caucus state? the reason i ask that specifically is newt gingrich this weekend is finally trying to put one together. how big is that for him? >> it's a big problem. it's one thing to say to a pollster when they call you, i'm for newt gingrich or mitt romney, but another thing to get them out to a firehouse or schoolyard. 50,000 voters made up their mind in the last 10 days. 20,000 made it up that very day. still half the people in the state have not basically firmly committed to a candidate. thinking in terms of 30,000 votes may win it, you know, getting that vote out is very important. the way i see it today, you got three people in the pent house. romney, gingrich, ron paul. ron paul has the strongest organization. three people in the basement, perry, santorum and bachmann. one of those people have to get out of the basement to basically become a credible candidate. that's divided up right now. >> let me bring that to you, juan, because i'm going to slightly move one of the people from the penthouse to the basement. seems to me there are four