The probe into the Rs 200 crore extortion case involving multimillionaire conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar has found that four models/actresses met him in Tihar Jail and were given money and expensive gifts, sources said.
Jacqueline Fernandez s relationship with Sukesh Chandrasekhar: On Thursday EOW questioned Nora Fatehi in connection with her relations and the gifts which she got from conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar who is in Tihar jail in a case of extortion of Rs 200 crore.
Sukesh Chandrasekhar met four female actors while he was lodged in Delhi jail and gave them money and expensive bags and watch. However, one of the actors, Arusha Patil, admitted that she was introduced to Sukesh Chandrasekhar by Pinky Irani but denied meeting him in Tihar Jail.