Reliance Jio: Earlier, Jio had shared the opinion of former Supreme Court judge KSP Radhakrishnan to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) to back its view that auction should be the mode of spectrum allocation for satellite communication services.
Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India: Given the fact that satellite spectrum is a shared resource, the regulator is looking at the option of non-exclusive assignment of spectrum in case it decides to go ahead with the auction model. However, charting out modalities for such a model looks difficult, said officials.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) is analysing three to four auction models for satellite spectrum, including the ones proposed by Elon Musk-owned Starlink and Reliance Jio. As per officials, the regulator will see what could be the best way to allocate spectrum - auction or administrative - after seeing a result of the auction analysis.
“Administrative allocation of satellite spectrum, rather than auctions, is the key to ensuring equitable distribution and fostering innovation for meaningful connectivity,” said Isabelle Mauro, Director General, of GSOA. “We need a balanced and well-established approach to maximize the socio-economic benefits for all citizens and businesses across the country".