Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Enforcement Directorate has opposed the plea moved by Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez, who sought quashing of ECIR (FIR) and supplementary chargesheet filed by Enforcement Directorate in Rs 200 Crore money laundering case involving alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, said it's not maintainable. India News | ED Opposes Jacqueline Fernandez Plea in Delhi HC for Quashing of PMLA Case, Says Plea Not Maintainable.
The Enforcement Directorate has opposed Jacqueline Fernandez's plea in Delhi HC for quashing the money laundering case. Get the latest updates on the case and its proceedings.
Jacqueline Fernandez sought quashing of FIR and supplementary chargesheet in ₹200 crore money laundering case involving alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. | Bollywood
Enforcement Directorate Counters Jacqueline Fernandez s Delhi HC Plea, Deems Money Laundering Case Quashing Inadmissible - ED Opposes Jacqueline Fernandez s Plea in Delhi HC, Asserts Money Laundering Case Quashing Not Maintainable