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Title moving the rods from 10 to one down to 11 to 4 Lakers the bribe back to Bill McGinn a 2 year deal and also continues Caldwell pope 2 years 16000000 dollars And also according to Chris Hayes of Yahoo Quinn Cook has reached an agreement on a 2 year deal earlier today Roger Federer Rafael Nadal and also serie a Williams all advance when the 3rd round match ups in straight sets some David gascón. This season walks toward Saturday's indefinitely I give you Steve hard bad and former Patriots cardinal and charger Ridge Warren Burger. Supports your topics for you though for. The final 3 to one block from the guy golf Fox Sports Radio Studios home here it is here Steve Harvey and former Patriots cardinal and charger rich or in burger. What a Saturn a what it's. Never fails does what do you think. Maybe we're going to have a quiet day just the opposite happens once again Hartman or a burger with you coming alive and the guy go Fox Sports Radio Studios 15 minutes could save you 50 percent of our current chance has a guy could act for free or a quote rich and I do our show on x. Or 1365 explored San Diego during the week and yesterday we are. We worked on the Friday after the 4th of July and we were speculating on when this quiet Leonard situation would finally be resolved then you know I was even thing him and we could get to Monday oh I know we get we can actually get you know we can to get through Monday you know one of the things that happened yesterday was the fact that the Lakers are sweating big time because if the deal did not get done by noon today when all these trades become official they would have had to rework the deal they would have had less money to offer koala Leonard as a free agent so this is one things we talked about yesterday was the fact the Lakers would have like 14000000 less to offer in a contract than the Clippers were if he were to wait longer then the weekend or even through Saturday well as it turned out he did make his decision last night and the good news for us the Lakers was it in effect their cap now they're trying to spend money on everything else well I'd spend money and also potentially spend resources that they've acquired in some of the shorter term contracts they've signed but also something else that sort of comes to my mind after seeing quide join the Clippers is the Lakers you know in general I'm the organization obviously wants to be good now but also into the future and Anthony Davis is young man in cow as young men will Bron James is not the the clock is ticking to make good on this promise to Lakers fans that along with Le Bron James comes a championship could you see a scenario where the Lakers trade Kaku csma to bring in a veteran somebody who may be able to impact and in part a greater chance of a championship sooner than then I know who's still developing into a star I would I would think a potentially positive deal would be. Possible if they have more competent management I mean Rob pulling just got played I mean he really got played think about this we had it we talked about the Lakers even being involved in the quiet Leonard sweepstakes that a much better situation for them would have been to get dnsbl Russell the agile Russell could be had and that's why I ended up with the Golden State Warriors the rankers could have if they had just given up on any idea of the Cole while Leonard was going to be a Laker you could have gone after D'Angelo Russell quite easily by the way and still have had cap space to add more players to the team so I with the Lakers look right now if you have Le Bron James Anthony Davis Kakuma and D'Angelo Russell and additional cats space which you could have used let's say on Sept curry. Right one of the most prolific 3 point shooters in the league actually has a higher current 3 point Senate percentage number how the lineup look to you with Anthony Davis Le Bron who is Miss Seth Curry and D'Angelo Russell as your starting lineup I mean look I you know D'Angelo Russell you know I mean the Lakers actually if you look at potential but then also the product they haven't done a terrible job drafting I mean the talent evaluation that that from the standpoint of who they brought into the system and what they've become in this league or what they still potentially could I mean there's still a big if when Lorenzo ball no no no no and that is a big if and that's it like an overall pick and I understand but that's also what the new regime My thought on the Lakers is will they have the number 2 overall pick 3 straight years and they they need they what they need to be desperate now is they need to win now because when you have Le Bron James that's it so I My point is there's no time to wait you have to bring in players who will help you immediately and look I'm not I'm not doubting that Koos mind can help them I'm just saying if there is an availability of another star out there who you can somehow package some of the other contracts around that are small money contracts you know one of these bloated salaries end of the deal on a team that has their sights set on tanking now and you package Guzman you send them to one of those teams you get an asset