the governor s clothes though dry cleaned indicate to orr that connally was shot by another gunman. if they re-examine governor connally clothes, what would you be able to prove? the punchout holes of the shirt and the coat leading into that back entry wound, they re all completely consistent, typical of a pristine bullet. photos prove to orr that the governor s wrist injury was from a third shot through the head, not the magic bullet. when i saw the picture of zapruder 312, i drove a line to the governor s wrist and a perfect straight line. the ragle holes were strong confirmation to orr the wrist wound was caused by a tumbling missile. a perfect shot to the back of the head. it came from a different shooter from a different building. it exited above the right ear and went straight into the governor s wrist. honely, as much as i love this job, i plan to do a lot re.