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Thank you chair, and all. My name is christopher and live commenting on more bad news. Within the last two weeks climate scientists have presented more alarming reports. These are on our southern Antarctic Ice cap and the reports describe once again how the warming climate and oceans are accelerating the ever Faster Movement of ice mass the size of california, averaging over a kilometer in thickness. Into the worlds oceans resulting in multimeter sealevel rise by the end of the century. Once again scientists are lowballing the numbers and once again their predictions will lag reality. My prediction is still 50 by 55, that is 2055. My prediction is that by that time Climate Change will disrupt food production, that Climate Change will bring famine, that Climate Change will provoke war among the nations over vanishing resources. My solution is still using freely Available Energy to desalinate freshwater to irrigate new trees. What can you do to help . And i would move the absence of a quorum except i have no standing. Well, if you cant think of anything to help, than please just get out of the way. Thank you, next speaker, please. David told solomon know thou the god god of thy father and serve him with a perfect heart and willing mind for the lord searches all hearts and understands all of the imagination of the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be fond of thy and forsake him and he will cast you out forever. Nobody know whats you are thinking. God knows what you are thinking. He knows what you are thinking. And the bible is a super natural book and there was a great king from babylon who destroyed the jewish temple. He had this dream and didnt know what it meant, and so he said to his wisemen he was going to kill all of them unless they told him what the dream was and the interpretation of his dream. So daniel prayed and god revealed to daniel what the dream was and what it meant. He was so impressed with that, he gave him a promotion. God made him famous so everybody would read his book and jesus called him the prophet daniel, was given the most incredible revelation in the entire Old Testament because he was given the precise amount of time there would be before the messiah would come and be baptized and then die on the cross for our sins. And he said there would be 70 weeks, each one of these weeks were actually 7years long, dead ending in a sabbath year and what christ died in the 70th 7year cycle he was the 80th 7year cycle if you back up to the destruction of the temple. The jews kept precisely where they are in chronology and ezekiel, they knew in 56 years they would go back because jeremiah said thus sayth the lord and in 70 years, exactly 70 years and these were thank you, next speaker, please. Good evening my name is karen flescherman and came to talk to you about saving San Francisco lives and much remains to be done and it must be done swiftly to keep the momentum going in the right direction. Today britton had an editorial in the guardian about the impact of not guilty verdict of edward nero, one of the officers involved in freddie grays killing by Baltimore Police department. President obama spoke about him in his commencement speech at howard, who joined with police and other experts to produce president obamas task force on 21st century policing. If you want our trust, stop killing us. If you want a relationship, stop getting away with it. June 2nd, 2016 will be six months since sfpd executed mario woods in broad daylight in front of a buses full of School Children and its also the national day against gun violence. The children at my Daughters School want to know why sfpds shoots so many people so many times . You have an obligation to make sure this doesnt happen again. Removing chief suhr is just the first stop to making that happen. Sfpd must be made accountable and this is what you need to do by june 2nd, a National Search for the communities most impacted selecting the criteria for the new chief . We need an end to the cops we need the u. S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division and need George Gascon to indict the killers of gomez and woods and need the police to discipline and terminate all officers involved in officerinvolved shootings. This is urgent and i ask you to please take it very seriously. Thank you, next speaker, please. Madam president and supervisors. My name is abraham. Im an engineer and work for one of the top general contractors in the bay area. I had the Great Fortune to attend a fundraiser to honor the legacy of rudy bridges the first black child to be integrated into the allwhite school. I couldnt help but feel saddened because here in San Francisco, only in San Francisco, practitioners are excluded from participating in the annual japantown in Chinatown Community parades. Why and how can this only happen in our great city of San Francisco, none known for tolerance . Since the illegal persecution, the communist party has used this here in San Francisco extends the persecution through the chinese consulate, which directly targets Community Leaders in San Francisco and persuades through them propaganda that its a Political Movement to not allow and exclude citizens who practice this fallen doffa have no policy aspirations and the Chinese Communist party fears it the communities include them into their events these communities will see through their lives and realize that the practitioners are good people that have been wronged. I believe that san franciscans do not support discrimination. And influence from a Foreign Government interfering with the souvenir nation. I look forward to the day one of you will walk alongside us to openly attend the chinatown and japantown Community Parades just as the federal agents walked along ruby bridges every day in 1960. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Translator greetings supervisor, wonder what type of performance would put on . If they were allowed to join the janantown and chinese new years parade and allow me to show it so you can see it . This time is set for the individual at the first microphone there, if she wants to say what you are saying, that is fine. Okay. Sorry. I apologize. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is vicky. And im 13 years old and i live in sunset district. I came to the states last august to learn classical at school. And im extremely excited to be living here in the usa, because this country has more human than Mainland China. I have practiced together with my mom and grand mom since i was born and see their practice as helping me focus on being truthful and being kind to other people and thinking of others before thinking of myself. However, we are not able to talk about falun da la in Mainland China because of the current persecution. Im very happy that the practice is legal in the United States. And i cant even participate in falun parade and marching bands. It would be impossible to do this in china, a country that is under the rule of the communist party. April 27th, 2016, it was my first time to perform in the parade with the marching band. I was full of joy and honor. However, a half hour before the parade was to begin, we were notified that our band was forbidden to join. But we got the permit to perform way beforehand. How could this happen . America is famous for its support of human rights around the world. I wish justice could be done here. Seems like a peaceful marching band. Please speak closer to the microphone, thank you. What happens in the United States, i hope the truth that we can Work Together that it never happens again. Thank you for your time and concern. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is tom borden and im here to speak about something that i have observed, i have seen two supervisors speak on proposition b in the last week. And there have been some shortcome ings i would like to talk about. Sir, im pausing your time, sir. There is no election airing in the chamber. If you want to talk generally about issues, but not about campaign issues, please. I will run your time now. You are at saying i cant talk about anything that is on the ballot . That is correct. Let me ponder that for my next minute and 30 seconds and see if there is any way i can get across my point . We can move to the next speaker and give you time to come back with your remarks. Thank you. Thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is dewith the San Francisco forest alliance. I would like to address in a general way the issue of set asides, and most of you were not in your seats in 2008, but in 2008 the board of supervisors im sorry, the ballot passed proposition s, which was a local measure that said there would not be set asides unless there was a new source of funding. And that it would be city policy that voters cannot approve a new set aside with a cost of living adjustment or other annual increase of more than 2 . And that the setasides could not be for more than ten years. This measure was voted on, and 56 compared to 44 of San Francisco residents voted in favor of that. There has been a lot of setasides that have happened since then. One was discussed today. One is currently on the ballot. And i think the context of understanding how people feel about setasides is very important. As an example on our current ballot, the amount of money that is going to go into a setaside was never discussed, and i dont think that you are aware of how much money was involved in this proposition, which is 4. 5 billion over 30 years. I believe that i have a paper i will give you to go on record about this, and a spreadsheet. But i would like you to understand before you endorse something, that the figures of what ever that you are endorsing that you fully understand what those figures are before you endorse and to understand how the citizens of San Francisco feel about setasides. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im back. I would like to speak on board of supervisors resolution 65302. In which you forebade the recreation and Parks Department from implementing the significant natural areas Resource Management plan until such time as the board of supervisors approved their plan. That plan is still awaiting eir certification. And yet, rec and park is pursuing activities that are part of it such as closing trails, erecting accesscontrol fencings and putting up signs that prohibit walking off designated trails or riding your bicycle in the park or even walking your bike in the park. And the resolution by this body was quite explicit. It said that they shall not impose access restrictions, cut recreation, kill feral cats, cut any healthy trees and yet, this body has done nothing to stop recreation and park from doing these things, and even the Planning Commission hasnt done anything about the violation of ceqa. So im concerned about this. I have talked to several supervisors on this issue, and nothing has happened. And i really think that the recreation and park needs more supervision more teeth in any kind of measure that might that they are involved with. To be sure that the public is protected and their voice and what happens with recreation and park with our parks. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors, catherine howard. We have just learned that rec and park is now charging people to sit on the grass in dolores park. Rec and park states that this is a Pilot Program. But as everyone knows that is rec and park departments speak for this is what were going to do, tough. This is the direction that rec and park has taken our parks, continued privatization and monetization and loss of park use for those unable to pay to pay. Heaven forbid that a family decides to sit on the grass in a spurofthemoment. After the dolores park story broke at least two supervisors according to the press spoke up. All of a sudden rec and park has decided to suspend the program. Could it be because that is because the board at this point and for a few more weeks only has budget power over rec and park . You should immediately recognize that this is a rogue department out of control, mistakes were made in the chamber and i think could be rectified and should place a ballot measure that institutes controls for the department of recreation and park. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors, and thank you very much for this opportunity to speak. I hadnt planned to come speak. I looked inside the door and thought the line isnt so long. I may as well give it a thought. My name is elizabeth delong, im a proud member of local 2, united here Restaurant Workers Union and im also a neighbor. I am a mother. I am a widow and happen to live across the street from dolores park and i have to tell you, overnight more than 15,000 signatures were put on a change. Org petition to stop selling our parks. Now dolores park is very particular, because you know we have all of these poor unfortunate intimate Technology Kids crammed into apartments, sometimes six or seven at a time and not to mention the families in the neighborhoods an long time residents. This is one place you can go and stretch your legs and get a little bit of fresh air. We dont have to pay for that privilege. Our parks are our parks. No more paytoplay. San francisco is not for sale. We love our parks. We fought to keep them nice and we fought and tried to have investments put into the parks to make sure they were beautified and now its beautiful, you want to take it away from us . No, no, no, no. San francisco is not for sale. