Now whos with me . Oh, thank you so much. Thank you so much god bless. Ah, more toys. [laughs] thank you hey, baby. Hey, you remember when we went fishing over at the smoochiewoochie river . I was thinking about that. Curtis, thats chattahoochee river. You remember chattahoochee. I remember smoochiewoochie. Curtis, you know none of that happened. None of it. And i know what youre doing. Im sweeping. Yeah, curtis, you have been sweeping in the same little pile of dust for 15 minutes, so youre gonna do extra hours without doing extra work. Please, baby, im trying to be thorough. Well, baby, listen, you need to get on the good foot if you plan to get all of these toys ready. The youth minister will be coming to get everything in a few days. Yeah, okay. Oh, boy, i could have fun with the kids with this. You will not be shooting christian and little calvin with that gun. [imitating gunfire] theyd be all wet. Baby, would you just stop playing . You already came down here late, baby. Baby, th
Bobby yo, bobby bobby hey, youre not bobby. Wheres bobby . I fired bobby. Who are you . Oh, i was just i waswho are you . My name is bruce degner. Oh, so youre the new bobby . No, im not the new bobby. My fatherinlaw owns this place. He just had a massive brain aneurysm which he richly deserves. So now i have to spend time i dont have away from my law practice to come in here every night and sit and look over this random heap of postits and napkins that passes around here for a ledger. Something im trying very hard to do right now, which brings me back to my original, still unanswered question who are you . Hi, im doug. Doug heffernan. Im a member of the bowling team you sponsor. Well, member im actually the captain. So what do you want, captain . Uh, its just that, uh, bobby, who i did not like, uh, was supposed to leave me a check for our league dues this month. Oh, swell, because this place really isnt hemorrhaging quite enough money yet. All right, how much . Its 1,500. Boy, its ge
Now, thats funny because thats what the last girl said right before she bit him. She didnt mean to. She. Had a condition. So is it, um, difficult for you to share your feelings . Actually, calvins never been that good at sharing. Even when he was little, he used to rent his toys to his friends. Im sorry, i was asking calvin. Im trying to cook. Can you keep the conversation over there . So, calvin, do you want to express your feelings . Huh. Well, playas dont have feelings, only game. The only game you got is my credit cards. So how does it make you feel to hear your father say that . Well taken care of. Well, tell me about your work here as a firefighter. Oh, ho oh, he doesnt work here. Yeah, he volunteers. Yeah, hes been in college seven years. Thank you for all your input. Thank you. Thank you. No problem. You must be under a tremendous amount of stress. No. I feel fine. Really . Well, the body is a very sensitive machine. It tells you exactly how much stress youre really under. Can
Andand what . Uh, he just handed me this 3,000 christmas bonus 3,000 i cant believe it and see what i did there . I made you think it was bad, when actually it was good. Yeah, youre a comedic genius. Let me see this. Ohh holy crap 3,000 bucks and all i got was a donation made in my name to some disease charity. Yeah, thank ya so what do you want to do with it . Well, im thinkin, and go with me hereahem doubled breast implants. Why . The ones you have now are so cute and perky. Way to turn it around on me. Look, im serious. What do you want to do with it . I dont know. I guess we should throw it in the bank quick before they realize what a mediocre employee i really am. Really . Put it in the bank . Why, you got another idea . Hmm . Solid gold bathtub . Should we have our teeth drilled and little rubies put in . [imitates bugs bunny] hey, whats up . No. I was thinking that all these lawyers at my firm have been investing in all these internet stocks, and they have been making some stupi
Huh. What . Your depot is hiring payroll assistants to handle the extra holiday load. They need people who can type and do payroll. Ive done both. [coughs] i should apply for this, right . No, i dont know. It would be so great to get out of the house during the day and make a little money. You know . And id feel like i was part of the world again. Im gonna go email my resume right now. Oh. If its cool with you, because i would be invading on your turf, you know . What . Is that all right . Yeah . Yeah great thanks, baby [laughing] oh, yeah [whispers] no so shes standing there, and shes got some gradea Sweet Potatoes. You know what im saying . So what she does is guess who . Hey [laughs] hi, honey. What are you guys talking about . I heard Sweet Potatoes. Uh, yeah. We were thinking about gettin em for the vending machine. Actually, i was just, uh, telling a story about this female person on my route. Sorry. Oh, thats ok. I know what guys talk about. Keep goin like i wasnt even here. Was