paper on which the clerk marks the votes by hand. as people vote in order to figure out who done it. and it's amazing, look, roll call's now posted it online. the actual sheet. see the senator's name in the center column there and the clerk marks by hand, no with a mark on the right or yes with a mark on the left. and the squiggly lines here, yeah, those were changing their votes. that was one, two, three, four, five, six senators. six republican senators who at least it appears from handwritten notes appear to have officially voted no on the debt ceiling, but then they came back and had the senate clerk change their vote to yes so the debt ceiling would pass. even though, yes, it is important the debt ceiling passes, it, for example, avoids international economic armageddon. nevertheless, a vote like this, this is absolute kryptonite to hardcore base republican voters. this is a flaming pile of exactly what you think it is left on the front doorstep of these six senators and the