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening, citizens of San Francisco, and supervisors. My name is mel mel varand i live in the tenderloin district and im a volunteer chess teacher. Supervisor kim probably remembers me from 5160 farrell, the incident last year, where the dead body was left undiscovered for eight weeks and maybe supervisor farrell remembers me from rumor. But anyway, i have an addendum to my Police Case Number that i reported 48 hours ago regarding a certain david, a resident Maintenance Manager of 376 ellis. Who operates a highend prostitution ring using this building and are populated by squatters, who call themselves homesteaders. I tend to agree that most of these homesteaders were illegally evicted by the slum lord using thugs and they are claiming that they are just reoccupying their old units. Most of them are heroinaddicted and when passed out, their belongings are carted away. Now there are foreigners who i witnessed getting escorted inside the room, and there are two foreigners that i saw actually you know, engage in prostitution in davids room. One of those tricksters name is maxie and this makes it a federal Human Trafficking case. I have presented prima facie evidence in order to charge and arrest david, but 48 hours from my initial report to officer bautista, the only thing that happened was this thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Hello supervisors. Thank you very much. My name is lee strayhand, investigator reporter and filmmaker and im here to speak out in favor of the rule of law, commonsense and simple civility. That is because we have reached a point people are trying to shut down opinions that they dont agree with. On some issues currently before the board, for instance, supervisors on this very board have resorted to calling critics racists. Everyone who takes logic knows its simply an insult and has no actual content. Calling everyone who disagree with us a racist has another goal, intimidation. The goal is to shut people up, to make them not want to talk, make them not want to speak out. Even though some of the people who are in the other side of some of the issues before this simply want the rule of law followed and believe that you pass a law, that law should be enforced. You may disagree, but you can hold that view and not be racist and to call people racist and overuse that term that is, in fact, offensive and wrong because racism, lets be clear is wrong and to overuse that term is simply awful. I would ask the board of supervisors to strongly consider the precedent they are setting by not addressesing the issues, but simply tossing out insults. Our democracy depends on open and free debate and intimidation and insults should not play any part in that process. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I want to further highlight and touch base on a conflict of interest, and true and correct way to take care of this Immigration Reform, illegal immigration, and also, sanctuary law. This type of legislation that you proposed due process for people involved in illegal immigration to litigation and legislation that you should be practicing on is to join mexico and make it part of the United States. You need to bring up their Living Conditions in mexico, so they wont have to be crossing across the border, cross ing across the deserts because of the povertylevel and Living Conditions in mexico. The poverty [hrao efrl ] inlevel in mexico is severallevels lower than the United States. You know that and they know that and as a result they take the chance of crossing the border, thousands of them die in the desert and nobody talks about it. If you incorporate legislationion to make mexico part of the United States of america, you would eliminate that problem. Its not fair to them. Im tired of watching them die on educational shows and you have illegal immigration taking place here in the city and you have the Human Service Agency Spending taxpayer money deporting citizens of the United States, talking about you helping the homeless problem. And then you turn around and perform illegal immigration and citizens and have Illegal Immigrants in brandnew apartments paying 25 a month. That is not fair to them and its not fair to the u. S. Citizens and its also not fair to immigrants who go through the process of becoming u. S. Citizens because you are cutting in front of them. Here is an example this past sunday where a thousand immigrants went through the red tape and became u. S. Citizens. This is the way that litigation should be done and you are creating a hostile environment. You are talking about developers pitting themselves against each other. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Madam president , supervisors my name is john jones and i attended the Police Commission at the Elementary School and that meeting as you know was adjourned early because a contingent from the university of california at San Francisco insisted on interrupting unless and until the commission added an agenda item concerning the performance of the current chief stared. Steward. A member of the contingent read part of a letter to those of us remaining in the auditorium and described a host of horribles inflicted on the people of San Francisco by the San Francisco Police Department and the medical person only read the first paragraph of the letter, which was quite lengthy. I replied to the medical folks and i would like to repeat to you what my reply was. I said i lived in excelsior for 30 years and had not had a car for five years and i took the 14 mission bus all the time. And i told her that i had not seen what her letter describes. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Gilbert, a stroll through the city of Small Businesses up at 24th street, noe valley, a neighborhood, west portal, a neighborhood. Laurel village, hub of a neighborhood. 9th and irving, a neighborhood, north beach, a neighborhood. And a location. Castro, a neighborhood and a location. 8, a neighborhood and a location. The mission, a neighborhood and a location. And what is south beach where i have lived for 27 years . Five years ago the mayor started with 8 washington as the focus and the future of our city followed quickly by a trip to china offering Treasure Island for sale and quickly came into the nba. The stadium on the dock. He said this is the jewel crown of a neighborhood. And at that moment in time that i realized was the death warrant for the neighborhood. We had 40,000 for the baseball games and adding 18,000 and two highrise hotels were the end of any chance. I figured he doesnt have a vision or a grasp of what is going on the streets of our town. How would north beach like 18,000stadium and two highrise hotels . He lacks vision, and grasp of reality. Now that started with his ability to understand run lee run. But now its time for lee to leave. Lee leave, please, lee, leave. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Gilberte. Next speaker, please . Supervisors, madam chair, madam president , my name is otter duffy, resident of north of market by city hall here. I am a neighborhood activist. My biggest area of activism and understanding is election issues from always trying to find ways, you know, to get my neighborhood has a somewhat lower turnout than other neighborhoods. There is a lot of extra names on voter rolls of people who dont live there because its a transient neighborhood and there is actually a number of issues with voting and to talk about maybe having a primary eelection for the mayor . Which has been possibly maybe might happen or not . Depending on things. I think it makes a certain amount of sense, because one of the things that voters dont get with rank choice voting, they dont always get a clear idea who the finalists are, the two people . Very often they come in and vote and see that some the votes gets stranded or exhausted and they dont even make a choice on one of the two finalists. In other cases you see them use rankchoice voting and rank both finalists, which if you are trying to make a choice on who the winner should be . It doesnt really make sense to be running them off against each other and indicates uncertainty about the situation. Having a primary for the mayor also would make candidates forums much easier. When you have just wave and waves of a dozen of candidates, its hard to have a forum and its difficult to support Public Financing because you have a smaller field. You could have two or a handful of candidates. Rankchoice works good with a handful, but up to a dozen, it really starts to fail. Thank you. Any other speakers left to speaker for Public Comment . Madam president. Thank you, seeing no other speakers for Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. [ gavel ]. Madam clerk, lets go back to the item that we skipped over. Item no. 9. Lets go back to item 9. Supervisor avalos, are we ready for that . Absolutely. All right, lets go. Thank you, madam president. And i want to thank sheriff hennessey and her staff for working with us closely over the past few weeks, and very intensely, intensively today. It was a lot of give and take on both sides and i do appreciate her flexibility. First off, and i also didnt get a chance to do the writing i wanted to do to do my speech here. So im using my phone. As we start, i want to mention honduran citizen, and Environmental Justice and human rights activist with Indigenous People in honduras and recently goldman prize winner a prize she received here in San Francisco in 2015. Recently she was murdered in her home in honduras. Honduras is a country hardhit by globalization, Climate Change induced environmental degradation and political unrest and poverty. The u. S. Government has been link to the 2009 political coup that oustered president salialia. Honduras is also where many youth who are trafficked to the mean streets of cities across the United States including those of San Francisco. And i mentioned honduras because its an example that migration and immigration are closely linked to the relationships between mother and host countries. And berta casadas has relatives in the bay area. This is known. Our sanctuary City Ordinance before us today, due process for sanctuary City Ordinance are both together here 27 years in the making. As the United States received immigrants from political unrest in central america, mexico, southwest and southeast asia, and other parts of the world, found it necessary to include and integrate waves of new residents making up our neighborhoods. And sanctuary citis have ensured that people who come here from other lands can feel as close as they can to residents who do not have to fear being denied services, being denied access to housing, being given the support of Law Enforcement to make their neighborhoods safer. And its a reciprocal relationship, so that in cities like San Francisco, that have sanctuary city, we recognize that for our citis to run effectively, for there to be a place where we can advance the interests of our resides, as much as possible, that we need to have relationships with the immigrants who are living with us. One of the key relationships is the relationship between Law Enforcement and the immigrant community and our sanctuary city policy is really most effective when we actually have the clear separation between local Law Enforcement, and federal Immigration Enforcement. Local Law Enforcement is criminal and justice enforcement and Immigration Enforcement is Civil Enforcement and that is exactly what our sanctuary city policy has done over the years. Last year was a really challenging moment, last summer, for sanctuary city policy. We have seen the tenor of the president ial campaign has been one of demagogery and preyed on peoples prejudices, from peoples concerns about muslim from other countries and peoples concerns about other people from other countries in general. And because of the tragic event that happened last year, those prejudices came to impact our standing together united to support sanctuary city policy. But here today we have an update to our policy that we get to vote on to ensure that as a city, we can unite all together on what the standard is going to be for upholding our sanctuary city policy and ensuring that all residents regardless of whether you are a immigrant, a resident, a citizen will be ensured due process in our Justice System and will not be turned over without it this. Is critical in San Francisco when we have seen especially with the Police Departments recent officerinvolved shootings that have communities of color reeling, believing that there is no trust to have with the Police Department. Because what they see, what resembles Police Officers using their guns without offering providing due process. And without due process, they could resemble summary executions. We want to make sure, as much as possible that we dont have any lack of due process for people who could be turned over to i. C. E. So i want to thank sheriff hennessey for her work helping us ensure we have due process through our Justice System and our Sheriffs Department and linking to the Police Department and our courts here in San Francisco. So more than anything, this ordinance before us is updating our sanctuary city political and due process for all ordinance to meet changes that have been made in federal Immigration Enforcement. Up to last year the main enforcement through i. C. E. Was changed to the providing letters that asked local Law Enforcement agencies and Sheriffs Department with a voluntary request to hold people past their release date up to 48 hours for ice to pick up and the new program is to notify i. C. E. When a person is to be released there custody. For the immigrant community its the same outcome, that people could be turned over to i. C. E. And to be closing a loophole. This also removes obsolete outdated language from the original sanctuary City Ordinance. It was language that was amended in 1993. And that language is no longer necessary, but what that language did is lower the bar completely for how local Law Enforcement could coordinate with i. C. E. And removing that language to have the most recent update that we have before us today. So this i will read into the record i have the amendment as a whole that discusses what the new policies will be. And we moved a great distance in 2013 had one single exception to when a person could be detained. And that was for someone who had a violent felony conviction in the last 7 years immediately prior to the date of notification or request. So that language is continuing in the new version. We have new language that we have received from the sheriff that were including as well. That actually broadens what the exception is going to be violent felony within five years immediately prior to notification or detention request. And then we have a third exception that we have put in as well. From the sheriff, and so we have come a long way to accept these amendments. And the third one is that individual has been convicted of three felonies, identified as felonis that would contribute that would lead to