that can help you win now maybe it's an aged pro So what Le Bron James is 35 years old this upcoming season but here is the thing that's going to win now that the details are beginning to do filter out about how it is that while Leonard ended up as a clipper the Lakers were never in the mix No it doesn't feel that the only way the Lakers are in the mix at look at it this way it was obvious that Co I said I'd go to the Clippers with another player but when k.v. Went down when Katie went down with that blown Achilles. The change that changed everything so now of a sudden he's like All right Katie is out so now I need somebody else and he basically what we're finding out is the target was Paul George Now remember free agency began on the 1st today is the 6 so really since the 1st since the day free agency it it seems like that deal of how the Clippers could find a way to trade for Paul George has been in the works the entire time during this period where were the Lakers in all this I mean people that were speculating on the Lakers are guaranteeing the Lakers I've got egg on their face right now and the Lakers are the one who should have known this the Lakers what would they have been able to offer Oklahoma City nothing that's my point so the Lakers weren't in this you know play mode in the in this firm 100 I'm going to be packed to Paul George and I'm talking about is it was it was apparent to me that co-op never never are. Seriously consider the Lakers as an option one of the things we kept going back to is people like Magic Johnson who was the only one hung out there while not he would consider the Lakers with Duran Yes none and. Of course he would I mean look but then I let you know I didn't translate the landscape here's my point the Magic Johnson came out and was asked about Co I join and Le Bron James and Anthony Davis and Matt and like the idea like why would a guy who just you know was the lead dog for a team that just won the n.b.a. Championship want to be a 2nd or 3rd fill with the Lakers and he says well he was that with Tim Duncan in and monitor nobody in Tony Parker in San Antonio and my attitude was that was a different that was a different why he Leonard Cohen Leonard does want to be the top dog he also understands any you need a guy next to you of quality and that's why the Clippers where he was never think that he seriously thought of playing 2nd fiddle to Le Bron James with the Lakers I believe however I believe full heart of me that that's a less important than this koala owner doesn't want to be with an organization that he doesn't feel he can trust I mean think about the characters around the Lakers right now the recent ones now Magic Johnson Ok you was a long time Laker and he was a great but is he president of basketball operations No He's a former pro he's a great. You know what would you call a center piece right he's a conversation starter but he's not a talent evaluator you know he's a figurehead I mean Jeanie Buss she's she's she cleared house and she's running the show she brought in Rob pulling she a general manager No He's a former agent masquerading as a general manager I mean yeah I get it those jobs intersect and he probably has a better idea than somebody off the street on how to do that job but I think while . Leonard went them with the more stable organization he went with Doc Rivers a long time tenured pro and head coach over over wasn't vulgar with the Lakers and I mean he went with Jerry West over you know the genie boss in company and Linda Rambis incur Rambis those are the sued sayers behind the ownership in l.a. With the Lakers the Clippers of Jerry West I just think he wanted to go with a steady your hand that matches his personality way better I don't I don't look at Quine Leonard from a personality standpoint and I preclude him from the conversation with the Lakers because he couldn't make it work with Le Bron or Anthony Davis I preclude him from the Lakers conversation because they they their organization doesn't match his morals he's not for the flat she's there for the championship in the basketball and that's what it feels like the Clippers are trying our concentrating on and the Lakers are concentrating on being splashy and being headlines that's not quite Leonard. Way speaking of uncomfortable situations you know what do you know Paul George and Doc Rivers there's a little history there involving Doc Rivers daughter Calley. Back in 2014 Paul George was dating Cali rivers. When he impregnated a stripper and offered that stripper a $1000000.00 to abort the child. All right so if your Doc Rivers and Paul George shoot sheeted on you your daughter impregnating a stripper Ok well it's a daddy daughter's situation is that something that I don't know would be in the back of your mind all George was dating Doc Rivers daughter morning gays they weren't married that is correct Mark I you know you're talking about you're talking about people who say to their I don't remember twenty's and you're talking about a professional verse right away his daughter is now Kallie Rivers is now engaged to Sept curry. I had a lot of moving pieces I have a feeling I have a feeling that this could go under the category of water under the