Clan ration with citywide parents on the development and implementation of preapprenticeship programmes. So the purpose of this slide is to really show how staff has tried to be responsive to the commissions inquiry and questions. And so the items before you are for both. Theres the fiscal year 19 and 20 capital budget, including financing authorization. There is the 10year capital plan and 10year Financial Plan and i have one last slide thats highlighting the key points of all of this package. The recommended budgets result in increases in line with what weve been talking about over the last several years in terms of rate increases. The combined water and sewer bill increases over the next eight years. And one thing i wanted to point out is that it is a slight revision to what we discussed on january 18 and provides additional and we talked about a series of increases in revenue requirement that was 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 . We didnt want that 9 so we smoothed it out according to the insurance policy to 7788. So, that is one change i wanted to highlight for you and it is reflected in this package here. When we talk about the budgets overall, it is the citywide roll out of cleanpower s. F. Is the single largest increase in our budget. It represents 202 million over two years. You will be hearing a little later on from a. G. M. Hill and the head of cleanpower about some exciteinging stuff well be doing in regards to rolling it out citywide. It is the only request for on budget new positions, 11 f. D. E. S over the two years and after clean power, it is Capital Investment activitiess that are really driving the increase in the budget. Around that is in the form of Additional Debt service. So that is my summary. And im happy to answer any questions. I think you were going to vote on each one individually. Were going to do a motion on each item. And then once we get a second, well have discussion. At the end of each of the four, well have Public Comment. Before the vote. That ice right. Thats right. Do we have a motion on item 10 . So move, mr. Chairman. Second. Any discussion . I just want to i have a question. So, the red lines on the resolution on 11. Are we on 11 . Item 11. No, were on 10. I have a question on 11. Ill read the title of 10. 10 is the biennial operating and programmatic budgets. Yes. Item 11, do we have a no. No. Then call for Public Comments on item 10. Ok. Ok. Any Public Comments on this item . Ok. You can call for the vote. Well go through them each. Let cease do that then. In all favour . Aye. Opposed . All right. 11. Ill move the item. Second. And would you mind walks us through the red line changes . Sure. They are in the resolution. And you can see there are increases to the waste water capital budget. In fiscal year 1819 there is a 1 million increase and they should be in red line strikeout. So you should be able to see these changes. And then in fiscal year 1920, there is an increase of 2k34rr million to the waste water capital enterprise budget and you can see those on the tables and then there is also an increase to the financing authorization that allows that additional 4 million to be fnlsed through waste water enterprise. And that is for the increase in the Grant Programme. Yes. Great. So, i think the motion is actually on the amended resolution. Correct . Yes. Yes. Motion to approve with the red line changes. I move to amend the resolution in front of us with the red line changes. Second. Any discussion . I have a question. And i support the change. But it does bring to mind the decision process that we use as far as funding and proceeding with Green Infrastructure projects and whats specifically on my mind is that we have the early implementation projects out there and if memory serves, were halfway through the construction project of those. What id like to see is a discussion of and those are envisioned basically as Pilot Projects. Yes. But i would like to see is how the information that we get through the Pilot Project process informs our process for selecting and designing and Monitoring Future Green Infrastructure project. And the way the triple bottom line fits into that as well. Yes. And that is obviously a bigger discussion than today. But as we proceed if we could have a presentation and discussion on that. I would praoernlz that. Appreciate that. And well come to the commission with more information as we develop the Grant Programme as well. Thank you. I do want to appreciate the conversations that we have had offline on the Green Infrastructure because its really helped me understand much betters the different kinds of projects that we are engaging in as an agency. You know, the e. I. P. S are really the ones i dont mean to oversimplify. I think that we are looking to own and operate, if you will, that were using as pilots to inform future investment. And then there is the storm water or dinance, which is about private development. They might have different goals, different benefits that theyre looking for out of Green Infrastructure in addition to the regulatory requirements that we are asking them to comply with. There is the multiprojects that might be interested in a Green Infrastructure promise because they dont want their transit stop flooded or some other benefit that theyre trying to seek. And then there is the one that were talking about now which is the grants and schools piece, which is a Grant Programme and might have additional benefits from an education perspective or from really a retention perspective because they have so much asphalt that could be