Shardul Pandit, known for his roles in numerous fiction and non-fiction shows, has relocated to Dubai. Despite this move, the multi-talented actor-turned-radio jockey and host is managing work commitments by traveling between India and Dubai. In an exclusive chat with ETimes TV, Shardul discussed his new life in Dubai, where he hosts a live show offering a prize money higher than that of Kaun Banega Crorepati. He also mentioned that he is currently not open to fiction shows.
Read about how Umar Riaz helped his brother Asim Riaz through his break-up with Himanshi Khurana on Bigg Boss 15. Find out why it's important to end relationships on a happy note.
Shamita Shetty gained fame through her participation in Bigg Boss 15. The actress was trolled for her age and relationship status, but she responded with grace and dignity.
Read exclusive insights from Ieshaan Sehgaal, known for his appearance on Bigg Boss 15, as he opens up about his childhood bullying and inspiring fitness journey. Discover his resilience, determination, and how he overcame obstacles to achieve personal growth. Explore the importance of balance in diet and exercise, and the power of mindset and willpower. Find out more at Example News.