bridge because if you're a professional if you're going to make it you're going to have to withstand some of this sort of embarrassment I mean there's no 2 ways about it and so I think it is a dandy you know I don't know some that guy own I imagine the doc and p.g. 13 Now listen I you know there this is there this is well documented you're show me all of your support and Kelly rivers and Paul George were definitely an item they were a couple and then at the same time he was having an affair with a stripper who got pregnant well uncomfortable again again what water under the bridge most I'm just talking again we want to see all the pieces fit you know it's on paper it's like who the winners are now the best team in the n.b.a. According to the Vegas odds are the favorites we see happen under the worst possible situations could something this deep in this personal get involved maybe I mean here's the deal I think from a professional standpoint. I think Bull doc and Paul George would probably want to keep this one in the past because ever all parties have now gone. I don't know gavel make it a tie breaker on this is this something that could I can hear it I really do think it could n.b.a. Is the pettiest League Paul George has a rough history of. His relationships Spoken like a true liberal then there are stories I can't talk about from Indiana like if you look them up of what went on when he was in Indiana so you're talking about off the course all George yeah yeah with Roy Hibbert in another people around so did this happen I mean I don't want to misstate this didn't this happen with Le Bron James and his mom but you know what I coach. I mean like about what does it look I mean this is. Hitting me a member of their houses all situation with their acres they're all that there's a character in yeah. There are plenty and they all get in the closet and I'm telling you under the worst possible situation they get brought they get surfaced but if everybody keeps a professional which I imagine I know listen you're you're 82 and you're half of those games in a you know in a tube 30000 feet above Earth yeah I mean but still if you can keep things if you can keep things under hot I by the lake are you having a chance for success in the Clippers aren't that far off from getting in a fight in a tunnel right so I mean this stuff could easily pop up any where in the Geico Fox Sports radio studio so while the universe of the n.b.a. Is focused on the city of l.a. With the Suddenly real rivalry between the Lakers and the Clippers What about the rest of the league who murder. Sure Will this as any serious contender for the n.b.a. Title next season we're going to tell you coming up next. We are your goal for the 29 team women's World Cup. And our women are heading back to the finals and they're facing the Netherlands. 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When you went car shopping human is a spiritual history searches than test drive now you got your wheels if you manage that you can get your retirement plan on track visiting a secure retirement dot or can help brought to you by e r t and the actual use of the top and bottom of the hour says Fox News Radio 945 Tell us please if you can listen everywhere. Else. Bees greatest in the game one has the best in the major celebrate the classic The n.l.b. All-Star game live from Cleveland Tuesday to life not only. That Farmers Insurance We know every windshield collision has a unique sound beetle. Drone seen it covered talk to farmers. Directly from Mr planter and it seems that for its parts I'm going to. See Hartman and Ridge Orenburg are all right we're going to update you here on the latest latest Vegas odds to win the n.b.a. Championship in the 20192020 season great news quick and easy way for you to save money switch to Geico only takes into minutes to see if you can save 15 percent or more car insurance go to guy get out come and see how much you could say we're also going to try to hook up here with Fox Sports radio's and Doug Gottlieb got to be dying today because oh yeah I mean you're doing your show all week long he was filling in for calling yesterday and you're doing all the speculation and then of course the deal comes down you know around midnight on a Friday night and you're like I can't talk about this. So what if we get all the dog are going to grab him and get his thoughts anyway I'm looking here I mean there's a very sad with this seems to be consensus right now out of Vegas I've got here Clippers listed at 72 odds the favorites Clippers the favorites to win the n.b.a. Championship Lakers are right behind them at 41 bucks or 6 to one and then a big drop off to the Warriors and Sixers at $15.00 to $1.00 so Lakers Clippers Clippers Lakers the. They are the favorites to win the n.b.a. Championship 2 teams that share the same building Los Angeles is now the celestial home of basically the brightest stars in some of the most major All 3 of the major sports league in this country you have the Lakers and the Clippers burgeoning successes you have the Chargers in the Rams coming off huge runs both for not favored but both in the conversation to make a run at the Super Bowl again in the case of the Rams and you