imprisonment in states penitentiary and reference the penal code. So three felonies subject to trust act exception for notification or detention, that would arise out of three separate incidents in the fiveyears and really prior to the date of notification. So those are the new carveouts that we have. And i want to make sure that you are aware of those. They are on page 13 of our legislation. The other language that we have added that the sheriff has accepted is language that ensures that were not merely notifying people who are merely booked on a felony, but people for whom a magistrate has determined that there is probable cause to believe the individual is guilty of a felony under the trust act guidelines. So having a magistrate to show that there is due process, that there is probable cause, provides that due process that is the foundation of our judicial system. And so i want to make sure you are aware of these changes and how we have been able to unite with the sheriff. Other new language we have is just to provide a reporting requirement that happens once a year. That will be provided to the board of supervisors. Semiannually. What is significant about this legislation that we are united on it, the board of supervisors we vote unanimously with that will be aligned with the sheriff and aligned with the mayor and aligned with the immigrant Rights Community that has helped to work on these amendments and there is no better place to be in. Were going to actually uphold our sanctuary city policy and protect it from wavering under policy pressure. So colleagues i want to urge your support and i want to thank you for your patience today and most of all i want to thank the sheriff for her work with our office, and the sheriff has any words you might want to add to come and share them with us . Thank you. So before the sheriff speaks, supervisor avalos, are you making these proposed amendments to your legislation . Yes, its an amendment of the whole im doing and yes, these are the proposed amendments with the support of the sheriff im motioning to be accepted. Supervisor avalos has made a motion to amend andate circulated and seconded by supervisor. Can we take those without exception . Those amendments pass. Welcome, sheriff to the amendment. Thank you, supervisor. I think we all agree that the immigration cries for the reform and i. C. E. Targets residents and lowlevel offenders and also agree what is needed is comprehensive Immigration Reform is that recognizes that United States is home to immigrants. I stood here before you today to talk about this issue and talked tot people i have listened to and those who dont agree on blanket nonotification policy and those concerned that notification will undermine the safety of their community and families. I always looked for a casebycase review and what i have now is that casebycase review. I want to thank you, and our recent discussions we have constructed parameters within which that will occur. This is a longer, rigorous process and talked with many people and particularly my thanks to supervisor avalos and supervisor peskin and others. We learned a lot going through the process and to serve Public Safety, family unity and bring our communities together and that is what im hoping for. Thank you so much. Thank you, sheriff. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam president. I just wanted to thank our sheriff, and supervisor avalos for working thoughtfully and deliberatively together to, i think, honor the citys longstanding tradition of sanctuary city and making sure that the city is safe. I just want to thank sheriff hennessey and supervisor avalos for such a collaborative process. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor campos. Thank you, madam president and thank for the comments. This is a difficult issue for so many different reasons, but to me, the fact that we have this agreement and i want to thank supervisor avalos and sheriff hennessey, its a testament of how San Francisco continues to lead, not only the state, but the country on these issues. I especially want to acknowledge the work of sheriff hennessey. We havent always seen eyetoeye on this issue and i want to thank you for taking the time to understand the concerns of this community. And i think its something that shows that not withstanding what is happening at the nationallevel, we in San Francisco have been very diligent in making sure that we focus on the substance of what were trying to do, which is trying to strike the right balance between Public Safety and the rights of immigrants. The thing about sanctuary is that the point of it often gets lost, which its really about maximizing Public Safety and ill have to say to supervisor avalos and the coalition, thank you for putting the time and energy into it. This is not an easy subjectmatter, and you have to roll up your sleeves and i know you have been doing this for a very long time. And im just very proud as a san franciscan, as an immigrant myself. Its great to see this outcome. I think its who we are as a city, and as a country. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor campos. Supervisor cohen. Thank you very much. Colleagues im not going to repeat everything that i have said in the past, last time we discussed this issue. I think i have made my position clear. I do want to take a moment and acknowledge supervisor avalos for spear heading the ordinance before us today and to thank our sheriff, sheriff hennessey for taking time to explain to myself, and the community members, her perspective on this issue. I believe that supervisor avalos and the sheriff have been working collaboratively, to come to a uniform policy and i think there was quite a gap between the two of you, would you agree . Quite a gap between the two of you. And so i just want to compliment the leader of being able to divorceyourself from the emotion, because sometimes the emotions can really cloud our ability to negotiate a position. I believe what you have presented here today i am prepared to support and i believe that supervisor avalos you have negotiated in earnest and in good faith and that the sheriff has been open to receive the concerns that many of us represent, the concerns of the constituents that we represent. And i think its important that we acknowledge that we cant continue to allow a flawed federal policies and hateful rhetoric from outside of the city to dominate and drive our local policies. And were living in an interesting time, where there is just so much fear, and people are making decisions based out of fear. If residents dont feel safe to go to the police, because they have a fear of being deported by i. C. E. , if people are fearful of reporting crime or fearful of intimidation or physical retaliation, they are not going report crimes. A lot of challenges happening in the immigrant community mirror what is happening in the community with this level of fear and distrust. We need to collectively roll up our sleeves to create policies that are supportive of tranceparency, and accountability. So supervisor avalos, i understand there will be some outstanding requests, and i believe that we have amended the ordinance proposed by you today to meet our shared goals of protecting Public Safety and most importantly upholding our values as a sanctuary city. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor cohen. Supervisor yee. Thank you, president breed. I would just also want to join the chorus and thanking all parties involved in this negotiation. I think over a month ago when i was able to meet with advocates and also meet with sheriff hennessey separately, i encouraged everybody involved to continue talking. Because even though there is language that people are using might be seen as real far away, i just think the individuals involved werent that far away philosophically in what they wanted and it was just a matter of having enough time to listen to each other and understand their perspectives and hammering out the common language that we can all live with, and not just live with. I think its more to say to everybody else outside of San Francisco, that were all together in this philosophy that we have, and support. So once again, i want to thank the advocates, supervisor avalos, and sheriff hennessey, for willingness to Work Together. I think if nothing else, it just goes to show you, when we listen to each other and try to understand each other, we can actually come up with consensus. Thank you, supervisor yee. Supervisor wiener. Thank you very much, madam president. I just wanted to reiterate my gratitude both to the sheriff and to supervisor avalos for working really hard to find Common Ground here. When this first when this dispute first started and the legislation was introduced and sitting down with the advocates and looking at the charts and comparing where the sheriff was and where the legislation was, it just screamed out to me as needing a resolution. The two were never that far apart and it really showed that i think everyone comes from a really good place here, that we want to protect our immigrant communities and we want to protect Public Safety, and we can do both, and do both graciously and i think we have done that here today and so congratulations to everyone. Thank you, supervisor wiener. Supervisor mar. Thank you. I wanted to acknowledge the work of the immigrants rights organizations for defending our citys sanctuary City Ordinance and working with supervisor avalos and others to prevent any weakening of the principles and the concepts. I did wanted to say i wish we were not printing more exceptions, but i acknowledge that supervisor avalos and the coalition have worked in goodfaith with sheriff hennessey as she said to protect Public Safety, but also to ensure that familis are not ripped apart by i. C. E. , pep, whatever they call it, and that sheriff hennessey will work with the Immigrants Rights Coalition and thank you for humanizing stories of being turned over to i. C. E. For just reporting a stolen car. But i think its really important that we just not look at the policies, but the human fear in immigrant communities and if were creating more communitybased involvement, to really keep moving this forward and to thank the coalition for standing strong and working with supervisor avaloss office for this comprise compromise and that we have defended our policies and because of the strength of the i immigrant communities. Thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor. Thank you again for the work we have done together with sheriff hennessey. I just want to mention my work with the free sf and different communities and coalitions that have come together to support this legislation. I really value the relationships and i hope the relationship is one that can continue and can build with the sheriff as well. Because i think that relationship with free sf and the sheriff is going to be important to make sure that were sharing information, and understanding each other and our points of view. That is important for the relationships that are necessary for sanctuary city. I do want to apologize for losing my cool at times. [laughter ] because i did. And i am really sorry for that. There was it is not easy to it hasnt been easy to work on this legislation, because i know its such High Aspirations for what we want, and going through this process. We dont always get what we want and its been really hard to be in between. I do appreciate the relationship. I most of all want to thank sida huisan for your work and came to the community forum. We needed more of you and there and im sorry that was the case. I do want to thank my legislative aide, jeremy pollack who has been seriously multitasking and thank you for your work. Colleagues, lets vote on this. Thank you. And just quickly, congratulations, supervisor avalos and sheriff hennessey. I really appreciate you both working together to come to a great outcome, which is a winwin for our great city. Thank you both for your hard work on this. With that, colleagues, lets take a rollcall vote on the item no. 9 as amended. Madam clerk. Supervisor wiener. Aye. Wiener aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Ee or yee aye. Supervisor avalos aye. Supervisor breed aye. Supervisor farrell . Supervisor kim aye. Supervisor kim . Supervisor kimm. Aye. The ordinance is passed unanimously on first reading. [ applause ] madam clerk, thank you. Can you please go to the items for adoption without reference to committee. Items 33 through 43 are being considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. A single rollcall vote may enact these items. A member may object or server an item and have it considered separately. Supervisor [pefrbg ]in. Item 4 6r7 vi, please. Seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk k remaining items roll call. Srs wiener. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor avalos. Aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Supervisor campos . Aye. Supervisor cohen. A ea. Supervisor farr. Aye. Supervisor kim . Aye. Supervisor mar . Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor tang . Aye. There are eleven ayes. Those items are approved unanimously. [ gavel ]. Madam clerk please call item 43. Item 4 6r7 vi is motion calling from the land use and transportation committee, the proposed ordinance amending the general plan to make conforming changes in association with legislation creating the Affordable Housing bonus program. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam president , i put this on the calendar due to a misunderstanding that the item was not going to be calendared in committee, and failed to speak to the sponsor, supervisor tang, for which i apologize and i would like to make a motion to table this matter. Supervisor peskin has made a motion to table, seconded by supervisor tang, colleagues can where we make the motion to table without objection . Without objection, the motion to table passes unanimously. [ gavel ] all right, madam clerk, looks like we have a closed session item. Yes, madam precioussing pending approval of item 42 which has just occurred, the board of supervisors has agreed to convene in closed session today, may 24th with the Mayors Office and the department of Human Resources under administrative code section 67. 