and right as she is about to kiss her, she says even your breath stops of mediocrity. it stops the kiss. >> larry: we learn more about the sister. are there other thing we'll learn about sue? >> well, her mother is carol burnett. >> larry: her mother is carol burnett. >> that's pretty big. we're just up to episode six. i'm sure they're going to throw something on me. >> larry: why doubted we like -- maybe it is today thwart ig. that we like watching high schools. >> you know what? >> larry: high school. it was the best and worst time of our lives. >> exactly. the hierarchy, our show really focuses on it. the hierarchy is brutal. we try to be subtle about it as adults but it is right out there. you've got the losers. you've got the jocks. sue sylvester paints it in the pilot episode. she says, you've got your jocks and your cheerleaders up in the pent house and then the "glee" club is in the sub basement.