Five days after he took oath as the Maharashtra Chief Minister following a rebellion in the Shiv Sena, Eknath Shinde today comfortably won the trust vote in the state Assembly with 164 votes being polled in his favour and 99 against him in the 288-member House.
A day after Eknath Shinde won the Vote of Confidence in the Maharashtra Assembly, Shiv Sena on Tuesday termed the victory as stolen majority and said that it was not the belief of the people of the state.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. A day after Eknath Shinde won the Vote of Confidence in the Maharashtra Assembly, Shiv Sena on Tuesday termed the victory as "stolen majority" and said that it was "not the belief of the people" of the state. India News | Shiv Sena Calls Eknath Shinde s Trust Vote Victory stolen Majority .