10e and Government Code Section section 5497. 6 regarding negotiations with labor unions representing city employees. Before we move in our closed session, supervisor avalos is it my understanding that you have an imperative item . I do not. Okay, so nobody has an imperative item . Good, great. With that, colleagues, is there a motion to go into closed session . Moved by supervisor yee and seconded by supervisor mar. Colleagues can we take that without objection . I would like to open up before we go into closed session, for Public Comment on the closed session specifically. Tom gilbertee, this was such an interesting and robust session at the board of supervisors, i thought Small Business week was wonderful. I hate to see this session be closed. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Gilbertee. We apologize for that, but we must conduct business on occasion in closed session. Thank you. What is the reason why its a closed session . Its Public Comment, not public question and answer. Its on the agenda. That is a poor excuse. Im sorry about that. And then i really think you should be doing foundation and proposals to incorporate mexico to be part of the United States, so you wont be pitting us against each other. Thank you very much. Because what you are doing with your federal laws that you are talking about. We can only comment on the you can only comment on the closed session. Thank you for being here today. Are there any other members of the public who would like to provide Public Comment at this time on the closed session . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [ gavel ] colleagues can we go into closed session without objection . Without objection, the board will go into closed session. [ gavel ] [ inaudible ] okay. Colleagues, the board took no action in closed session. May i have a motion to not disclose any portion of the closed session discussion . Moved by supervisor farrell, seconded by supervisor yee. Colleagues can we take that out without objection . Without objection we will not disclose the items discussed in closed session. Madam clerk, this brings us to the end of the agenda and please read the in memoriam. Yes, madam president , todays meeting will be adjourned in the following beloved individual on behalf of the supervisor wiener for late mr. Larry mitch yell and behalf of supervisor campos for the late mr. Legalon ruboon medina. Colleagues this brings us to the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, any further business before you today . That concludes our business for today. Seeing none, we are adjourned [ gavel ]. As close as possible to bart. We are working closer with them to try put bike share stations at all of the parts stations within their service area. I dont think its been a quite feel like Grand Central would have 186 bay areabike share bikes outside of the station or whatever it is. City bikes. There we go. I think its an incredible part of that. Believed to last mile solution and one of the things that we came to work closely with San Francisco on and other cities that we make sure we can locate those bay area by station parking things. As close as possible to our stations. And then so people know where to get them. Thanks for the question. President omotalde thank you. Commissioner hoyos commissioner hoyos thank you so much for the presentation. Some of you say there were some ideas you had about how we might collaborate in and i were doing on time but soon be interested in hearing testifier thank you for suggesting that. I think one of the things were really working on at bart is our waste. Our stations are dirty and its not just because we dont clean them properly. Its also because we dont have a great waste policy and people are not throwing their trash away. Thats obviously a huge expertise that this department has, is zero waste. We also very low divergent rates. You remember what the diversion rates are . So, we dont know exact numbers. Will assume zero. Its not zero. But i think he would bebut had the opportunity as i mentioned in passing to director rafael, we would appreciate the opportunity to benefit from your expertise and in sort of the plane and developing a sort of a zero waste policy. Especially, in our stations and especially in the wake of our customer experience. We also benefit from some your zero waste grants to oppose along with that but i think those two things probably go together. Thats one thing that sort of immediately comes to mind. The other thing that i think is exciting to work on would bei know that the puc that is in collaboration with the department of environment, its getting up clean power as that and i think there might be some opportunities to Work Together on purchasing renewables and other Greenhouse Gas regeneration so that we can take advantage of the work that each other is doing and maybe help economies of scale there. I would bewe also director rafael at it would be helpful in helping us understand how to create the position of the sustainability director and i would was key to work the work were doing and this much expertise thats sitting around the stable and in that apartment that it would be key to have all the good ideas you want to throw at us. I think we now have the real capacity, internally, to execute on that. President omotalde thank you. Commissioner wald commissioner wald thank you both for coming in. Its good to see both of you again. So, this is sort of a follow to commissioner hoyos question. If you achieve your goals, this can be a ripple effect. Youre going to have vast numbers of new writers and those people are going to the park, if thats the technical term, in San Francisco and a lot of them are going to get on other kinds of public transportation. Whether its bike were buses or whatever. So, i would welcome, at least assurance, or it is not a big discussion, that you are not only talking to the departments about its expertise, but that you are at least trying to get sort of a candle on all the parts of the city family in San Francisco that will be impacted by the achievement of your goals. Particularly, in terms of ridership. Both in terms of increasing the number of people who ride and how they get to your vehicles. Its not just in San Francisco. Its all around the bay. I mean, do we need new institutions in order to make sure that this experience is seamless and that everyone has the same goals and that they are all benefiting from each one is learning and doing, or can we use the institutions that we have . It would be a shame if we didnt think about, as it seems to me, in this product and systemwide way as we possibly could because, i think that we would be much more successful if we did. Testifier its a really great question. Depending on who you ask, is 27 or 29 different transit operators in the bay area. Whoever you ask mike and thats probably a good 22 many. I think theres a think we really do need to sort of think about how were all coordinating effectively. Traditionally, part five itself as an east Bay Institution and i think San Francisco spray much in east Bay Institution the new generation of leadership both in the city and part i think are thinking much more recently that all of our problems and its not justi think thats a lot closer collaboration now than there has been in a long time between bart and although sortie sort of city family. I think its probably reflected in the last transportation bond measure. Where there was money devoted to the canopies over to protect the part escalators and entrances which also muni entrances and escalators as well. Theres been a real sort of strong collaboration between the city and part on that. Its kind of, a small as that seems, i think even that is as it happened in a long while. About about bold heart, for instance which is another joint part unique facility, we been doing incredible work with muni on rebuilding that station and sorting out helping muni sort out a bunch of the real challenges especially safety challenges that her face there in terms of pickup and dropoff for cars and for tmcs in terms of pedestrian access, in terms of even intermodal access between barton summoned the muni lines there. So what, really narrow paths and really narrow corridor just be sort of big unique metro light rail vehicles rushing up right next to you. And with the Planning Department as well and the supervisor avalos autos, were going to be be purchasing one of the parking lots for which we call the upper yard right next to the balboa park station for Affordable Housing. That i think is a key part of how we can work with the city. We need to not just the workers transportation site with the planning side as well. To make sure were using our resources as effectively as possible and were contributing overall to the city planning targets and planning objectives. So, i hope that kind of its bid or scattershot that gives you some comfort. Commissioner wald it does indeed. Thank you president omotalde any further comments . Hearing none, thank you so much. Thank you. Just before we move onto the next item i would like to announce what Public Comment after all of the presentations for item 7 due to inefficiency of time. Anthony. Clerk items seventhe presentation on the extension bay area bike share. The speakers are Emily Stapleton, general manager motivate and heath maddox transportation planner with the San Francisco immiscible Transportation Agency. Testifier good evening commissioner and director rafael. My name is Emily Stapleton general manager for bay area bike share. I work for a comedy called bay area motivate. Which is the largest operator bike share assistance across the country. As you know, the bay area bike share system has been on the ground here in San Francisco in four other cities for the past two years as a Pilot Program and were very excited to announce a huge expansion coming over the next two years. Ive a short presentation and will hand off to keith maddox, from sf mta in the middle of it he will him and bike the microphone back to me and will happy to hear your questions at the end. First of all, the sense of scale for the increase in the bike share system is something to really get our arms around as we begin this presentation. Today, there are 700 bytes the cover five cities San Francisco san jose in three cities along the peninsula redwood city, mountain view, and paulo alto. When expansion is coming whether 7000 bytes across our network which is approximately the size of city bike today. Those city bike is itself expanding and growing beyond its bikes but this is a complete transformational change from the toe in the water pilot we been doing the last two years. The increase in scale should increase the utility of the program here in San Francisco and any other cities that we service. There will be a change in terms of the total footprint of the system. Like i mentioned, in San Francisco san jose in three peninsula cities going for it week San Francisco san jose three e. Bay cities that, on object today there are zero bikes their stations in the east eight the course of this extension three 1500 bytes in the east bay alone, which is comparable to bike share system for example in the boston metro area which is a huge system. So, each of these three systems is San Francisco growing to 500 bytes. The state going to 59 and san jose growing to 1000 bytes. Each is a formidable system together an interconnected network of bicycles shared stations. It should be a powerful force overly encouraging voter shift from people that may have driven to their destinations maybe now you can take part or amtrak workout thing and get to where youre going to have a plan for your final mile. A couple other notes before i move from this slide. The pointer on this slide. The way that we are bringing this largescale expansion is through sponsorship and two member revenue. So its a nice thing about the program is that its coming at no cost to the taxpayers of no public funding is going to the purchase of the stations were the operation. Were pretty excited about that. Were looking for a partner right now to be our Title Sponsor for the program and hope to news about that very soon. The other piece of those that support 20 of the stations will be located in committees of concern in all the cities in which were operated. So, those locations or those areas designated by mbc and printed out were station locations go, we have an overlay of those communities of concern and we are sure to go out and actually engages the committees. Going to stations on where the stations should go. Running to the Number System auto go but for a quick review, 4500 bikes in San Francisco increase of over 4000 bytes from today. Which is really wonderful. By the time that were done with the extension bay area bike share, ill be the dances by sure in the United States having the most bikes per capita. At this point number two handoff to m my colleague keith maddox whos going to talk whatsoever benefits of the problem including environmental benefits but ill close with some discussion about our process and timeline for when to expect by share and how were selecting stations. Testifier hello thank you emily did a good evening commissioner did am keith maddox. Tina planner with a missile Transportation Agency that in managing the citys efforts on bicycle sharing for about the last five years now. Its a pleasure to be here this evening to talk you. So, what emily described the extension is really a Publicprivate Partnership. Much of the burden for funding is fallen upon the private sector, but we are still going to accrue all be benefits to the public sector. We are getting something that is very affordable on a large scale for visitors and residents to use. Its importantly active transportation, which will improve the health of our City Residents and reduce healthcare cost. Clearly, its not missions and congestion reduction benefits. The point here about 30 of the bay area during the pilot about 12 of trips taken by bay area bike share members were formally by either single occupant vehicles or taxis, were the Transportation Network companies. Bike share is often used as a first and last mile mode to access transit and so its taking better vantage of the existing network and a lot o allowing peopl to get to transit, but also relieving overburdened transit like we have issues as director described about bart. And muni as well. It also supports, here we have station zero on the slide but sports all those of other city policies and efforts to our general plan is the transportation element could the transit first policy for the city of San Francisco. The mta strategic plan, the bicycle strategy in the bicycle clamp. Bicycle sharing fits and supports all of our existing policy efforts, really. We have some motivate in this Publicprivate Partnership a commitment to follow cities for source hiring guidelines even though theyre not required to do so and we expect there will be a good number of green collar jobs though, of the partnership and were excited about that. So, of particular interest tonight is the Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction would you have some estimates so the back of the envelope. We have a lot of data from this estimate that was excited about bicycle sharing. Its the more i work on by sharing into a less about the bike that about the system. And because we know our members are doing over the bikes are starting and ending up a lot of information the whole backend to the system and it people i work with at the mta have built an impressive dashboard and so there on the left its a little hard to read without representation of daily trips. This one. Thats bout three years of data im almost2. 