also have the the Dodgers who right now are crushing everybody in their pencils you have the best player base and then they angels out Mike Trout So look Los Angeles the city the sports scape has fared extremely well here you know is it the Lakers of the Clippers I don't know because guess what the Raptors won it all last year injuries matter who's standing at the end of the road matters I mean look the Warriors were your favorite to win the finals from the jump everybody had the warriors you could have anybody who didn't have the Warriors were probably wrong and they knew it and they knew they were being provocative it they handling it all the way to the final matchup if you lose one of those stars can you stand pat against a team that has 2 All right let's let's talk about the Warriors for a 2nd here so Duran's gone a good ol is gone ahead though so he was bringing up an interesting point if the Grizzlies who are trying to trade a good ol. Though you start looking at teens that might use them as a salary dump one possible team would be the mavericks right and the word is if Memphis were to trade a dollar to the Mavericks and the Mavericks is dumping for salary cap purposes he could turn right around to resign with the warriors of course so he could just do a round circle and they never have left. But when you have Steph Curry you know on a team that won 73 games he was deemed the unanimous most valuable player let's let's detour for a 2nd and we mention the frustration for this man I mean he spent all week long speculating speculating and you'll get a chance to talk about the next morning Doug Gottlieb is joining us right now he dug out we worked out this for you you know we we get the benefit of having a late night transaction like that and talking about it now we're going to give you some space so what do you make of what happened late late last night with quiet Leonard and Paul George joining the Clippers are I make amazing I mean you know what like the key thing for him. In all honesty Kevin Durant's injury and then collide Leonard It wasn't just that he went to the Clippers it's that he waited and engage the Lakers so that they really I mean you know end up spending 15000000 on Danny Green to try and pick up the pieces. And then you know I mean now that the story is out that that Russell Westbrook was offered a trade for. To to to Toronto like you've got if you like Oklahoma City he's got to move him like that that's once again he's out of Idol so he got half the top players have to top 10 players in the league have changed places you have for the 1st time in anyone's memory somebody choosing the Clippers over the Lakers actually to somebody and then the next over the Knicks So yes it's market size but you guys know this The Nets are the 7th most popular franchise in the tri state area and you know the Clippers have always kind of fought for respective milk banners in the arena and they've been trying to get their own 3rd 3rd biggest tenant in their own building so I just I'm almost at a loss for words and yes I am a little ticked that you guys get the glory my wife was just busting my chops about that when we were all star baseball and all the all the dads came in to get a cup of coffee like yeah yep so you work in the 4th of July for nothing ha big boy . You know I mean like good and then and then you have the Jerry West angle to it where you know he's the Lakers and bitterness there and he hands up you know now the Clippers seem to be the more stable franchise you have a rivalry I mean look if they have the Knicks can find a way to trade for Russell Westbrook I think the n.b.a. Has taken on a whole new fresh breath of fresh air is bad for the small markets but for t.v. Viewership you got you have 2 teams in New York was watching 2 teams in l.a. Star power parity I cannot think of a more transpo. In that week or 2 and what we've seen. From the n.p.r. You know Doug I got asked from the standpoint of it being such a player led league now institutional security the idea that you mentioned Jerry West without a way you know maybe James Dolan is the reason why you know stars who want to play in that market go to the knack instead of the Knicks is this truly feels like if if if you're a genie boss and you know you have a Rob pulling in your front office or if you're James Dolan in the antics in the player former player antics that he's portrayed in the past that can be held against you when you're targeting these big time free agents. Yes or no I don't think game Hillary or Megan they might be having they can get Kyra I don't know right. I've read make a rotter view about owners. You there there just check writers you know I mean they really are now look at social media it's a much bigger thing and easy to do to maybe Charles Oakley you know poison the well but I got to think if Kyrie Irving goes to the Knicks if he doesn't get hurt it's a whole different deal I do think the magic and go to it is fascinating right like here is Magic Johnson who tried to try to put himself into this process like you know with where do we think they're getting those stories that that Magic Johnson is involved you know so Magic Johnson was the only one talking and he tried to get