The India Meteorological Department (IMD) plans to use artificial intelligence and faster supercomputers to fine-tune its weather forecast models. The IMD is celebrating its 150th year and will launch Panchayat Mausam Seva to provide weather forecasts to farmers in every village. The organization will also collaborate with academic institutions for joint development of tools to improve forecast accuracy.
Read more about Most parts of India likely to get normal rainfall as IMD ups 2021 forecast on Business Standard. Prediction updated to factor in two weather systems that have a direct bearing on the performance of southwest monsoon.
Southwest Monsoon 2021 Forecast: SSTs are likely to rise soon and the probability of continued La Niña will fall. 2021 could be one of the 'normal' Monsoon years making a sound start and ending within the upper half of normal range, range of normal rainfall is 96-104% of LPA (880.6mm).