5 years of data really. Its close to 1 million trips will he have been taken so far. 1000 trips in San Francisco. The high range in San Francisco in todays 1400 trips are on average weve seen about 800 trips per day just 350 or315 by slept in the system at this point. So, as part of the Pilot Project evaluation metropolitan transportation commission, did were hired kaiser to do in the valuation of the Greenhouse Gas emissions benefits because the primary source of funding for the pilot was from mpcas Climate Initiative program. So, they did a on application in averaging 800 trips a day about three or 1000 trips per year, they be taken into account the omissions from the actual operations of the system and subtracting that from the net, were from the gross rather, they quantified just over 70 tons of greenhouse emissions reduction per year for the pilot. If you scale that up, to be closer than 16,000 trips a date which is where he will respect will see a whole expansion of the pilot, and something on the order 69 trips per year, then instead of 2. 7 trips per day per bike which is what we are seeing up, we spec once the system expensive we used were intensively. Some were trips per bike per day and will be seen somewhere closer to 1400 tons of Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction per year. Just a little more about the Publicprivate Partnership your between motivate and the mta. Emily mention the sponsoring motivate is in charge of finding a private sector sponsor to fund the purchase and deployment and operations of the system. Being the equipment and sophomore software and in charge of signing up the members and leading efforts on Station Design and citing an outreach and also operations and marketing. On the mta said, a lot of these functions were performed by my team at the mta, but now its up to motivate to perform these functions. But we spent a lot of time last year working on contacting and we served out largely a coronations and review quality assurance, Quality Control and support for the Station Design an outreach from my group is in charge of all of the permitting which sounds very simple, but nothing is simple. In San Francisco. So wheres you might be able to get a station permit in a daze in summer like not san jose might take 90 days in San Francisco. Theres a lot of stuff level review and intraagency review and intraagency review and ultimately a series of permits will be issued to motivate to deploy the equipment on the street. So, right now were in the process weve chosen the locations for the 60 or 70 new stations in the first wave were beginning to review the first designs have entered into our approval process and ultimately will be issuing permits the summer. And into the fall. Then, also on outreach, thats primarily motivates response ability, but we have a lot of expertise and interest in cd outreach done right so were very supportive of their efforts there. Thats all i have for you tonight. Were going to let emily finish of the presentation. Thanks very much. Theo thank you. Testifier so, the last portion of the presentation would just be reviewing what we are today and were about to go. The rollout of the bike share stations in San Francisco with a place in four phases. We are preparing right now for phase 1, so weve been through a Public Outreach phase and we are now entering the permitting phase for phase 1 of the process. Simultaneously, we party begun phase to you are looking for potential sites for the second portion of the rollout. So our process there you can see were repeating the second row, everything will timely enter a phase. It starts with motivate identifying feasible locations. Things that have enough access to solar for example the stations are sold out. Making sure that no utility conflict is not within breath making sure its a bible station location. The second is bringing the stations to the public and having a discussion and dialogue with the communities in which the stations would be located and saying, here are some options, which do you like best for your micro neighbor that you live in or work in . From there, we reached this step for phase 1, we propose locations for phase 1 sites. From there, were accepting additional feedback from either of funding businesses for example or other residences or businesses on the blocker we will have it bike share statement we didnt really proactive outreach doortodoor with them to make sure they know bike share is coming and answer any questions. The survey Public Feedback forum online. Were hoping the expansion that circulates neighbors help neighbors and were getting additional feedback from people that were not able to make the workshop. From there was review pretty good about the stations are then selected for each phase, we say the stations and submit the permits to mta and that picks up where keith was describing his process in the mta. So, were doing this in portions because the extension is so huge and so rapid that it would be rolled out. We can do this all once overnight. But will be doing it in segments for San Francisco and similar segments for the East San Jose as well. I just talk to this a little bit in terms of how we do our outreach to find technically bible cites those public workshops. Oscar to this slide pretty quickly. Moved to the last one picture shows a few stats about results. We have a website that i would encourage people to navigate to. Give us some recommendations and where they like to see stations. Its been open since last week that 5000 unique summations for what people would like to see by ship it thats very encouraging to us theres a lot of Public Interest in this. As we been engaging in conversations for phase 1 but with that more than 70 stakeholder meetings with neighborhood associations, urging groups, other city stakeholders, bart, muni, the port authority, second part, anybody touched by bike share we want people to know its coming. We want to talk about ways to partner and so weve had several meetings the number has already tallied up well beyond 70 in recent weeks. As we go through the different expansion phases we are having workshops that are cosponsored by physics for buses so the first age it was district 8 and 95 2030 participants for workshop which was wonderful. And afterwards, several comments collected from the sf online map. One other we were trying to reach people is posting in public letters in the neighborhoods were going to bike share so that if you did make it to the workshop can see it online, didnt submit a comment theres one more place you can see the station and the program is coming and submit a comments. That is a bit about our Public Outreach and just really briefly, this is the footprint for phase 1. Again, there are four total phases for San Francisco and the back of the system will be much broader than this. We are preparing to release the phasing that very soon but these are very sites agreed for phase 1 through this public process. So the dark spots on this site phase 1 sites and the yellow outline includes the blue dots, was her current stations. The idea was by sheer to maintain density and grow from the core. The matter use either provides the existing footprint we have an begins to expand outward into neighborhoods. Again, this rubber since 25 of total bikes so we have a long way to go beyond that. So that concludes our presentation. Theres any questions both keith and i are happy to answer president omotalde thank you so much that i have two questions for you. One, i feel like i live in a world where myself and all my friends use apps. Im sure by sure has one but im wondering if the program itself integrated into other apps by the destination im going to, will bike share be given to me as an option to choose . Testifier yes. There is an app that exist today for bike share. It is pretty basic functionality on 14 shows you with our bikes available. As we expand, were looking to build our own proprietary app that goes with the system and hopefully is markedly slight been able to look at your member account information, the will to share your trip with your friends. Also important eventually we like for casual writers people just 20 for 24 hours people to purchase our app. Today we about safety functionality you can see with the stations are. Can see, the bikes are available. Soon we want to build up the capabilities of her own app and bigger picture, in terms of integrating with things like google maps or apple maps, something by sure industries probably trying to formulate a common data standard for so we can all come to apple and google and say, heres how were going to share bike share information please include us in your maps. Last piece of this essay with the transit aggregator. The transit app for example. And several others. Theyre very eager to include bike share information today. Its an open source so you can get the same information on a basic app with our bikes and docs available. It can be integrated in that app is interested in having bike share on the platform. Testifier emily is right but im happy to report that the work of my mta i sit on the board of a new industry associate call the north american Bike Association and one of our recent couple schmitz was to actually develop the industry wide standards for standard bike share location. I can think of the sector because i do not work on this particular project but the standards are out there now and for now its up to all the individual systems to comply with the standard. Previously, bus stops for instance are out there and google both bus stops on the map because theres a worldwide standard. We now have that same standard in place for bike share stations. It just that the industry the gray systems have to catch up. President omotalde thanks. By second question is in regards to how is i guess bike share and mta look at Bike Share Program has in response or something help mitigate natural disasters or disasters . When muni when bart goes out house bike share petrilli powered on solar . Was that even thought about because is not a question if in the next earthquake is not in its question of when. How will people get home . Testifier i think a simple answer to that is solar powered and so the basic functionality of the station should work. I think for having cellular heaven is, so their accountability by new purchases by may be problematic to feel the membership of expect the station operational functionality would still work. If you elect he thought the station should be able to read that and allow a trip. I have to look old alluded work closely with the invocations would be but the stations to standalone. Without the grid. President omotalde thanks. Commissioner stephenson commissioner stephenson . Ive a quick question you were on television can you beat just those with a url is if people want to go and suggest as they should sue people at home note . Testifier yes. Bay area by sheer. Comexpansion. President omotalde commissioner wald commissioner wald . Thank you for coming this evening. This says by sure has huge potential and thank you not just for coming but for all of the work you do. So heres my question. Some of my colleagues in some Department Staff know, im a big believer in the words or recognition programs. Have you got thought about integrating and a word program into the operation of bike share so that you would recognize the person who lives the most trips or does the most miles . You would give them, in return, Something Like two or three or five free trips so that they would keep going and so that they could post their accomplishments and their friends and other people will want to compete with them and maybe even beat them out the following year. Because, i do believe that programs like that in addition to having lots of bikes were people to use, but competition has positive results. Testifier i love that idea and i think that recognition is part of bike share over the longterm. Like i said the app capability is pretty basic right now. We havent been able to put a lot of thousand whistles and even something as simple as sharing your right social group to let others know im writing this is a healthy way to get around. You should try, too. I think over time i can see is incorporating those types of things are having pitches for number of trips per anniversaries of certain tips that you did. Today we do a very informative for doing a featured member post or before participating in a parade or something will announce reach out to top writers. We see your engaging wed love to view and [inaudible] will informally we do that today but over time would be put more formal program around. President omotalde commissioner hoyos peelers this is xavier i three questions. Some density question on this one. So, your private sector. San francisco is pretty big. Its 4500 coming online and then oaklais 850. Im just curious about the ridership projections, how that happens . How you plan to grow more in oakland, to . That sort of question about why the big emphasis on San Francisco although i understand with a really strong like writing culture could already see that on Market Street and us. Thats my first question. Second question what you mean more about committees of the concern. The about low incomes committees but if you could flesh that out finally im curious kind of a header question, two, and how are you advertising this . How do we kind of use social media to create the culture of biking because i feel like theres a certain demographic thats really gets on their bikes and then theres a lot of people who would and mrs. [inaudible] how are you promoting it . Testifier the first was about gross and size of the system in the different markets. This is largely a demand analysis we do the professional Engineering Firm that looked at factors like residential and commercial density, which is where bike share drive does well and able to make those connections to transit we were talking about workplace short trips they mightve taken in a cab is that of a vehicle. We also look at topography, bike infrastructure, general connectivity. So, thats what drove the basic footprint for the different areas we are in. This is a 10 year program that we have an agreement with mpc to implement. So, theres also a path to expanding beyond the initial imprint through further investment to motivate to City Investment and also through private sector individual organizations could underwrite a station in a new neighborhood or bunch of stations in a new neighborhood if they want to. So, thats what the initial demand analysis is based on. Again, its a network [inaudible] when theres more trips. So looking to go from 8001000 trips per day to 10 or 12,000 trips per day. Testifier one of the important things to member is we been doing this for 2. 