New MaterialX and USD Support, faster workflows, and V-Ray GPU updates and enhancements allow artists to complete their USD pipeline with smooth photoreal rendering across teams and tools in real-time.
shot occurred. we investigated john or rshs s gunshot analysis against our own 3-d animation. we invited dr. wecht to evaluate it. this is the second shot at z-236. again we ve used the actual zapruder flame and morphed the animation rendering into that so it exactly matches the positions of the body. this is not a restructure photographically speaking in order to make things fit. that s what the warren commission defender sycophants like to do. they move connally over to his left. get the right armpit lined up. that bullet indeed would have continued on missing john connally and could well have been the bullet that went on to strike the windshield in the car. given that oswald and his window on the sixth floor was at all times to the right rear of the limousine, is there any way