converted. Also rate reduction as we go to a parcelbased approach. Exactly. So its been very helpful to better understand how we can approach programmatically the infrastructure and stay relatively true to the p. U. C. s core mission for using for flooding and also ive been saying from a pure agency perspective, benefits could we really realise from Green Infrastructure. Is there a workforce component potentially, what else could we really see . So i very much appreciate the conversations weve had to date. And look forward to this continuing getting Additional Data as we move toward storm water fee to understand the investments. Would you i mean, i think the presentation that we put together in oefrk was put together in one presentation and it is not piecemealed and we probably would bring it to the commission and give that presentation. I think as far as the e. P. A. S or early implementation projects, i think we sort of gave a presentation on lessons learned. But, you know, i think it is like who to contract with. Go private or whatever. But i would say the performance of the ones we identify reasonable doubt performing well. So i think we can go back and say what we thought the performance is versus what is actually. Were able to do that on a couple of them. So think we can float that in as well to get to your question as well. Yeah, great. You mentioned the workforce components. And i think it is important to note that staff, executive staff has done a lot of work to get us to this point. I wanted to clarify one particular thing. With respect to to these classifications that are trades classifications, they both work in the Public Sector for us in a maintenance arrangement, but also in the Public Sector, that preapprentice position that were proposing to add, it is not a preapprentice to be a gardener or laborer. It is a preapprentice to be in any trade. Its it incorporates the nationally recognized multicore curriculum from the National Building trades in washington, d. C. And the reason that i want to mention this is because the conversations and the work that were doing first of all trying to figure out, you know, what were talking about. But second trying to implement nit a way that is not offencive to the structure we already have. What im seeing is it resulting in something that is more unique than weve seen at the Recreational Parks Department which is more of a maintenance departments and department of public works. In the event that we get past this vote, we veal a classification of a worker whos preapprenticing into any trade and then for the first time an opportunity to move into these gardener and general laborer positions and the reason that is responsibilitier not because with the laborers unions but these are entrylevel positions that have minimum qualifications that are easier to meet for the very Community Workforce participants that we aim to reach. Right . So this is something weve been doing for years and years and years. Im proud today of the work of staff and cindy and juliette and michael and steve and obviously to our general manager. Im really, really proud of just keeping me in my lane. Buff. [laughter] but also just working thing out. It is not easy to do. Ill leave you with this. In a way based on all the fantastic things that we do at this agency, this particular piece isnt always embraced as sexy. And it is sexy when you do it right and it is sexy when you see the fruits of this effort. There is no greater joy than putting folks in a position where they can move up a career pathway, you gave hope where it doesnt exist and you keep promises that are made. I want to thank you for all the work and obviouslily staff and the general manager and my colleagues for tolerating my longwinded approaches from time to time. Let the record reflex, commissioner, youre sexy. Very nice. Thank you. That was good. Any other comments . Questions . Public comment on this item . I need a motion on item 12. We need a vote on item 11. Sorry. All in favour of item 11 . Aye. Opposed . It carries. Now moving on to item 12, doe with have a motion . Second. This is on the 10year capital plan. Any discussion on item 12 . Any Public Comment . Yes, mr. Francis. Im tom francis with boscan. Ill keep my comments brief. Youve had an opportunity to read through your packet, i hope. Again, i think you had a very robust plan and i want to thank harlan and his staff for allowing us to be part of the planning effort. Again, they had five meetings with us that i thought were very helpful. Again, thank you, harlan. The one comments for the request im going to raise to you, which may be a bit of a plea, is that we continue to have concerns that replacement of those two critical segments of pipeline, the san antonio and crystal lanes pipeline are missing from the c. I. T. I could stomach that if it was a twoyear c. I. T. , but this is a longterm ci. T. And if you view in the longterm that there is a possibility that those pipelines could fail, it is my view that you should include some money to investigate that opportunity or possibility. That is our main plea. And then the other quick comment i have is a clarification. When i smoke to you folks at the workshop, i talked about workforce needs. I think it was misinterpreted that i was talking about workforce needed to operate facilities. My main concern is that your staff, steve richie, dan and others have an adequate number of staff to actually manage the planning, the design and the construction of facilities. Even the pipeline segments, for example. It is a challenge with the number of workforce