5 years already in a variety different context, urban context. The 700 bikes to start, 350 of them and 35 stations of the 70 stations in San Francisco. Weve 9 of the use here. I think its not a real fair comparison between peninsula and these baby still the reason one big reason for that is that we have the preconditions for success in San Francisco. Thats where the bulk of the stations in the region wheelie should go for starters, at least and well see how it goes from there. Testifier communities of the consent. Based on an defined standard it does include such of them as income access to transit, several other factors. San Francisco Adar 70 unique designated committees of concern and motivate as a greeter of stations in each of those seven locations. The 20 of the total that are going to all be concentrated on the corridor when the seven committees of concern which covers a pretty broad range of San Francisco. Testifier there are seven of them in San Francisco and the way the mpc determines them and i can remember them off the top of my tongue but there are groups of census tracks and they have about seven different factors, which can qualify particular track is pertaining to the community of concerned and things like income. Its things like single mothers were limited English Proficiency as head of whole school. Minority majority kind of thing. Tool committee of concern will come up its the first is just a variety of different ways to get out census tracks we should be concerned about. Commissioner hoyos okay. Lesson was on the culture these. Because of our right. We are multiple different channels were targeted by themselves market the service. Seeing somebody having fun writing beating the bus and all these things happen which is great. Thats one of the ways that people learn about bike share explored. Because its so inherently local and committeebased, you will see a local street fairs and festivals and events feels he is tabling this a little bit of Grassroots Outreach that we. Certainly, there will be an increase as you outreach as well just because breath of the expansion so far this loving you education to do with people that have not been adjacent to the system just to say what it is, how it works, how its priced and how to try for the first time. So, well be using multiple channels to reach audiences. Commissioner hoyos . Thank you. President omotalde director rafael director raphael . I want to come back to one of the points that commissioner pres. Omotalde had about resilience in the points of thinking as bikes as a born piece of that puzzle after a disaster. You probably already work with patrick but i want to point out the city has an office of resilience now. Theyre going out to communities and talking to communities about how we make resilience neighborhoods. The department of the environment has a grant from the department of energy to look at solar plus Battery Storage in various committees sold to minis can respond it seems to me the perfect nexus to think about where we locate these microgrids to having a bike share station in that same area. So, as you expand out beyond the core, i think theyll be something that i know i will bring back to the department something to think about and am wondering if the resilience and work with patrick is something you are already engaged in . Testifier not yet but thank you. Director raphael great opportunity i see a perfect mix. President omotalde any other commissioners . Hearing none, thank you so much. Clerk xms sevenc Committee Outreach presentation update on s. F. Moves program a collaboration between the department of the environment and the San Francisco initial transfer transportation is of. Speakers are lower i wish its Rotation Program specials and daniel soto outreach and Transportation Program associate. Testifier good evening. Thank you, commissioners. I am pretty much here to talk about a Pilot Program were engaging in partnership with sfmta get called sf will. The single gold getting people out of their cars by themselves. The goal of this program was to try something new to take scalable to be able to go big but we started just into unique neighborhoods. Some of the things we just heard we looked at disadvantage communities, places that have capacity on their transit line on bike lanes, on an ability to encourage the behavior we want to see. Most critically got this in informationbased campaign. When i worked with dpw on potholes we were not looking to install new start our expectation we came from the place where places the recent people needed to get out of the cars was of able and the challenge we are facing people dont have access to the information or could not tap into it. So, we worked on figuring out what is it that people needed and how could we get it to them. We had conducted best practices reach of it were not the first ones to try and engage in neighborhood behavior type transportation purpose. [inaudible] was the first one to do this. As i mention this was a Pilot Program. As we did the best practices research, we werent necessarily looking for what has been done and what worked well to disagree replicate here. What we learned was great in other places and then looked internally to San Francisco, what could we tweak and really, San Francisco in a scale and scope how can we take it in a broad scalable citywide ultimately, level. Portland was one of the first places to do this over a decade ago in a putting a quite intensive people hours actually with her model. One of the things they did which to be successful was actually doing Something Like delivering their information via person on bike. It was a intensive oneonone model. Something which we learn about something important and we chose to tweak it. Once again we were looking into something scalable. Another model was seattle. Also once again doing this for over a decade. They had their approach with offering something in terms of monetary benefits, which was their transit passes. They were giving a kind of resource with the money already to encourage people to try the system and acclimate to it. Like i said, we were this is a pilot this is something new. So indeed we actually start from a very different place in the end. We looked at rather than what were providing these oppressive called human centered design. This is about getting into the community, putting our resources heavy in the front, going in, this then we were out and about on our bikes on the street, jumping onto muni, driving around during rush hour and what was it about the land, the landscape, that guided peoples behavior . We went into the street and talk to people. What is it that is encouraging you to drive alone . Why so youre not on a bike this time . We invited people into our office in groups to brainstorm with them, listen and learn. In this human centered design, we try to think of community by community what makes or needs unique and how can we address that. So, once such example in the mission, which youll hear more about later, we actually heard people kind of knew that there were bike lane infrastructure. From our perspective theres plenty of signage. The lines are green. Its very clear but we are people on the ground were not aware where the bike lanes went and how they were connected to one of the things we immediately learned to address that and with our team we made a missionbased bike lane map. Exclusively on bike lanes and where they went. Its a kind of work we did with human centered design. Working more through the Pilot Projects we did as my colleague danny soto. Testifier thank you. Hello commissioners. So the first pilot phase of this sf move we target that murphys mission neighborhood. We had about 7000 residents both owned businesses in the project area. Response rate in this neighborhood was lower than desired and however, through the human centered design, and here was an opportunity for us to conduct some of that and just who evolve and innovate. We were not getting the results we were design. At the end of the pilot, this particular pilot phase, the team went back and we analyzed, try to make inferences as to why there was such a low Response Rate from our audience. Perhaps scuttle the condo was not clear were we do not have a proper outreach strike it so we went into the new neighborhood we were going to be focused on in pilot phase 2, it was important for us to take some these Lessons Learned and to launch a new iteration of this pilot. So pilot phase 2, we were targeting oceanview good and angles of it this time around we were talking about 10,000 residents as well as focusing on commuters along the Main Business corridor on ocean avenue. This time around we conduct a pretty extensive Online Marketing strategy to promote wider program awareness. The online app targeting this is a project area and we ate costly updating where we are directing people to these apps based on Google Analytics. We were making sure we want to make sure people were accessing the resources and information but we wanted them to get could be also at the same time were doing constant website improvements in or to enhance the user experience. These are my topics really reinforce the rapid prototyping and testing approach the learned early on to the human centered design process. Another change from the mission was partnership engagement. So, early on and before the program launched in this neighborhood, we met with members of the ocean ave. , association, we also met with different neighborhood associations from home associations and Community Groups should we want to get some feedback and also little know about the launch was coming and also see if there was room for collaboration and partnerships through these different groups. Through these partnerships, we have some awesome partnerships should very effective groups willing to work with us. We got into many of their newsletters able to publish on local newspapers. You were also able to table and present a Different Community and business centered events. Also, with our commuters we get a facetoface approach. We were it consisted of basically and delivering premade sf move travel packets to people working on ocean avenue. While this was not really a personalized approach, we learn from the mission that when interacting with Small Businesses and employees dont come in with premade travel Packet Program materials, we garnered a lot more enthusiasm is coming with an order form personally talk about the program with them. So, sf move is still going on right now in will be ending at the end of the month, at the end of may. Bristol getting a lot of engagement from the residence to our order forms were on our website as well as from the commuters of themselves. We were measuring success with the help of preand postsurveys and the service will to indicate whether there was reduction in long trips and increasing willingness to change behavior. So, stay tuned for results and thank you for your attention. President omotalde thank you very much. Commissioners, any questions . Commissioner or mail bermejo commissioner bermejo . Thank you for the presentation. It just warms my heart that youre using human centered design i wonder how you came to that decision to go that way . Testifier unfortunately, our supervisor is not here today i think she was actually really dominant force in engaging human centered design. It is to the center of that apartment where closely looking at new angles. As i said we did best practices. We looked at others had done, but everybody is unique at every neighborhood is unique. To understand those nuances how to really work with them, there were various scuttle looking at right now were using human centered design. President omotalde male great way to reach a lot of key reason like you said that what those unique needs. Thank. President omotalde thank you. I would second that. I love when people come up and admit what did not work because i think so often we try to highlight we did this so what do we do this alone but no one takes a step back to state what we did wrong and how we learn from it and use it. So thank you for that. Commissioner stephenson commissioner stephenson though study much my point, too. I really appreciated hearing your looking at Google Analytics and optimizing on the side that you went through you set up from the beginning to be scalable so this is something we can replicate and do again. Thats wonderful. Just having a presentation where you say we had a Lessons Learned from pitching one and two