Together with border crossings being weighed down Kevin now says the president after many years in government wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector President Trump flying to Louisiana for a campaign style rally in Lake Charles that s about to start he will be urging his supporters to vote against that state s popular Democratic governor Jon Bill Edwards in tomorrow s open primary election if Edwards gets 50 percent of the vote he wins another term the president also likely to talk about the partial trade agreement with China and now it s the South after noon Nothing is signed as yet but the president has agreed to hold off on tariffs set to go into effect on Tuesday China agreeing to buy u.s. Agricultural products again deadly wildfires in Southern California 100000 people ordered out of their homes 11 square miles burned in northern l.a. 2 fire related fatalities so far in the Midwest winds gusting up to 65 miles per hour in parts of North Dakota where
Don t know it to let people know it can be reversed before it becomes type 2 diabetes professional basketball player Julius Randle is doing everything in reverse among We don t know what the 1st one moves. Into practice 1st. I don t recommend. This move for shuffle but. I do recommend. And it s like me must to learn how to speak in reverse like this. Here s 10 almost for diabetes type 2 with living then has mama In other words my mom has been living with type 2 diabetes for almost 10 years so it s a gather we want to say to the 84000000 Americans at risk exercise and healthy eating can help reverse pre-diabetes start by taking a simple woman interest test I do I have pre-diabetes door brought to you by the Ad Council and it s pre-diabetes awareness partners Betty can say that her version if you re a single man under the age of $35.00 you probably like to know what the ladies are looking for on an online dating site a guy who had a few drinks and later got pulled over for a bus driving
Improve her mood and even for me ways to stay positive Luckily I found the caregiving Resource Center. Had articles about the basics that got me started but also information about the turtles I was a basic role I can even connect with experts and hear from others who have been in my place I know this road Ron isn t an easy one really happy to have the extra help for her and for me. Caregiving Resource Center and a r p dot org slash care giving articles tips and tools to help you both care for your loved one and care for yourself this message is brought to you by a r p and the and counsel. For. The moment my son saw a redwood tree 2. Is the moment I knew that for him you can see that that even the sky has no limit there are some moments only the forest can inspire find your ascent discover the forest dot over learn about forests and discover cool things to do when you go young woman is out there found at Discover the finest dad over brought to us for service and the testing from the Pa
To sell him and I m sure tell you why let s just talk for a little while let us just look we will give you the big presentation but let us just I mean get 5 minutes 5 minutes here is what I m thinking if I m the logo and Doc Rivers who why we get it because the Clippers understand to have talked to people there that the reason that they are really pretty much out of the running for Co I is that they don t have a 2nd star yet we saw him carry a team without stars to the championship this year but he didn t really want to have to do that every year and I get it he doesn t want that load every year he s looking at the Lakers could prolong my career so on and so forth but if I m the Clippers I m send number one Co I we don t have the 2nd star this moment but we ve got a roster of full of assets and we can easily go get you a 2nd star but we don t they also have to wait and figure it all out like you took so much time everybody signed and how do you think they re going to say that to him n
Figure prominently in elections in October the former president of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari has been arrested for money laundering and a corruption officials allege that dozens of fake accounts were set up to launder hundreds of millions of dollars Mr Zardari of Pakistan People s Party has accused the government of targeting him as part of a political vendetta The government says it played no part in the arrest Mr Zardari spent several years in prison on charges of corruption before becoming president in 22008 scientists have matched d.n.a. From nearly 30 Grapeseed found in Iron Age Roman and medieval archaeological sites across France to a genetic database of modern grapevines they show that many famous grapes including Sarah and Pino are closely genetically related to varieties known to the Romans grape vines are normally propagated by taking cuttings not from seed b.b.c. News you re listening to the news room from the b.b.c. World Service with me Alex Ritson in the past hour 10 ca