in there and make himself a part of the process and in during the process you don't get quiet I'll be anxious to see even the most ardent Laker fan how much blowback there is to him considering . The fact that he went on t.v. And crushed this franchise in terms of their adequacy and you know to that I think resonates more than who the owner is you know when you when you paint the picture of a dysfunctional front office. I think that resonates far more so but like look like here's the celebration today if you're if you're I mean Hartman You know I we've been in humans market longer not have I grew up here you know to set a plan in place to have the like Hey look a year ago go like look this is what we're going to do you trade Blake Griffin and by the way when they did that no one saw it coming right. Said it had a pointless and there are a lot of people that want to fire Doc Rivers. Rivers a hell of a job this year. And then Lawrence Frank and they hold on to Trent Redden who got her here you know their team and they're sick and she able to look off her job they didn't leave because the bomber took care to put the plan in place to establish a culture and then be willing to move mountains and look after Herschel Walker trade. Everything Oh yeah. And then propose it all in the middle of the night and change the leaves and make yourself a favorite to win an n.b.a. Team if you're pretty l.a. Clippers that have to be committed that they may well and no doubt can you hang on we have so much we want to talk to you about you have a couple minutes here oh yeah you know you know how the clock works over here so I figured out you know what I'm going to do you know how this works I were in the Geico Foxworth's for his studio as we're talking to Fox Sports radio's Doug Gottlieb joining us for right now let's find out which Tran The All right gas guy I want to we got going on out there all because quick and easy for you guys to get back to Doug road quick Wimbledon action today rob them Adele 3 away as both advanced when the 3rd round match ups in straight sets so this guy. You know he wins it in straight sets as well Major League Baseball some bad news to report Carlos Caracal the pitcher for the Cleveland Indians has not pitchmen since May been diagnosed with leukemia Nationals have active in a right hand pitcher Max Scherzer from the paternity list Reds have released lead 10 of pitchers ag Duke and Marlins back to the lead 10 a pitcher killed Smyth in the 10 day injure less well being said back to Steve Hartman rich or Bergen just 10 seconds but 1st a word from farmers at Farmers Insurance We no roof can withstand the. One exception being an airborne car seen it covered talk to farmers. Whose. Under it my farmers truck Fancher and 6 that inference. On the other hand he sank back to John Hi Thank you very much. Mr Gast we have Doug Gottlieb joining us right now by the way. Zoo Botts has agreed to a 4 year 28000000 dollars deal to stay with the Clippers Doug Gottlieb that is just come down 8 or more generosity is reporting again Zuba it's a 4 year 20000000 dollar deal to stay with the Clippers So as we look at our future odds right now Doug the Clippers are listed at 72 favorites right now to win the n.b.a. Championship Lakers right behind him at 4 to one so when you when you add up the 2 rosters right now what do you see well I mean I have you have and you have better balance. Below. We just last night hang on to say Hang on I know he was I know one thing I know about Doug he doesn't just stop him it's oh yeah go ahead go ahead you said 8 deep to take it from there we're going to get in the water now who are the top 5 players only right you got me in the green. Thing with Claire and I'm a little surprised about a couple of other edition. But I but I think. I do think the Clippers are a better deeper rocker. Carroll you start by can pretty much. You've got shooting off the bank you know we're going to get you in can often crop the banks like that that great roster and they have an established culture record coordinator like they . Question With the Clippers and I don't know anybody about the sub is George's health right nice a nice scope last year after he signed these things and then he was the m.v.p. Of the league 1st have to hear that his shoulder problems and he's had to have that so that's the one thing that I would I would I would worry about if I was that I was the Clippers for the Lakers you know the Braun is not the racer defensively that he used to be and so now you're going to call on Anthony Davis really to defend it and I don't think they're going to great sensibly and I don't know if they have enough shooting and I also don't know how I think David sticks with a Bron James like. Le Bron James like his foreman to play as flies Chris Bosh base before he wants to be the point guard how does that work here so I think there's still a lot of question about the Lakers but I don't think they're dead in the water I still think we've got Le Bron at the people of Iran and you got Anthony Davis and everybody thinks he's a top 5 Plainly you're going to be pretty good but the Clippers roster culture everything already established whereas the Lakers are still looking to add