caucus state? the reason i ask that specifically is newt gingrich this weekend is finally trying to put one together. how big is that for him? it s a big problem. it s one thing to say to a pollster when they call you, i m for newt gingrich or mitt romney, but another thing to get them out to a firehouse or schoolyard. 50,000 voters made up their mind in the last 10 days. 20,000 made it up that very day. still half the people in the state have not basically firmly committed to a candidate. thinking in terms of 30,000 votes may win it, you know, getting that vote out is very important. the way i see it today, you got three people in the pent house. romney, gingrich, ron paul. ron paul has the strongest organization. three people in the basement, perry, santorum and bachmann. one of those people have to get out of the basement to basically become a credible candidate. that s divided up right now. let me bring that to you, juan, because i m going to slightly move one of the people fro
candidates who are all in in iowa, really have to do well there. let s put them up on the screen. ron paul, and you could argue he s in the pent house. ron paul, rick perry, michele bachmann, rick santorum. juan, which has the best chance to overperform, do well in iowa, and therefore get propelled into the top tier going out? i don t think there s any question it s ron paul. not only does he have the campaign structure we were just discussing, but there he has money, paying for the ads you were watching on tv where he was attacking others. huntsman falls out altogether. bachmann has had her moment, and not shown any evidence she s built herself up. santorum worked very hard in the state, visiting every county, but no evidence in the polling that he s taken off. it comes comes down to ron paul, newt gingrich, i mean, if i was the ed rollins of his campaign,
stole it and only stopped when his mother got in front of the car in tears in front of the truck and stopped him. really? you know he s going to court later this week and probably grounded. you would think so. what else do you have? you were telling me you know the difference between pent house and playboy. see i don t even know. you know the difference? i kind of do. what s hot in the news today is penthouse , the founder of the magazine bob guccione was 79 years old and lost his battle with a cancer. he left his mark in the world. here s a guy who at one point was considering priest hood but then did a complete 180, launching a rival to playboy in the late 60s showing scantily clad women and at the height of it all in the 80s this magazine published the first photos of the first black
schools. you know what? larry: high school. it was the best and worst time of our lives. exactly. the hierarchy, our show really focuses on it. the hierarchy is brutal. we try to be subtle about it as adults but it is right out there. you ve got the losers. you ve got the jocks. sue sylvester paints it in the pilot episode. she says, you ve got your jocks and your cheerleaders up in the pent house and then the glee club is in the sub basement. everybody else is in between. it is really, the hierarchy is really defined in high school. larry: what were you like in high school? one of though fellow well met. i kind of travelled with all the different groups. larry: you were hiding a secret, too. i was hiding a secret. that s for sure. that was big a part of, you don t want to be exposed. that would be the worst thing, you know. larry: do your parents know? they do now. larry: they didn t then. no. larry: did they wonder why you did not go out with boys? no.
and right as she is about to kiss her, she says even your breath stops of mediocrity. it stops the kiss. larry: we learn more about the sister. are there other thing we ll learn about sue? well, her mother is carol burnett. larry: her mother is carol burnett. that s pretty big. we re just up to episode six. i m sure they re going to throw something on me. larry: why doubted we like maybe it is today thwart ig. that we like watching high schools. you know what? larry: high school. it was the best and worst time of our lives. exactly. the hierarchy, our show really focuses on it. the hierarchy is brutal. we try to be subtle about it as adults but it is right out there. you ve got the losers. you ve got the jocks. sue sylvester paints it in the pilot episode. she says, you ve got your jocks and your cheerleaders up in the pent house and then the glee club is in the sub basement.