that Climate Change will bring famine, that Climate Change will provoke war among the nations over vanishing resources. My solution is still using freely Available Energy to desalinate freshwater to irrigate new trees. What can you do to help . And i would move the absence of a qu