Accommodation for projects for not allowing it and then saying we wont make that accommodation any more and makes people upset because theyre feeling theyre just doing it for that and i think a lot of folks are frustrated with pg e. Its just so indicate. Inconsistent. Thank you. Thank you so much. For the public update. I have a couple of questions that ive asked before in different ways. But i just want to revisit a little bit, the whole clean power sf launch and programming and success that weve been realizing and some of our early goals in your presentation just to reiterate from an environmental perspective that the whole idea behind clean power sf was to really drive more quickly towards our citywide goal of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction to be in compliance with the state. So ghg reduction emission. The second goal from an environmental perspective was to help us as a city reach our 100 renewable by 2030 goal that we are driving toward and the opportunity that a program like c
Next item, please. Item nine is consent calendar. All items listed are considered to be retained by the San Francisco Public Utilities commission and acted upon by a single vote of the commission. No separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission or public rate ques quests. The matter will be removed from the calendar and considered a separate item. Commissioners, would you like any item removed . All foz, i dont. Okay. General public, any item remov removed . May i have a motion . All of those in favor . The motion carries. Next item. Item ten write approve modifications of the San Francisco San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Grant program and authorize a general manager to approve future modifications to the Grant Program. Commissioners, steve ritchie, this is an item to make some minor changes to the Grant Program rules. The first of which is to change the name of the program to the onsite water reuse program. Secondly is to expand existing requirements
Only recognize the history of the tribal lands on which we reside and acknowledge and honor the fact the oholone people established a working partnership with the sfpu c and are productive and flourishing members with the greater bay area communities today. Madam secretary, can you call the first item, please . Item number 3, approval of the minutes of march 12, 2024. Commissioners, are there corrections or additions to the minutes of march 12 . Seeing none, donna, can we open this item to Public Comment . We have remote callers who want to speak to item 3, please raise your hand if you wish to speak . Do we have members of the public present to provide comment on item number 3 . Seeing none, do we have callers with hands raised . Madam secretary, there are mow callers in the queue. Thank you. Public comment is closed. Thank you, Public Comment is closed on item 1. Can i have a motion to approve the minutes of march 12 . Motion to approve. There is a motion and second. Roll call, pleas
Clan ration with citywide parents on the development and implementation of preapprenticeship programmes. So the purpose of this slide is to really show how staff has tried to be responsive to the commissions inquiry and questions. And so the items before you are for both. Theres the fiscal year 19 and 20 capital budget, including financing authorization. There is the 10year capital plan and 10year Financial Plan and i have one last slide thats highlighting the key points of all of this package. The recommended budgets result in increases in line with what weve been talking about over the last several years in terms of rate increases. The combined water and sewer bill increases over the next eight years. And one thing i wanted to point out is that it is a slight revision to what we discussed on january 18 and provides additional and we talked about a series of increases in revenue requirement that was 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 . We didnt want that 9 so we smoothed it out according to the insurance
Good morning, and welcome to the regular meeting of the welcome to the britain for wednesday, january 20, 2016, my name is mark farrell ill be chairing this committee and joined by supervisor katie tang as well as the new member supervisor yee want to thank the clerk mr. Clerk linda wong and Jennifer Lowe and charles kremack from sfgovtv for covering this madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Please silence all electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the january 2nd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. So colleagues one of the items are go bond for Public Health and state of were waiting on language from the City Attorney so madam clerk item 3. Ordinance retroactively 30 years the department of technology and the depth the Contract Administration to enter spots third amendment between the city and the at t coordination for the services by extending the term of the ag