Community members young and old gathered for the 17th Niimi'idiwin, formerly the Sanford Healing Powwow, to celebrate Anishinaabe culture and heritage.
Community members young and old gathered for the 17th Niimi'idiwin, formerly the Sanford Healing Powwow, to celebrate Anishinaabe culture and heritage.
Community members young and old gathered for the 17th Niimi'idiwin, formerly the Sanford Healing Powwow, to celebrate Anishinaabe culture and heritage.
Sanford Bemidji and the Red Lake and Cass Lake Indian Health Service Hospitals invite community members to the 17th Annual Niimi’idiwin (Powwow) from 2 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 23, at the Sanford Bemidji Medical Center, 1300 Anne St. NW.