so we re paying 10 percentesl of the budget in interest alone. one intereate can the interest higher. and we re getting in two yearsyu we ll be paying more on the debt than we are for the defense budget. so it s got to stop. but this race car , this debtenw race car didn t get toe a the abyss. suddenly we re slowing downwantt a little bit. but if the republicans wantrespn to stop it and they re the onlyi people responsible enough to stop it sto, then they ve goe to change their attitude. when you have the senate and you have the hhave the the u have the presidency, as you did under george w. bush and donaldt trump , you ve got to actf because you have the reins of power. but when you start going up0 bil to five hundred billion dollario whatcits, the left well if y ju, well, if you re going to do it, we re going to trump you .p it n and that s what s happened. and if you want to stop it now, you don t you can t stop it with one half of the house. you ve got to win elections. and that
the unity that we startedof the the year with after the as a result, contest fors the speaker s election. i want to ge t to that.moment, i want to get to that inan a moment. but representative van orden, are you concerne d by we thought maybe thirty five or 40 republicans would vote against it. the number wa vote.s seventy one and the finalocrats vote . are you concerned by the fact that so many democrats liked and so many conservative. republicans didn t? no, i m noti m not at. i i m not at all. tha there s a lot of people talkingk about what is not in thatpeople bill . but let s talk about what is ine that bill . it protects the people that seniors.built this nation. those are our seniors.protected it protects the people that protected this nation. those are our veterans. it n protects the people that feed this nation. those are our farmers by making sure that our biofuel industriesre remain viable and t helps the people most in need sf in the united states of c america. i m on
be stronger coming out of this and continuing to cut oute the irs agents or will it be legal? n i m told, by the wayum, that a number of democrats are so shaken by the cut in domesticco discretionary spendingin that they re talking about taking sway 20 or 30 billion dollar th the irs money to to put it to other priorities. that they think are a lot more important. so i think you ve got to be you know, there are a lot of details here, and i think eachto whde has a different version of what the details mean. but i would suggest to you that each of these steps, as small as they are, are it n fact stepy away from bigger spending. you ve had the new york post, a the wall street journal, i mean ,hardly left wing institutions . both have said this is anificant significant step in the right direction. e te they have technical experts, act least as good as congressman bishop. and they have looked a t it and they ve concludey d thats a
we did see a security guard and allen, texas, do the same thing and stop what could have been worse carnage. we would hope somebody would step up even sooner. we now need in lieu of of prosecutors who fail to hold people accountable, cities, henry, that is willing to hold bad people to account. at day, nowew what neely did or what he would have done that day, we will never. but we do know his past and wea. have all been in this situation. and the end result of this has to be more not necessarily off on the facts. a jury will decide the culpability, but in general, as an instinct in this society, we need more . daniel ? well, that s interesting because as well as drawing the line between how daniel penni acted and vigilantism, which we taln how dak a lot abo, because this the argument would go with daniel penny is found to have an heroic in this. and a lot of the video certainly indicates that he was that he wasn t someone who just wanted to take matters into his own hands. there was a
who needed urgent help. neelys attorney arguing todayp. that none of that should no on matter. no one on that train xis wrog jordan was wrong. how can i help you ? no one said.ou here you are, sir., let let me meet your need or helpths you in a situationit ord of give a word of encouragement. daniel penny, di d not know jordan nearly before this incident. that means daniel penny did not know how many times he was arrested. so that s a non factor.o so for anyone to bring that up and say it impactedtuatio the situation, it n,s you can t do it. all right, judge, i want to come to you first on this. now, we actually he s been charged. e stan where does the case stand?d? what are your thoughts? well, first of all, the judge has indicated that penny hasrt to come back to court on july 17th. the grand jury will have returned a decision one way or the other.