head wound. he found some trace evidence still attached to it. the justice department said i be detached from a regular job to work with the fbi in setting up this test and helping them carry it out. if the analysis proves correct it would destroy the single bullet theory and confirm a two gunmen theory. the fbi objected because i was not impartial. the national archives discovered there were fragments of material on the bullet that killed president kennedy. dr. michael zimmerman is a pathologist whose specialty is the study of ancient mummies. i was called in because the fragments were dried out and
shot occurred. we investigated john or rshs s gunshot analysis against our own 3-d animation. we invited dr. wecht to evaluate it. this is the second shot at z-236. again we ve used the actual zapruder flame and morphed the animation rendering into that so it exactly matches the positions of the body. this is not a restructure photographically speaking in order to make things fit. that s what the warren commission defender sycophants like to do. they move connally over to his left. get the right armpit lined up. that bullet indeed would have continued on missing john connally and could well have been the bullet that went on to strike the windshield in the car. given that oswald and his window on the sixth floor was at all times to the right rear of the limousine, is there any way
the governor s clothes though dry cleaned indicate to orr that connally was shot by another gunman. if they re-examine governor connally clothes, what would you be able to prove? the punchout holes of the shirt and the coat leading into that back entry wound, they re all completely consistent, typical of a pristine bullet. photos prove to orr that the governor s wrist injury was from a third shot through the head, not the magic bullet. when i saw the picture of zapruder 312, i drove a line to the governor s wrist and a perfect straight line. the ragle holes were strong confirmation to orr the wrist wound was caused by a tumbling missile. a perfect shot to the back of the head. it came from a different shooter from a different building. it exited above the right ear and went straight into the governor s wrist. honely, as much as i love this job, i plan to do a lot re.
warren commission had a bit of a problem. forensic scientist douglas schaeffer has worked in government crime labs including the secret service. they no longer had three shots that hit three targets in the limousine. the commission s revised conclusion was the single bullet theory. one bullet that wounded both president kennedy and connally. all of the things that should be done in a homicide were never done by the warren commission. if it was a conspiracy, they would do whatever the minimal investigation they thought was required to drop it. 15 years after the warren commission, the hsca concluded the assassination was probably the result of a conspiracy partially based on controversial acoustics testing that proposed a second shooter was behind the grassy knoll. we know there were two shooters, a conspiracy of some sort. but if oswald did not act alone, who was he working with? who else wanted president
a single bullet theory. one bullet producing seven wounds in two men. the bullet only lost 1.5% of its total weight. the bullet emerged near pristine. the government itself conducted an experiment shooting into goat carcasses, to simulate kennedy s head fracture, and they could not come one a bullet anywhere near the bullet 399. the bullet had to have broken both a rib and a radius. this is hard scientific evidence. the missing brain, the burned nose at the fireplace. the missing bullet hole on friday night. the whole thing is a total fiasco, it s a debacle. on that note, take a breath, dr. weblgct, we appreciate it. we know what you think.