a defensive assistant coach they back around Adams all offseason having done so there's a lot of things up in the air for the likes of you know the 3 of us live in Southern California it's very difficult not to get into rolled with the Western Conference but they're also stockpiling some of the greatest players available in basketball the east just carrying Duran but the Rams coming off an Achilles I don't know how the nets are going to be who do you like out of the youth next year well I mean look you still have a lot you have the best record. You know and I think Boston has a chance to have a great culture even if they go even if they're not. Even even if they're not accounted team like Kyrie is a better player than Tebow but temple makes it and if Jason Tatum becomes who people think he could be there's no reason to think the Celtics will compete and then the yeah the next day the Nets had they took the league by storm. How they played for each other and I think I realize I think they'll be good I just don't know if they'll be great. And I think the thing that will wait for now is what happens with Russell Westbrook. You know rough was a very emotional guy and Paul George kind of sent him on social media but you wake up this morning he sees that he was offered up in the trade for the trial to the contractors. I guess I'll let you go you have an update on that by the way was just reporting that Westbrook in his agent are engage with Ok c.g.m. Sam Presti on steps for the All-Star guard including the possibility of trade this summer so if and once we start hearing about a player wanting a trade what we have learned recently is they're going to be traded a budget is where would be a possible destination in Russell west from the Knicks because either one right the Knicks or Chicago got the big market. Knicks Chicago. Only other place I could see potentially Charlotte just in his business relationship with Michael Jordan I know they they just went out and got a point guard but you know that could be part of the deal but like look this is like once you go call the divorce attorney you know you call the divorce attorney and they like that or we're trying to work it out like yeah I know that one good luck with that one with your wife so. I think that's the big thing that among the other parts you know that as we experienced an earthquake last night in Southern California right there's the aftershocks you know and the 1st one the other day was pretend to be appreciated right that's the aftershocks of cool why and Paul George is Russell Westbrook in Oklahoma City going to get a divorce and what is Russell Crowe that's going to be tested by the way to Marcus because and Smokey has just signed a one year deal with the Lakers happen in fast didn't he just a few minutes for mid-level what mid-level exception to that was you know no details yet no details but we do know the demarc his cousin says agree to the. Douglas we keep you on we're going to have literally a deal every 5 seconds here but let me ask you this Doug because you've covered this league a long time and you know we used to lead up to these free agency periods in a lot of noise would be made and then pretty much nothing would happen obviously this is a nuclear blast right now around the n.b.a. Is this good for the future of the league to have this kind of. Dramatic player movement Well generally I would say no like n.f.l. People like you could mean you can't go on your star but considering where they're going having committed your t.v. Market. You know it's bad for small market people and that's why you're seeing New Orleans and commissary load up on track that's the way in which they like talent is to track them just in volume right whereas the way to accumulate out when you're in the big cities is to is to sign him you know the 2nd deal come at the end he's done for a long time and maybe have a accused Do I think long term this is good no but we always knew this was the this was the year 2000 and he was the year and increases years have been kind of a letdown and it felt that way a little bit and then all the sudden you know Katie inquiry and then this one and then Campbell goes to Boston where people said you couldn't get free agents and now they've got 3 in the past 4 years so I do think it's good because in order for this this league to be healthy you've got to have the major t.v. Markets the Lakers got to be good frankly Knicks need to be good you've got to have it in New York you got to have it in Boston get every So Delphia Chicago It helps too and Toronto as you know good you know doesn't rate and our system so. And and and here's the thing is parity Yes maybe the best team is and over have a good as well and there's still Denver out there ever really good I got it wasn't about parity though I mean if we look at the finals ratings are still for the years and we see there's always a rise there's a flow when you have a dynasty you know brand and you can have a lot of competition underneath the dynasty and there can be parity there but you know it feels like n.b.a. Watchers fans of the sport come out in droves to watch the championship round in this more when when there's a true dynasty the Showtime