The online bullying of Uttar Pradesh Class 10 topper Prachi Nigam for her facial hair sparked widespread condemnation. Bombay Shaving Company tried to show support for Prachi through an advertisement, but the ad s content backfired, leading to further criticism. The ad, which included a message of encouragement for Prachi, was criticized for its closing statement, "We hope you never get bullied into using our razor." Social media users called the ad "absurd" and "disgusting," questioning the company s branding strategy and intentions. Despite attempts to defend the ad as a gesture of support, it was widely seen as lacking in sensitivity.
Weekly Musings – Big start-up updates for the week to April 05, 2024 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
We all know content is king, and Indian entrepreneurs are taking the podcast world by storm. But why? Are these shows just a branding and marketing exercise disguised as content for their hosts and guests? Apoorva Mittal gets into the details with Ankur Warikoo, Entrepreneur and Content Creator, and Shantanu Deshpande, Founder of Bombay Shaving Company & Host of The Barber Shop Podcast. Tune in to the latest episode of The Morning Brief podcast! Credits: CRED, SparX by Mukesh Bansal, Nikhil Kamath, Food Matters Group, Zomato