retirements that are taking place. Not even just here at the p. U. C. S, but every water agency to have that right number of staff available. Just a clarification. That is what i meant by staffing. So ill close to say you have a highly competent set of staff here. Ive gotten to know mr. Richie and mr. Wade and harlan over the past year and were pleased with that capital plan you put together. I do want to leave you with that thought in mind. It speaks highly of the relationship that well donts build with your staff. Anyway, that was it for me. Thank you. Thank you very much. Maybe a dwe to the general manager about those pipelines. Is there a chance in these next 10 years that they could be problematic . Understanding that money is not infi it infinite and that we have to prioritize. Ill defer to steve richie. Assistant general manager for water. Its just a matter of the size of the programme. But we do have base funding for our transmission system. In fact, one of the pipelines we just did an inspection of in the last couple of weeks and the results came back good from one of those pipelines. That was heartening. But that doesnt mean that well sit and watch and cross our fingers. Were constantly evaluatesing them. If we get any sense that there is an issue developing, well come back and shift priorities because that is what we would need to do if we found we believe there was higher risk there than there was from other pipelines. The same is true from all of our projects. Dam projects, pipeline projects. You get new information and maybe fiveyears from now we decide that, nope, we need to move that one ahead and the other ones back. That is the kind of process well continually go through. Great. Thank you. Any Public Comment on this item . All right. All in favour . , aye. Aye. Opposed . Approved. All right. Item number 13. 10year Financial Plan. Do we have a motion . Sao iblg move it. Second. Any discussion, commissioners . Any Public Comment on this item . Ok. All in favour . Ay endsinger. Opposed . Passes. Item number four, please. Item 14, approve amount number two to agreement cs200 waterway services, extending the Agreement Term by two years and five months with no change to the agreement amount. Good afternoon a commission efforts. Kathy how, a. G. M. For infrastructure. This item is asking for a time extension. Weve used as consultant to help us on all of our Capital Projects as well as for the p. U. C. Whenever we have rightofway issues whenever we need to negotiate with both Public Properties and government agencies. Ill move the item. Second. Any discussion . Any Public Comment. Automatic in favour . Aye. Opposed . Approved. Thank you very much. Item 15, please. Approve the selection of parsons water and infrastructure group, award Agreement Number pro0104 Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant programme Construction Management services to provide Programme Level c. M. Oversight and supervision for the ssip phase one Construction Projects subject to board of supervisors approval. Id like to move the item. Second. Any public discussion . Public comment . Approved . Ay efrjs opposed . Motion caser. Item 16. Affirm that the conditions necessary to procure Energy Supply needed to expand the cleanpower s. F. Programme have been met, direct the general manager to continue to take all steps necessary to pursue expansion of clean power s. F. Service and approve revision to the cleanpower s. F. Supply management policy and clean power s. F. Reserves policy. Ill move the item. Second. Any Public Comment . All in favour . Aye. Aye. Opposed . Approved. Number 17 is Public Comment on maefrtses to be discussed during closed session. Would you like for me to read the items . Yes, please. Thank you. Item 19 is el individual smith versus city and county of San Francisco, San Francisco superior Court Case Number cgc17558134 with proposed settlement 500,000. And item 20, anticipated litigation as defendant. The Public Comments on these closed session items . Okay. Can we get a motion whether to assert the attorneyclient privilege. Move to acertificate. Second. All right. All in favour . Aye. Aye. Ok. Sfpuc. We are now out of closed session. Do we have a motion i move not to disclose. Second. All in favor . All right, commissioners. Any other new business . All right. With that, this meeting is adjourned. Thank you for being here. Issue. Homeless in San Francisco is a challenging issue that effects owner in the city in many different was as of the 2014 Homeless Census over 64 homeless in individual in the city to try to address the issue weve got a program for chronic homeless welcome to the Navigation Center. This Pilot Project is for People Living on the street what makes it different the Navigation Center is able to accommodate homeless encampments lowell u allowing people to keep their pets and bring their personal bloonlz. The full realization that people dont want to be homeless not refuse services but from the services dont meet them and not relevant theyre not going to be successful if you look at the budget losses weve got a community sacrifice important people to get food and laundry were standing next to the bathrooms it is designed to be a dynamic and brief residential experience where right of on this site city staff to connect you to homeless places to return to family dine is up for medical and all those things that are complicated for people. The other exciting thing city agencies come on site and provided the services for folks this is existed to see when the goal of streamlining a a whole processes of getting people