Lakers or the Bulls in the ninety's or for sure but there but the rest but the rest of the playoffs weren't well watched because everybody thought it was a foregone conclusion whether it's about you know the volume and like I think you watch the big names you know if Le Bron I mean I'm with you they people do like they say they hate dynasties but then they always to watch tennis but for the rest of the playoffs how many times is it a snooze because it became a you know a foregone conclusion it was going to be the worst it was going to be the Cavs and only the task at the close. Doug it's great to have you on the least at least have a little venue to screw that our new house Fox Sports Radio Yashin out there so you can hear a little Gottlieb's thoughts on what just happened last night. What it what a night right Robin we had your break and then a camper from Marie I never cancel a night of summer even then I was talking I mean I'm sure you guys are like my body to me. Like the Laker haters are my friend you know call me if you're going back. From a. Week day so you 6 on the East Coast and he of course the dug out late show dug Great stuff as always man will be listening because you got plenty of talk about all week long man it's my pleasure there you go there he is the day great Doug Gottlieb joining us right there right self as we're seen as we're just talking to Don. Concert. A Laker So we're going to try to get some more details in fact sitting here in the Geico Fox Sports Radio studios by the way coming to live from the Geico Foxworth's radio studios he says say 50 percent of our new car insurance guy go go to guy going to convert call 809 for 7 out of the only hard part for going out which way is easier really get back to some of the odds as they are fluctuating right now on who are the teens to be the n.b.a. Next season we'll give you an update coming up next. Why when awhile and who lives in a quiet Leonard he is now a Los Angeles Clipper And finally why has a team listen as we talk about this for the next few years. Sports Radio. Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. 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Will bring back some of his thoughts will get later on in the show the one thing he did was sort of try to tie in the earthquakes and we've had of the last couple days here in Southern California and the ripple effects you know the aftershocks and we're getting some aftershocks right now after the big quake that hit the n.b.a. Last night with quiet Leonard joining forces with Paul George on the Clippers one of the deals that just came down was bookie cousins signing with the Lakers I mean guys you remember a couple years ago when bookie join Anthony Davis with a paladin's what a big story that was 20 hours 2 guys averaging 25 and 12 putting up these big numbers and you know it actually worked for a while and then he got hurt in and that's the probably never get to see how it would sustain itself but he cousins is really an x. Factor for the Lakers because we saw him quite a comeback this past year with the Warriors with very mixed results he didn't really seem to fit and now he's reunited and by the way the word was that they he were trying to get cousins but Anthony Davis again a former teammate of his with the pelicans said no man come here of this this is interesting so simply start looking at this Laker roster you know he had Danny Green here he had Shira Dudley over here you know they're starting to put pieces. Now you bring in a boogie cousins they're into I guess my biggest thing with all this is as I want to see how these teens on paper I look at all right I think only how are they going to actually measure has a team or are they before we speculate on exactly how the season is going to play out because we're a long way from home there and there's more moves to be made you know I mean bring this up with Doug we've been if you miss that interview will be will be playing portions of that coming on next hour but this thought process. Maybe potentially being available for trade for maybe a veteran from a team who's got a big salary hanging over them they want to dump the salary more of a win now Guy instead of a guy with a lot of potential although Kouzmanoff he showed a stripes last year maybe he's part of this puzzle to earn them a championship I don't know I just feel like we're not out of the woods as far as trades and big signings goes so I'll hold off there but if I'm a Lakers fan and my pissed off the Magic Johnson. So magic signs on as the president of basketball operations and yes Le Bron James comes to the Lakers but didn't that seem like a preconceived notion to him I know it was John James knew where he wanted in the long run is it not or if you have Magic Johnson right Ok so magic 1st target then was Paul George after Le Bron James that falls through never even gave them a meeting never even met with the Lakers stayed in no case and wanted to be in So Cal Ok so he misses on p.g. 13 and he starts talking then about how this is a 2 year project I'll quit this job if I don't see I'm doing a good job he actually made good on that promise he then targeted Anthony Davis right before the trade deadline and that