The Centre has increased the maximum sale price for Bt cotton variety (BG-II) seeds for financial year 2022-23 to Rs 810 per packet of 450 gms while the price for BG-I remained the same at Rs 635 per packet."For the financial year 2022-23 .
Amidst a raging debate over illegal Bt Brinjal and Bt Cotton, opinion is split amongst farmers groups even as the Centre has maintained that it is the responsibility of the state governments to take action against such cultivators.
Amidst a raging debate over illegal Bt Brinjal and Bt Cotton, opinion is split amongst farmers groups even as the Centre has maintained that it is the responsibility of the state governments to take action against such cultivators.Agriculture .
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Ingale, a bibliophile from a small village called Budh in Khatav tehsil and an ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts, started the initiative 12 years ago and now his mobile library project has become popular among children and adults in the area.