With a career that began in 1998, Katikithala has held a variety of positions within the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and served as an Establishment Officer within the Government of India from June 2020 to August 2021, , IAS Srinivas Katikithala, Ministry of Minority Affairs
The idea of 'new democracy' is built on reviving elements of monarchy with trappings of a Hindu Rashtra and inspired by Hindutva leaders like Hedgewar, Golwalkar and Savarkar.
Since Narendra Modi became prime minister in 2014, the ethos of civil services has been shifting from constitutional values to management compliance. This has been attempted through a huge lateral entry of 'compliance managers' to capture the IAS.
srinivas katikithala, director, lbsnaacivil service day, observed on april 21st every year, is a celebration of the idea of a national civil service. “bapu inaugurated new service recruits’ school at delhi”, observed maniben patel, in he
Srinivas Katikithala writes: The sense of pride in Indian roots, and a duty-bound set of civil servants with a nation-first approach is the new ethic of civil servants who pass out as ‘Mussoorie wale karmayogis’