on go gentle assistance into housing as much as possible. Way totally different you can come and agree as please and get Laundry Services and showers any time of the day and night its twentyfour hours a day whatever and twhefr its not like any other she recalls. They come and help people for what it is theyre required the issues they need and reach out and do what we can to say okay how can we accommodate you to get you set up and straight never in my mind imagined a program like this this place it different and a a lot a lot that better it works. The navigation is center is a collaboration of partnerships too city departments one is the Homeless Outreach team managed by the San Francisco distributing i look forward to the Navigation Center well have our agents go out and help and say dont go anymore over and over send our dayshift out theyve meet the population and hang out and hang in the encampment and transport people and be with them and make immediate impacts with me and my staff. Bringing our wloongz whatever you go presents a problem this place their help with the storage i dont have to worry about it staying here you know youre getting things done they need to get things down done to get off the street avenue of the hope alsoness is gone. They help you if youre hungry go eat if e you need to go places go. Theyre 4th district it awe auto. It was funded through a unanimous donation and of may 2015 an additional 3 million to help to continue the Program Beyond 18 months. You see people coming out theyre ready to being so the future homes you know how variable the Navigation Center is my message for the constituents yes something can be done do break chronic homelessness it is being done. This is a community that sets an example but i how to pick an area that was funky theyve seen were trying to do is help their neighbors theyve seen getting sicker and more frail and broken down on the streets and welcomed us thats a powerful Statement People are exist and president in theyre becoming to see the movement for folks and people on the streets are only survival modes where is there next meal and their itch more carefree. The staff here is interpretation the first day i have a appointment and everything was made all you do is go through them this makes a huge difference. To get settled in a helping hand, to get on my feet, take care of the issues i have and get out of bed and help. Even though the Navigation Center has been up in march 2014 the program is creating successful outreach for its clients. A month ago they came to me and asked me to go into a new program i moved into here and now 3 months later i have my own place it is mine i lock my door dont worry about my stuff it feels human aga my name is holly im been in Enterprise Software training for 10 years that expired film and art and voiceover week work and all kinds of work. Im jane a Program Director for the state of california i have the privilege of working on special Technology Projects for the depth of the technology a passion for helping people and a passion for doing work that makes a difference and makes me feel good at night and i think about what i did today and helping every Single Person in the city as. A Technology Professional a need for more women and more women in leadership roles the diversity and the leadership pipeline is an area that needs a little bit of love. A lot of love. A whole lost love. Ill contribute for the change for womens equality by showing up and demonstrating that the face of success schizophrenia came come in a variety of corresponds. Theyre a lot of roadblocks for San Francisco when it comes to our proposition and finding a play for information that has how to start and grow management so we started to build the San Francisco business portal not just consults or the taxpayers and voters theyre actually customers we are the government serving the consumers in our neighborhood i point to at least one best that i personally touched with one way or another and makes me feel good about the projects like the business portal and in embarking on this new exciting journey of finding better and efficient ways to deliver services to san franciscans i sit through a lot of Senior Management meetings im the only woman in the room i know that our c i o is tried to recruit for women and a male dominated environment. Ive felt unbounded and inspired to pursue a lot of things over time i recognize to be cricked in ways i didnt anticipate you know ive followed the calling but now put me in a position to spend most of my time doing things i love this is the whole point; right . You ought to feel inspired in our work and found opportunities to have youre work put you in service for others and happy doing what youre spending so much time. My father was a journalist lift and my mom a teacher when we finally decided to give up their lives because of me and now i actually get to serve the city and county of San Francisco it makes me feel really, really good not this didnt happen overnight ive worked my entire life to get to this point and much more to learn and i have a lot of changes ahead. Really think about what moves you what youre pats about and trust that you are sufficient and enough where you are to begin and then is her that you are being tenacious about getting to the next place in the evolution but by all means start with you are and know thats enough supervisor peskin good morning. Welcome to the Transportation Authority meeting for tuesday 13th 2018. Alberto, could you call the roll please. roll call

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