we didnt have enough respondents come i think thats fantastic that you guys are learning from the work that youre doing and applying it as you go for. I think its will to see the preand post results in the operations committee, when that time comes. Thank you for all the work. President omotalde is, thank you. Thank you so much. Now we will open it up to Public Comment for items seven. Or on items seven. Testifier johnson. Tell me about how these [inaudible]. I just got back from san mateo in this environment [inaudible] i have problems trying to focusing but [inaudible] i have no idea i was supposed to go there. Apply for this job and they turn me down. That wasnt too long ago. So was doing inventory over at [inaudible] was talking to the manager about it. I went into the courtroom every day. When i was supposed to go there [inaudible] clerk honor my new Public Comment is strictly limited to the item that we are discussing. Testifier this what im talking about. This new ways of reconstructing and building a new project. [inaudible] the issues that ive gone through and it did not make sense. It had nothing to do with [inaudible]. All im saying is that i love to go and you do this job and do it [inaudible] president omotalde thank you. Any further Public Comment on items seven we pick hearing none, of the comment is now closed. Next item on the agenda clerk item 8 approval resolution file 26 06 supporting the proposed Transportation Demand management ordinance which is a component of the Planning Department Transportation Sustainability program. Its been a joy document is a resolution filed 2016 six and the proposed Transportation Demand Management Program ordinance the speaker is weighed with graph Environmental Review planner with the Planning Department. Testifier good evening. Im not weighed. This is way but im from sf mta and were tag teaming on this presentation. Thank you for having us. Its a pleasure to be here this evening. The initial site is beautiful. I assure you. Ill get started in the interest of time. So, we are here to provide an overview of something that were really excited about and hoping that you be excited, too. We are asking for you to adopt a resolution endorsing this new piece of legislation and encouraging the board of supervisors and the mayor to adopt it. And the Planning Commission to adopt it into law. So, what were presenting this evening is the final component of the Transportation Sustainability program. Were tsp l r try to be acronym like in a presentation as i know wade will. The Transportation Sustainability program has been many year endeavor between multiple agencies, sf mta, the Planning Department, the San Francisco county hesitation attorney and Author Office of speedy economic. This program is focused on improving our Transportation System to accommodate new growth. Joining me as i mentioned is weighedfrom senior planner from the Planning Departments. The goal of the Transportation Sustainability program is to keep people moving as our city grows. Anyone who has been on our streets were not Transit System during rushhour nose were already facing capacity constraintsout. What it means is that San Francisco is a great place to live and work and visit those are wonderful things. But it also means a lot of work to do to get people where they need to go. The good news is San Francisco is hard at work doing that. We have a number of system expansion efforts, safety extension enhancement projects, service enhancements, and we are working across agencies to manage Transportation Demand as youve already heard. Transportation Sustainability Program really focus on new development in this new trips. It asks what is the role of new development and how do they do their share. Thats the slide showing some of the things that were already doing in the Transportation Sustainability program doing really looking at new development. So, the Transportation Sustainability program has three components really excited to report that two of them have been completed and are now the law of the land here in San Francisco in the last six months. Last fall, the city adopted the invest component, which is the Transportation Sustainability fee could it collects money from new development to invest in transit and safer streets. In march, the Planning Commission checked off the a line box, which replaced level of service with Environmental Review, with looking at vehicle miles traveled. So, instead of counting cards, and not really doing much about it, we are now capturing something meaningful. How many projects, new projects generate. And seeking to reduce that, which as you have, really is a key contributor to Environmental Quality issues. Now we are working towards the adoption of a third component the shift component, which is a proposed Transportation Demand management ordinance forward development. This ordinance integrates transportation amenities on site to reduce the need to drive from new bands to use development projects. The shift component links the other two components by supporting people and using transit and walking and biking and taking car share which is what were asking developers to invest in. Through their fees and by reducing vehicle miles traveled from projects. The shift effort looks at the limited capacity we have for driving. It looks at city goals and asked what new Development Template to support the residence tenants and workers in accessing news sites without having to drive. The answers Transportation Demand management. So, Development Focus Transportation Demand Management First to physical measures, incentives, information and tools that support sustainable trip choices. These are measures that are controlled by a developer or Property Owner and really target the trips that are made by residents and workers and tenants and visitors to those sites. I want to emphasize that because as you know, the world of Transportation Demand management is very broad and we in San Francisco have a lot of Transportation Demand Management Programs in place like sf move, like big share, that are more broadly focused. These are measures that are very specifically focused to residents and tenants of specific new developments. An major changes of use. Before i get into the details of what we are proposing, i thought it will be useful to point out that were not starting from 0gs Transportation Demand management here in San Francisco. There is what were working with as a starting place. There are some planning codes require meds and some projects are depending on location and use and size subject to them. These are things like having onsite car share spaces, bicycle parking requirements, things like that. If projects include Transportation Demand management measures of beyond what the code requires, they tend to happen at the end of projects as mitigation measures, Environmental Review the conditions of approval that come out to a Planning Commission approval process. In our poll weve seen this is the opportunity to integrating them at the beginning fundamentally offers to shape the project in the shape of projects impact. We do have some requirements later to parking, which is one of the most powerful Transportation Demand management tools, like unbundling parking progress eventually uses parking maximums in many places in the city. Generally, its a onesizefitsall type of set of requirements. We do not have ongoing compliance that we do and part of that is we dont have a fee to support that kind of work and that kind of staff. So, in crafting the legislation, it proposed Transportation Demand management ordinance we look at best practices from across the country and we found what informed i reposted the first is, having a conference of approach to really addresses a range of uses and aims to support it target. Figure out what is the goal. What are we trying to achieve with that ordinance thats the best practice. Identifying and integrating Transportation Demand management watchers at the beginning when object is being conceived and shaped so that it can really affect the project ends up to be. Another best practice we found is linking Transportation Demand management requirements to how much parking is provided onsite. We know and our literature is going to support this as well as our own Data Collection here in San Francisco that there is a very strong relationship between providing parking on site and driving. So, linking 10 sedation demand management requirements with how much parking is provided ivan makes a lot of sense. Providing flexibility and how developers achieve a target or goal to recognize neighborhood context and specifics of a development and of course having a Compliance Program and funding staff to support it. So, with that were proposing the Transportation Demand ordinance management works that would live in the planning code and request from planning to walk you through. Testifier good evening. My name is wadesenior planner with the Planning Department. Make said to be here in addition to the various apartments that probably mention that weve been working with either working withat the department of environment as well as she ivan to get her input on this program. I just want to mention that. So, carly described the best practices from around the country in terms of pdm or Transportation Demand management to my we took those best practices and really try to make an Innovative Program here in the city that was San Francisco specific and neighborhood specific within the city. There are three Main Elements to it, which ill quickly go over and run through this my work on a project example. The first is a target aimed at reducing vehicle miles traveled. Vehicle miles traveled measures the amount and this is a project might cause people to drive. Its what were now using an Environmental Review context to analyze Transportation Impact because its a great indicator of a lot of citywide goals that were trying to achieve in terms of Greenhouse Gas emissions, air polluting emissions, energy noise, host of other things that it really captures the Environmental Impact of projects better than our previous measured by what we were using. So, the goal is to reduce vehicle miles traveled and we set specific targets at each individual project has to achieve in those targets are based on the number of Parking Spaces that are provided onsite. Because of that literature that probably just talked about, describing their relationship between the number of Parking Spaces on a site and how much driving is going to occur there, i was listening earlier when bart was talking with a number of Parking Spaces they have near their stations, and if they want to reduce get other types of trucks to those sites its a great way of either pricing those or providing new developments on those sites. Thats all were thinking of this. In San Francisco as well. So, im not. Go into the details specifically of these four different when use categories, but in essence, the more parking you provide onsite the higher the target that you have to achieve. I will explain with the next component how you would achieve that target. Thats called a menu of options. Its a selection of measures that a project sponsor, a new developer can select from to achieve the target. The menu has 26 measures that are all under the control of that developer and are all designed to reduce vehicle miles traveled. The measures have a range of point values associated with them. Based on the relative effectiveness to each other. So, if we use the menu analogy, the low end of things, the things that are maybe healthy im a but not maybe like a potato or something, we are on the high end of things, extremely healthy like kale. You would get more points for that. You would get more vitamins from that sort of teacher. Onsite. The developer can select they can decide how meat Parking Spaces there can provide, what is my target, what measures do i need to select from the menu to achieve that target. How this would work is the project sponsor would go online and i should clarify, we do not say thisthis would apply to new development of 10 units or greater for my 10,000 ft. 2 of Nonresidential Development or greater, or what we call a change of use of a similar size. So a project sponsor of one of these types of projects, before they ever file an application with a department would go on to our website, use a tool that would identify what their target is based on the number of Parking Spaces, look to the menu in the tool, figure out how they achieve that target and then submit that to the Planning Department with their application. So, instead of the current process where these things get tacked on at the end, this is upfront integrated into the project. The public is aware of it. It makes the developer think about them i can provide more parking . Therefore to provide work pdm or less Parking Committee dont have to do that. So, they would then summit that with her application. That would become their pdm plan. Heres an example of a project for how this might work out. A project in the dogpatch Central Waterfront neighborhood, comes in with 44 dwelling units that have 12 Parking Spaces. With the 12 Parking Spaces, they would have to meet a target of 14 points. Under the planning code today they would have to do a couple of things. The first is they wouldve to provide bicycle parking, which they would get a. 4 and then what we call parking on bottom. Separating the costs that parking space from the cost of the year. So when you get that unit you dont automatically come up with a parking space. You get two points for that. So you are at three and you need 11 more points and the next thing you would look at is what is my parking supplied compared to my neighborhood context. This measure is designed to be similar with a lot of other planning provisions that talk about how do you fit within your neighborhood. We created this map based on estimates of what the existing parking rate is throughout San Francisco. So, nocturnal percolate uneven number of offstreet spaces but the spaces that are on the site per unit throughout the city. So, in order to get any points for this measure, which is up to 11 points, you need to be parked at or below what your neighborhood is parked up. So, here in the dogpatch the rates is approximately. 