he s in this movie. he was part of the first one, as far as i m concerned. you had decades of all these questions about whether or not they would own up to the inexplicable death of goose. you can t spoil it, but what say you? it is the centerpiece of the story in a way, right, they owned up to that. it is an admission of guilt, bill. it is like an acknowledgement of culpability. they knew they had to right that clear wrong. and maybe that really helps, john. that might be a big factor in why people really enjoyed this one a lot. finally get that big problem addressed. i will say, look, there is a difference between how maverick feels moral responsibility versus the fact that berman gives me so much guff about this. i ll always say, maverick was cleared in a court-martial and he ll say that s not enough. he ll say he has moral culpability and i ll say,
sometimes, matt, the truth is often stranger than fiction. could be. but i don t disagree with you, i think both sides are putting way too much stock in this mueller report. one side is expecting the president, the administration, to be completely vindicated, right? and then the other side is expecting a total indictment and to see the president in handcuffs, and i don t think either one is going to happen. i think it s going to be somewhere in the middle. go ahead, alice. don, i think matt uses a great analogy in his piece that i encourage people go and see it. i won t spoil it. but the overall premise is that this administration has clearly decided that they would subscribe to the drip, drip, drip mentality of getting this information out there, and from a commune cases standpoint, i scribe to the rip the band-aid off and get it all out there mentality to the degree they have said there s no there there, there s no collusion, there s nothing to say there, then get it out ther
jordan peel, people call him the modern-day hitchcock. he is a phenomenal director and writer and i cannot wait to see what happens on march 15th. did you see that? jillian: for the record never start a sentence with jillian, have you seen? the answer is always no. from now on. rob: let s talk about of ventures. i cannot wait for this. avengers infinity war, the rooster brothers who directed avengers infinity war are working in the marvel cinematic universe. they did captain america civil war, captain america winter soldier, infinity war, avengers and end game. this trailer is perfect because they didn t give away too much. i won t spoil it, the movie made $2 billion in 2018 worldwide and had a very tragic end with josh born s character but i won t give away what happens but i m excited to see what happens post infinity war.
the bill which meant that it couldn t pass with just democratic votes. some republicans were going to have to cross the aisle to vote for it, or there would be international economic armageddon. but they were so embarrassed about doing it, they so did not want to be seen casting those votes that the republicans did something that has maybe never happened before in congress, at least as far as we can tell. you can tell from this tape, this is the way it usually goes when the senate is voting on something. you re watching on c-span or lucky enough to be there at the senate watching in the gallery. this is how it usually goes. watch. mr. schumer, aye. mr. thune, aye. mr. hoeven, aye. mr. markey, aye. that s a normal vote. see if you can spot the difference. mr. markey.
paper on which the clerk marks the votes by hand. as people vote in order to figure out who done it. and it s amazing, look, roll call s now posted it online. the actual sheet. see the senator s name in the center column there and the clerk marks by hand, no with a mark on the right or yes with a mark on the left. and the squiggly lines here, yeah, those were changing their votes. that was one, two, three, four, five, six senators. six republican senators who at least it appears from handwritten notes appear to have officially voted no on the debt ceiling, but then they came back and had the senate clerk change their vote to yes so the debt ceiling would pass. even though, yes, it is important the debt ceiling passes, it, for example, avoids international economic armageddon. nevertheless, a vote like this, this is absolute kryptonite to hardcore base republican voters. this is a flaming pile of exactly what you think it is left on the front doorstep of these six senators and the