Earlier, Union Minister Smriti Irani opened a Mahila Samman Savings Certificate (MSSC) at a post office in the national capital, paving the way for empowering women through this investment instrument, according to a government press release. PM Narendra Modi Urges Women To Enrol for Mahila Samman Saving Certificate, Says ‘It Offers Many Advantages for Our Nari Shakti’.
"The drug consumer is a victim. The drug dealer is the criminal who must be dealt with ruthlessly.The Modi government’s efforts led to an increase of more than 100% in seizure of narcotics and 181% more cases have been registered," says Amit Shah
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Senior NPP leader and ruling Meghalaya Democratic Alliance candidate Thomas A Sangma has filed nomination for the Assembly Speaker post, an official said on Wednesday. India News | NPP s Thomas A Sangma Files Nomination for Meghalaya Speaker s Post.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday expressed grief over the loss of lives of 5 persons at a road accident in Uttar Pradesh s Rampur. PM Narendra Modi Condoles Death of 5 People in Rampur Road Accident.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to embark on a two-day visit to Germany to attend the Group of Seven (G7) summit on June 26-27 where he will hold talks on several issues including health and counter-terrorism. đź“° PM Narendra Modi To Discuss Environment, Climate, Health, Counter-Terrorism & Other Topical Issues at ‘G7 Summit’ in Germany.