For the seventh year, the Bemidji Rotary Club and Sanford Bemidji partnered to hold a blood screening event from 7 to 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 18, at the Sanford Bemidji Medical Center. The event will continue on Thursday and Friday.
For a local nurse, Olha Finnelly, the battle in Ukraine is right at her doorstep. Luckily, her coworkers at at Sanford Bemidji helped bring her family to Minnesota.
For a local nurse, Olha Finnelly, the battle in Ukraine is right at her doorstep. Luckily, her coworkers at at Sanford Bemidji helped bring her family to Minnesota.
The Bemidji Rotary Club and Sanford Bemidji will host a blood screening event from 7 to 10 a.m., Wednesday-Friday, May 18-20, at the Sanford Bemidji Medical Center, 1300 Anne St. NW, in the Education Center.
More than two years after the coronavirus pandemic shut down colleges and universities across the country, educators and students alike are coming to terms with the return to normalcy and “next steps” as they relate to the pandemic.