sometimes, matt, the truth is often stranger than fiction. could be. but i don t disagree with you, i think both sides are putting way too much stock in this mueller report. one side is expecting the president, the administration, to be completely vindicated, right? and then the other side is expecting a total indictment and to see the president in handcuffs, and i don t think either one is going to happen. i think it s going to be somewhere in the middle. go ahead, alice. don, i think matt uses a great analogy in his piece that i encourage people go and see it. but the overall premise is that this administration has clearly decided that they would subscribe to the drip, drip, drip mentality of getting this information out there, and from a commune cases standpoint, i scribe to the rip the band-aid off and get it all out there mentality to the degree they have said there s no there there, there s no xhugs, there s nothing to say there, then get
sometimes, matt, the truth is often stranger than fiction. could be. but i don t disagree with you, i think both sides are putting way too much stock in this mueller report. one side is expecting the president, the administration, to be completely vindicated, right? and then the other side is expecting a total indictment and to see the president in handcuffs, and i don t think either one is going to happen. i think it s going to be somewhere in the middle. go ahead, alice. don, i think matt uses a great analogy in his piece that i encourage people go and see it. i won t spoil it. but the overall premise is that this administration has clearly decided that they would subscribe to the drip, drip, drip mentality of getting this information out there, and from a commune cases standpoint, i scribe to the rip the band-aid off and get it all out there mentality to the degree they have said there s no there there, there s no collusion, there s nothing to say there, then get it out ther