6 spaces per unit in every come back to the project, their part that half of that neighborhood rate they would get six points. So, to the code they get three parking now have nine total points that they need five more points and select some measures for them to get there. As i mentioned this 26 measures of the menus of a can of selected some other vicious. Now, same project but same number of units theyve decided to come and more parking. This time the provided 33 Parking Spaces. More parking, higher target, work pdm. They decided in this instance to provide more bicycle parking to get more points because they have to make up for the higher target this time theyre not to get any points for the neighborhood of parking supplied because theyre not part below it. So then they need to provide even more pdm. They decided provide more caution parking good i believe this one also as requires them to members membership with it and some familyfriendly pdm measures that carly can talk to you later if you have questions about those. So, those are incentives would become a project plan. They would submit a Planning Department our staff would review that could recommend measures to our Planning Commission is worth all conditions of approval. They have to implement them if the project is approved. Eventually, the Planning Commission approves the project. Building permits eventually get issued and then comes the third basic elements of the workbooks and maybe the most important one. Thats an implementation strategy. Theres two subparts to this. The first part is city staff is going to go out and make sure that these measures are in fact effected where going to do research over time to refine that menu, refine the point values that are signed for those measures based on actual Data Collection projects that have a pdm plan. The second part is we are going to make sure that developers are actually doing the things they committed to. That might sound like audience but that is actually a proactive step that we have not implement it at the Planning Department previously and is something that the Planning Commission is enthusiastic about. So, how that would work is prior to the building actually becoming occupied city staff would go out there and make sure the measures are in place. We would do a preoccupancy compliance check. Hopefully, everything is good. We say go on your weight and become occupied. 18 months after that occupancy, the developer, the Property Owner, would have to start submitting ongoing compliance documentation to show that those measures are still in place and city staff would be doing audits once every three years to make sure that also occurs. So, this as carly alluded to, this is been a multiyear effort. The entirety of the program, and this pdm corridor has been wour minds i would say over the last year and a half or two years. Once we have were conceptualized the program done a lot of robust outreach over the last 68 months refining the proposal. We went to the Planning Commission on april 28 to initiate the ordinance. They are actually sponsoring the legislation as opposed to a board of supervisors sponsor. We have some other commissions that we are going to three now and july 7. We hope to receive feedback and ultimately, incorporates my feedback into the works that will go before the Planning Commission on july 7 and then go on make its way to the public legislative process of the board of supervisors. In summary, were asking for your support today could work happy to answer questions they may have. Thank you. President omotalde thank you very much. Commissioner wald commissioner wald thank you both for that terrific and very clear presentation. I appreciate it a lot. I would like to support this, but i have a question for and a concern. That is, i note on page 9 of the ordinance, at least, the version i have, with regard to the adoption of the Planning Commission standards it starts online 11. No. Yes. Where it talks about your standards. I think this is right. Testifier under section 169. 6 . Commissioner wald yes. It talks about conservation with the staff mta, i wondered if it would be possible to include the department of the environment as one of your consulting agencies because, as you acknowledged and as we just heard we have a pdm program and tdm experts, two, and i think they would help ensure the robust of the standards of the program. Testifier commissioner, we have an director rafael have been part of conversations between our four agencies about discussions about just pdm in general and the larger world and who is responsible for what. We had a meeting last fall to talk about that and there were some follow up items from that meeting the weve not reconvened on. I think this is one of those items that we can consider and talk to and then we can filter that through. If that makes sense . Commissioner wald because, i have a followup question with regard to that. President omotalde thank you for the question. Testifier i just wonder reiterate this amazing presentation be among you guys did a great job. Its so robust. I did all the weight you doing the points and vigor with which you put together this plan. I have a followup question which all asked after the other commissioners are done to the point of application it both respect to the item with the issue that commissioner wald brought up. I think theyll be a great thing for us to talk about and see what roles and responsibilities because it looks like what shes pointing to is the development of standards, which is how i think the problem is going to be developed so we can talk about with that makes no sense. Thanks. Commissioner wald can i follow up on that point and question whether or not i need to move a amendment to the resolution or is colloquy enough to ensure that it gets talked about because i dont want to raise it and then have you you guys leave, and never think about it again. Not to suggest you would necessarily do that. Testifier promise we will talk to you. Testifier ali that to your judgment. The oma and the other commissioners . Commissioner wan commissioner wan . You mentioned of yet they were the specific strategy. Can you elaborate on what that means . Testifier sure. There are a few measures in the menu better neighborhood specific. This is probably the biggest one. Thisits hard to read the numbers but ill give you a general sense. From red to blue is more parking to less parking. We acknowledge that different parts of the city have different access to Transportation Systems and based on that access, it might be important to were new Development Might be structured in a different weight in different parts of the city based on that access. So, its easier to provide more parking in our parts of the city than it is elected tenderloin or chinatown north beach and stuff like that. Thats one example. Other examples we actually have bay area bike share on our menu and in order to get an additional point for that measure you have to be located near the bay area bike share station because it does make sense to necessarily provide membership if youre not really located near a station. Theres a couple other measures that are similar in concept to that. President omotalde thank you very much. Rector rafael director raphael i have a question. You mentioned the importance of followup not only from a right after the development is finished but did then use it every 18 months you would check in with the developer to make sure that certain place. Our developers still involved in their development or are they gone . Who do you check up with . Testifier great question. Ultimately, the undervalues the Property Owner is ultimately responsible for implementing the plan. There are a lot of different ways that developments are built. Sometimes developers will go through the Planning Commission and get entitled to so the project and someone else builds it. Some developers do the whole thing and go on through. Ultimately, we are requiring a Property Owner to designate a pdm coordinator on site. So that we have a point of contact that we can reach. We are still working through the logistics on the court, nader changes over time, but thats the idea that we have someone that we can talk to in the coordinator can be shared between buildings. There are entities in the city that do these types of services at a nonprofit level. So thats a potential opportunity for them as well. Director raphael this is an interesting idea. I knew 2 ohms and applying to have a sustainability person onsite. In this case is a transportation at second but a waste person somebody we would have a point of contact on for zero waste my things are really interesting precedent. I know you party has some of these court, naders onsite and theres been plus or minus 6s in terms of the responsiveness and how much. It sounds like this could be increased staff burden. I mean, as you have more and more these court, naders onsite. Is that funding for those positions covered in the fee in the transportation fee, were how are you going to support this . Is the Planning Commission or were mta . Was can be working with them . Testifier just to clarify, onsite means not onsite at the city. Director raphael clearcut to check in with them on an 18 month basis . Testifier the key months is after the building comes occupied we would do an 18 month checkin and then its once annually. Even more robust. The word wicks has three potential fees. The first fee is about an application fee when a person that their plan. That fee will cover the staff time of reviewing the plan and the preoccupancy compliance check. The ongoing annual compliance check will also have an annual fee. That will cover the administrative cost of that as well. You are absolutely correct that over time, as more and more projects come on, you potentially could need more and more staff, but we also think we will probably learn from the program and might need less staff time per project overtime. That happened in other jurisdictions that we appreciate. Testifier what we built in as an incentive, both for developer and to support our staffing is with five years in a rowfive consecutive compliance being everything checks out perfectly, then you get bumped, you the project get bumped every three years. If you overcome and not in compliance debacle back into five years in a row. So, we really do want to create athe goal is compliance not paperwork. President omotalde thanks. Commissioner stevens and medical back to commissioner wald commissioner stephenson you said theres one to be a time where once its all implementing assess the attractiveness and make sure the vehicle miles are offset by these points system. How quickly with that assessment be able to be done . When are we can know this is right and retool as needed . Testifier one thing that we did not mention is the points that are assigned right now based on extensive literature review and best practices documentation. So, the way that weve assigned points right now are grounded in some data about effectiveness. What we are looking to do is to refine our understanding as to how effective are these measures in San Francisco and combined with each other, so just to be clear we are not starting without good Knowledge Foundation of what is effective. But we will bewe have, right now, developing a twoyear program of research to collect more data and do some refinement, but we envision their assignment will be happening ongoing overtime was included in the word wicks is that at least every four years of online with a county cycle dissertation plan, will be updating the menu and the points on the targets but also allowing some flexibility to do that as new information is available on a short timeframe. Were not anticipating doing on a monthly basis, but we one to be able to be nimble and responsive to new information and a dynamic field. President omotalde thank you. Commissioner wald commissioner wald i want to begin i do think this is very creative and thoughtful legislation. I appreciate all of the work that you and all your partners have done in order to make it exactly that. But i would like to propose a amendment to the resolution before us and i would appreciate the advice of our attorney and our policy and Communications Director once i read it three. So, i would propose that on page 3 of the resolution before us, line 11, where it says further resolves, im waiting for everybody to find it. We insert the following words. That the commission on the environment urges the authors of the proposed legislation to specifically include the San Francisco department of the environment as one of the collaborators in the development of Planning Commission standards for the tdm program with reference to the section and the line and be it further resolved. Stick in that language. Is that good language . Yeah . President omotalde yeah. Commissioner wald is that okay with you . The oma we have a motion. President omotalde we have a motion. Commissioner wald has made a motion to amend. Correct . Moved and seconded. President omotalde all those in favor say, aye. Clerk Public Comment president omotalde we need to open up to Public Comment on the motion to amend. Public comment is limited to the motion to amend testifier . This amendment, i apologize for not getting [inaudible] president omotalde thank you. Any further comment on the motion to amend . Hearing none, Public Comment is closed. We have a motion. Its been seconded by commissioner stephenson. Is that correct . Now we can proceed to a vote. All those in favor say, aye. Any opposition . Hearing none, the motion to amend the resolution passes. Commissioner wald now do we have to vote on the resolution as amended . President omotalde yes, that is correct. Now dont open a Public Comment on the motion as amended. On the resolution as mentored clerk motion to adopt the resolution and then open up to Public Comment president omotalde okay. Whew seconds president omotalde commissioner stephenson makes a motion. Second by commissioner bermejo. Now its open to Public Comments. Testifier my name is sylvia johnson. I do think you put the measurements in [inaudible] make additions to where we parked. The level of housing hes talking about [inaudible] we gain a lot more customers [inaudible] yes, i love to drive. [inaudible]

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