when completely saw a y. Yes he quits pulling the land's a d. Or a liberal on whoever you want to get Although although you have to say this they actually gave up more this time around than they would of Under the proposed deal earlier so that they didn't get some kind of bargain on Anthony Davis they actually ended up giving up more pieces for the Anthony Davis trade than that was on the table and so who knows during the season who knows like hiring might I'm trying to get out why you angry with Johnson Well my point is maybe the 1st time around had you grease the skids a little bit and played this with a debt more deft hand as we found out Magic Johnson is willing to leak information to the media he went on e.s.p.n. After he quit his job and bashed the Lakers for crying out loud do you think the fact that the Anthony Davis trade conversations were popped so public and anybody to blame other the Magic Johnson at this point my point is this you know you magic tried to insert himself it was reported into the Co I lettered conversations trying to was a resort and he actually was quoted I mean he or he be put out there is no he tried to insert himself that conversation and then quite goes to the Clippers might never be. Hawai was a series about the Lakers but my point being if you are a Lakers fan you know you're looking at this team will never say anything bad about man you're looking in in your neighbor's yard and you're saying well the co-op got p.g. 13 don't think you can buy magic for this I don't think why later in the Leonard wanted to be a clipper that's what we had heard from the get go Ok Lakers were sort of this last 2nd thing where suddenly the Lakers were in the conversation you know but the Lakers in the conversation the Lakers we always felt from the beginning that koala lantern was the kind of guy he wanted to be in l.a. But he was a maybe necessarily with the spotlight of being a Los Angeles Laker looking if you had your little scene with our garage or a plane with have a better opportunity of getting somebody to show some pause down the stretch of the wild plan or it was a control his own situation and he is controlling it with the Clippers he control it to the tune of telling them you get me Paul George and I will sign a contract they did he did and that's why the Clippers right now are the favorites to win the n.b.a. Championship so I have a little more Doug Gottlieb had some inside information rich and we're just going to continue to update you as the deals come down busy day and the n.b.a. . 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Degree 94 year deal with the Clippers yesterday and Paul George via Ok c. Is also becoming the Clippers I'm the transaction that sell the Clippers and 2 players and also for unprotected 1st round picks to Ok see so what all that means Caesars sportsbook in Vegas has the Clippers as the odds on favorite to win it all the title next season that is leggers have reacted now accordingly regime Iran has agreed on a 2 year deal to return the Lakers to Marcus Cousins just agreed on a one year deal with the Lakers Juval McGhee is also returned to Elena 2 year deal continues Caldwell poll to your 16 $1000000.00 and also Quinn Cook is recent agree with the Lakers on a 2 year deal for $6000000.00 more of that Fox Sports dot com Major League Baseball Cleveland Indians pitcher Carlos Khorassan who has been diagnosed with leukemia I'm David gascón. This season watch sports Saturday's in-depth I give you Steve Madden and former Patriots cardinal and charger Ridge born in Berkshire. Supports your topics for you the. Turn of the final 3 to one flock from the guy gal Fox Sports Radio studios. Here it is here Steve Harvey former Patriots cardinal and charger rich or a Burger King I hope you're buckled up because you get after shots all things going on with the n.b.a. Man it just seismic every 5 minutes we've got a news story brewing here once again we're coming to live from the guy go Fox Sports Radio Studios 15 minutes could save you 50 percent or more in the current surance was a guy go dot com for a free recall Well the Browns been shaking here in Southern California with a couple of earthquakes over the last couple of days. And also all the shaking going on with the 2 n.b.a. Teams in l.a. The Lakers and the Clippers the Lakers are trying to answer back as the Clippers pulled the big one last night getting not only quiet Lehner but engineering a huge trade to pry Paul George away from the Oklahoma City Thunder media course a Lakers still had a lot of money to spend and they are spending it right now we mentioned the bookie Cousins has agreed to a one year deal this is just come down no surprise here with John Rondo a 2 year deal to remain with the Lakers So if you look at a Laker roster right now Rondo is back in t.b.s. Caldwell pope is back to Vail McGee is back because my obviously is back Le Bron is back and then he got all these other moving pieces like oh I don't know Anthony Davis Boogie cousins. Quinn Cooke Jared Dudley I mean the again yeah one of the problems the Lakers had last year we talked a lot about this Rich last year going into the year remember we.

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