Making This One Change to Your Diet Could Reprogram Your Metabolism, New Study Says
Making This One Change to Your Diet Could Reprogram Your Metabolism, New Study Says
More than two decades of Western diet wisdom have advised us of one rule of thumb: If you want to lose weight, just cut your carbs, and increase protein. However, a revolutionary new study by a team of metabolism and endocrinology researchers has led to the discovery of another aspect of diet that, as the scientists say, had the most potent effect on speeding up metabolism… and, as they suggest, this one change in the foods you eat might even help you live longer.
Weird Things That Happen to Your Body After 40, Says Science
Weird Things That Happen to Your Body After 40, Says Science
A recent poll found that the average American considers 36 years-old to be the perfect age. Among the respondents, four in 10 even said they d prefer to freeze the clock and stay in their late-thirties indefinitely. It all begs the question: Is turning the big four-oh really all that bad?
Well, of course not. In fact, there s plenty of science to suggest that turning 40 may be one of the best things that will ever happen to you. According to one report published by the