Bigg Boss 15 wild card contestant Rajiv Adatia has created a stir in the house and has added to the drama. He is making headlines on the way he is targeting Ieshaan for his bond with Meisha. Meanwhile, today s episode witnessed the chase for the next Captain of the house.
The Wednesday episode of Bigg Boss 15 saw Vishal Kotian playing a smart game by convincing 'Sanchalak' Shamita Shetty to help him win the task and thus get him entry inside the house. However, Karan Kundrra sense a foul play and questions Shamita if she and Vishal have formed any alliance. He also asks her if she would be fair in her judgement.
Bigg Boss gives a new task to the junglevaasis where they get divided into three different teams. Shamita Shetty, who is the sanchalak of the task, is accused by some of housemates of being partial and siding towards Vishal Kotian.